RETRAIN YOUR MIND FOR HAPPINESS | Project Life Mastery Motivation

Did you know that happiness is a habit that you can cultivate on a daily basis?

Happiness is not a destination. Rather, it's a state of being.

I believe that everyone has the desire to be happy. However, a lot of people end up losing themselves in the pursuit of happiness.

You will never find happiness if you tirelessly search for it, but you can shift your thinking so that being happy becomes your default emotion.

If you want to discover how you can retrain your mind for happiness, keep reading!

Watch the video below:

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Happiness is a choice.

If you're not as happy as you would like to be, the good news is that you have the power to change your state of mind. We all have a mindset, otherwise known as a series of beliefs that determine our experience of life. Each person has a different perception of the world. These differences are rooted in how each person was conditioned to believe and behave during childhood.

At every given moment of your life, you choose a filter through which you see the world. That filter impacts the way in which you interact with yourself and others. If you want to experience more happiness in your life, you have to start observing the quality of your thoughts.

By bringing more awareness to your current filter selection and actively finding one that serves your highest self, you become a more positive person. I hold positive beliefs that affirm every experience has the potential to help me become a better person. As a result, I am better able to transform my challenges into opportunities for growth and find the silver lining.

Your reality is based on what you believe. Your beliefs will either empower or disempower you. If you draw inaccurate conclusions about who you are and what you're capable of, you will only end up limiting your potential and capacity to experience happiness.

A lot of people hold onto stories from their past that keep them feeling stuck. If you continue to accept these stories as truth, you will continue being a victim of your life. The moment that you take responsibility for your life, you give yourself permission to step into the role of a victor.

Did you know that many of your beliefs are conditioned?

This means that you adopt negative belief systems at an early age that become the foundation for your future thinking. Stop buying into stories that other people have created for you. If you want to change your life, start with changing the meaning behind your stories.

This doesn't mean that you have to forget about the past. Rather, it's about committing to rewriting your story in a more empowering way. Unfortunately, a lot of people create their life narratives based on past events. They aren’t conscious of the meaning-making process they instinctively go through in their day-to-day life.

Nothing has meaning unless you give it meaning. When you change the meaning of your past, you also change the narrative of your present. Whatever information you feed your mind on a regular basis is what you are going to experience in life.

This is why you need to be mindful of your thoughts and where you focus your attention. In the words of Jim Rohn, “Every day, stand guard at the door of your mind.” Don't allow negativity to seep into your mind and negatively affect your life. This is why it's crucial that you carefully choose who you surround yourself with.

It doesn't matter how disciplined you are. If you hang out with negative people who complain all of the time, you will be negatively influenced by their energy. If your environment isn't serving you, change it.

I have achieved the success that I have today in large part because I actively did the work to attract successful people into my life. These people inspired me to achieve greatness and instilled in me the belief that anything is possible.

This is how you retrain your mind for happiness.

Your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Don't allow the past to dictate your present or future. You are the creator of your happiness. Give yourself permission to design a life that brings you a lifetime of abundance, joy, and fulfillment.

Do you want access to 21 powerful morning rituals that will help you create more happiness, joy, and fulfillment in your life? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE Morning Ritual Habits Cheatsheet!

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