How To Reset Your Mind: Dopamine Detox

Did you know that you can reset your mind with a dopamine detox?

When dopamine levels are too low, people experience depression, anxiety and overwhelm.

If you are someone who struggles with mental health issues, you're not alone. According to the World Health Organization, more than 300 million people are now living with depression.

The good news is that you don't have to suffer anymore. What I'm going to share with you has the power to change your life.

Ready to discover the solution for how you can reset your mind and feel better? 

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

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A dopamine detox can change your life.

In the brain, dopamine functions as a neurotransmitter. It affects many aspects of your behavior, some of which include learning, motivation, and mood. Your brain is addicted to dopamine, and it will try to stimulate the repetition of the behavior that produced the dopamine hit in the first place.

The challenge with this is, once you get what it is that you desire, dopamine turns off. As a result, you end up not feeling as satisfied as you thought you would. In fact, you may feel empty. In turn, you end up craving more and more. This leads to a delusionary cycle whereby you constantly find yourself chasing happiness. This is referred to as “the molecule of more” because dopamine fuels your desire.

Have you ever desired someone in your life? Maybe you met a man or a woman and you obsessed over them so much, to the point that you felt as if you were falling in love. When you have an experience like this, your dopamine levels in your brain skyrocket.

Let me give you an example of how dopamine plays out in the context of a relationship. In the beginning stages of dating someone, it can feel like you're high on love. Can you relate? Everything feels so good, otherwise referred to as the honeymoon phase. During the heart-pounding excitement of new love, your brain releases a lot of phenylethylamines (PEA) which creates that punch drunk in love kind of feeling.

Unfortunately, the effects of PEA wear off with time and infatuation tends to fade within 12-18 months. When this happens, a lot of relationships end because the excitement is gone. In short, people get too complacent with one another. 

There are a lot of behavioral patterns that people indulge in that are fueled by dopamine.

A simple and powerful example is sugar addiction. Dopamine creates a craving for sugar. When you crave something sweet, you may envision what the sugar will taste like when it hits your mouth. Once you taste the first bite, you may notice that the second bite isn't as satisfying as you thought it would be.

People end up repeating this cycle which creates an addiction to sugar and binge eating. This is the direct result of dopamine overstimulation. Why is this a problem? Anything in moderation is OK. I'm not anti-anything. However, the problem arises when those things become addictive to the point that you overstimulate your dopamine levels.

When you do this, your baseline level of happiness and joy goes up. At this point, you need more of those dopamine hits in order to feel pleasure. Not surprisingly, it becomes even harder to experience a sense of aliveness. The result is feelings of depression, anxiety, or an overall lack of energy or motivation. 

Here's where things can get messy. When you stop engaging in addictive behaviors all at once, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. This is a dangerous way to detox your system. This is when it's easy to fall back into destructive patterns of behavior that give you instant gratification.

It becomes the only way that you are able to experience happiness. People use dopamine hits as a way to mask negative emotions that they don't want to feel. You can only distract yourself for so long before those emotions rise to the surface and start affecting every area of your life. 

The solution to all of this is to do a dopamine detox.

The best way to reset your mind is to cultivate “here and now” transmitters. These include serotonin, endorphins, oxytocin, and GABA. These neurotransmitters allow you to enjoy the present moment, experience connection and be at peace with yourself. They give you lasting fulfillment and joy. 

You cultivate these “here and now” neurotransmitters by slowly starting to remove behaviors that are causing issues in your life. Pick one thing that you are addicted to, whether that's video games, pornography, social media, coffee, or sugar. Give your mind a rest and allow your baseline to return to a normal level.

Meditation is a powerful way to increase your dopamine levels naturally and reset your brain. It's also been found to rebuild your prefrontal cortex, which is the part of your brain that helps with self-control and willpower. If you have an overactive mind, meditation will change your life in that it will bring you back to the present moment, which is all that you have.

This is how to reset your mind and take back control of your life.

I encourage you to do some research on what a dopamine detox involves and learn how other's lives have changed as a result of doing it. If you're struggling, don't give up hope. You deserve to feel good and live a happy and fulfilling life.

Are you ready to do a dopamine detox? Your brain will thank you for it.

Ready to succeed faster and master every area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

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