Project Life Mastery: How To Master Every Area Of Your Life

Imagine how your life would be if you fully committed to mastery.

Activate all of your senses and visualize your dream lifestyle. Who are you with? Where do you live? How do you feel?

A lot of people assume that self-mastery is unattainable. This is far from true.

The path of self-mastery is an internal and self-directed journey that takes practice. That being said, I have tools that can help you take the first step.

Are you ready to discover how you can get out of your own way and become the master of your world?

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

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Are you ready to commit to mastering every area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program which will help you become the master of your world!

What does mastery mean to you?

The first step to changing anything in your life is self-awareness. Think about it… if you aren't aware of what something means, it will be near impossible for you to embody it. I want to share with you the success principles that I live by every single day. These are personal commandments that govern all of my behaviors.

However, before I talk about these principles it's important that you know that life mastery is a holistic concept, meaning that it embodies many different facets of the self. Financial success is only one piece of the pie, so to speak. A lot of people assume that if you make a lot of money, everything else falls into place. This isn't necessarily true.

There are a lot of millionaires and billionaires who are very unhappy. They lack balance because they neglect to acknowledge and nurture the different areas of their lives. A study found that once we reach a certain household income – $105,000 in the United States, $95,000 globally – more income “tends to be associated with reduced life satisfaction and a lower level of well-being.”

I don't know about you, but I don't want to be the richest man in the graveyard. What is the point of having a lot of money but not having the mental or emotional well-being to go along with it? If the money that you make doesn't fulfill you or bring meaning to your life, you will only feel empty. This is why I believe that, if you want to create an extraordinary life, you must continuously focus on and master 10 core areas.

I call this, The Life Mastery Blueprint.

If you want to learn about this blueprint in more detail, I encourage you to go to the About section on my website. I define success as living at a level 7 or more in each area of my life. This ensures that I am always making progress and living a life that fulfills me. Keep in mind that there is no right and wrong with regards to where you fall on the scale for each area. This is your life. You decide what is important to you.

I want to show you a process and tool that you can use to measure each of these areas of life on an ongoing basis. This will help you have awareness of where you're at in each area so that you can bring more balance to your life. I encourage you to take out a journal right now. Draw a circle and a pie. For simplicity reasons, we are only going to focus on 8 different areas.

1. Health & Fitness

There are a lot of people who look physically fit on the outside. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that they're healthy. Physical fitness is your capacity to have strength and endurance, but your health is your vitality. It's how every part of your bodily organs function.

On a scale from 0 to 10, where are you, health-wise in your life? Get honest with yourself. When you know where you are, you will know what you need to do in order to optimize your health.

2. Mind & Emotions

Your mind is a powerful tool. It can either be your friend or your worst enemy. When it comes to success, mindset is everything. A lot of people who struggle with disempowering thoughts assume that they cannot change. They fail to realize that they are not their thoughts.

Once you have this awareness you start to become an active observer of your mind are able to differentiate who you are from your critical inner voice. If you don't do the work to master your mindset, it will master every single decision that you make. Conversely, your emotions reflect how you feel on a consistent basis.

Is your emotional home-focused more on empowering and positive feelings, or do you suffer from feelings of anxiety and depression? On a scale from 1-10, with 10 being an optimal emotional state, where do your emotions fall?

3. Relationships

I define relationships as an intimate relationship with a man or a woman. What does your ideal relationship look like? Each person has different values. Thus, their perceptions of the characteristics and qualities that are deemed important in a partner will differ too.

You attract that which you are. From personal experience, once you have done the work to clear old conditioned patterns of thinking and behaving, you are better able to attract an ideal partner into your life. More importantly, you have a better understanding of what you want and don't want.

4.  Mission & Purpose

This is reflective of what you do for a living. A lot of people have careers that they're not passionate about. They go to their 9 to 5 jobs just to get a paycheck every month, but they aren't fulfilled. If you could get paid to do what you love, what would your ideal career be, if it was at a level 10?

Check in with yourself and get clear about where your current job fits on this scale. If you're struggling to answer this question, I encourage you to take note of what your work values are and then ask yourself if your job allows you to exercise those values. If not, it's time to rethink your mission and purpose.

5. Money

On a scale from 1-10, where are you financially? Maybe your level 10 is making $100,000 per year, whereas, for others, a level 10 may be achieving a millionaire or multi-millionaire status. Forget about what society or your family thinks, what are your financial goals?

What do YOU want for YOUR life? Before you can take control of your finances, you need to know where you're falling short so that you can start budgeting and managing the money that you already have. This is how you set yourself up to win financially.

6. Fun, Family & Friends

Life is meant to be enjoyed. If you take life too seriously, you're going to miss out on a lot of fun experiences. You want to make sure that you are investing time and energy into creating magic moments with people you love. Equally important is engaging in hobbies that bring you joy. By nature, we are social creatures.

Connecting with others is a great way to relieve stress and disconnect from doing mode. Make sure that you don't neglect this part of your life because you're investing too much energy into other areas. Keep in mind that there will be times in your life where you have to make sacrifices that will get in the way of your social time. What's most important is that you try to balance each area of life as much as possible.

7. Contribution

Contributing to others is a huge aspect of my life, as it aligns with my mission and purpose. I am very passionate about philanthropy. I've been traveling to third world countries for quite a few years now and have helped build schools and homes for families in need.

Some of the countries I've visited include Kenya, Ethiopia, Ecuador, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. Contributing brings so much meaning to my life. As Tony Robbins says, “The secret to living is giving.” The more that you give, the more that you get back.

Sit back and ask yourself, “What do you want to contribute to the world?” What legacy will you leave?” You've been given the incredible gift of life. Don't just take from it. Rather, give back so that the next generation is better off. Get clear on your current level of contribution and reflect upon what level you aspire to.

8. Spirituality

Spirituality looks and feels different for everyone. I am a Christian but I've explored and studied a lot of different spiritual modalities. Spirituality goes beyond the physical. I believe that we are spiritual beings who are living a human experience. Our body is only temporary. This is why I have a strong spiritual connection with God.

That connection that I have to my Creator has added a richness and meaning to my life that trumps everything. What are your spiritual beliefs? Whatever those are, I encourage you to cultivate, practice and live them every single day, whether that's a daily prayer, a meditation practice, or yoga.

On a scale of 1-10, what is your level of spirituality? What would a level 10 look like for you, and how does that differ from where your current level of spirituality now?

The question now is… are you ready to master every area of your life?

Reflect upon the number that you gave for each area of your life. I encourage you to give focus on areas that are below level 7. Ask yourself, “What can I do to level up this area of life?” Don't expect that you will achieve life mastery overnight. That isn't realistic.

Take massive action and keep making strides every single day towards becoming the best version of yourself. When you commit your life to mastery, you become the creator of your destiny. Don't wait for one moment longer to become the person you've always wanted to be.

The time is now. Self-mastery is your birthright.

Are you ready to commit to mastering every area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program which will help you become the master of your world!

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