Are You Setting Your Goals Effectively?

Get real with yourself… are you setting your goals effectively?

If you are still wishing that your life was different, you have yet to convert your dreams into goals.

A lot of people talk about their goals, but not everyone follows through and makes their dreams a reality. I want to make sure that your dreams don't go up in smoke.

It starts with understanding how to set goals. Once you know how to do that, you will feel more motivated to take action to achieve them.

If you're ready to start setting goals the smart way so that you can create the life you've always wanted, this blog is for you…

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/7158379-plm-835-are-you-setting-your-goals-effectively-motivational-video.mp3″ background=”default” ]

Do you want the most cutting-edge strategies for achieving your goals faster and mastering every area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program! 

Setting goals helps you to achieve your ultimate vision.

Goals give you a sense of direction. When you know where you're going, it's a lot easier to stay on course. Without goals, it's easy to dabble and jump from one thing to another, without ever accomplishing anything. Research tells us that 92% of goal-setters don't actually reach the goals they set. Naturally, this creates a lot of pain and suffering for people.

This is why setting goals effectively is critical to your success in life. However, before you can set goals, you need to have a vision for your life. Take a step back, look at the bigger picture, and ask yourself, “What am I moving towards?” Start with the end in mind.

Goals are merely actions that you need to achieve in order to bring you one step closer to your ultimate vision. If you want to achieve success in life, it's critical that your vision and goals align with one another. If there is misalignment, your motivation will dwindle. In this state, reaching your goals will be unattainable.

This is why I encourage you to set goals in a SMART way. SMART goals are goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Let's break down this goal-setting strategy for success.

S – Specific

You want your goals to be specific. It is pointless to set a vague goal. If you say to yourself, “I want to be skinny” you're not setting a goal. Rather, you're just stating an unfulfilled desire. Get more specific. How much weight do you want to lose? Once you have a starting point in mind, it will be easier to review your progress along the way.

M – Measurable

Once you have a specific goal in mind, now you want to determine how long it will take you to achieve that goal. When you create a deadline for yourself, you have a plan in place for when you need to achieve it. By measuring your goal it will ensure that you stay motivated to follow through. More importantly, you'll have a better understanding of when you're close to reaching your goal.

Going back to our example above, how many times per week will you need to work out in order to lose X amount of weight?

A – Achievable

Your goal must be attainable, meaning possible to achieve. You want to challenge yourself and stretch your capabilities. However, if you don't believe you'll be able to follow through, you'll quit before you're ahead.

If your goal is to lose X amount of weight, how will you accomplish this goal?

R – Realistic

Where a lot of people get into trouble is that they set goals that are highly unrealistic, meaning that it's unlikely that they will be achieved in a timely manner. Not surprisingly, it's hard to stay motivated if there is no end in sight. There is no point in setting a goal if it isn't achievable.

You need to determine if your goal can be realistically achieved, based on the resources you have at your disposal and the time you have to achieve it.

Are you willing and fully able to commit to losing X amount of weight? If you have a crazy work schedule, maybe it's not realistic for you to go to the gym 7 days a week. If this is the case, you may want to set a more realistic goal.

T – Timely

Every goal needs a timeline for completion. If you don't put one in place, you will only end up procrastinating. It's okay if you end up modifying your schedule along the way, but get clear on your time frame. What is your target date for achieving your goal? If you don't set a date, someday will never come.

SMART goals provide you with the structure that you need to achieve your goals. The reason why I achieve all of the goals that I set for myself is that I follow the above strategy. With every goal that you set for yourself, you need to determine what your level of desire and belief is.

You want your level of desire and belief to be a 7 or above. That is your sweet spot.

Anything below that isn't strong enough. You set yourself up to win when your desire and your belief are aligned with your goals.  When you set goals, it's natural to focus on the outcome. However, the true reward of goal achievement is who you become along the way.

The process of achieving a goal is what ends up changing your life.

Going back to our SMART goal example above, the reward for losing weight isn't just about how your body will change physically. The act of losing weight isn't an event. Rather, it's a process of becoming the person who you truly want to be – healthy, fit, and confident.

More importantly, it's about the journey you will have to go through to build willpower, discipline, and lasting results. In the words of Henry David Thoreau — “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”

Personal growth will always trump the outcome if you're willing to fall in love with the process of becoming the best version of yourself. Focusing on the process is what will allow you to enjoy the results even more.

Are you ready to start setting your goals the SMART way?

The people who achieve their goals in life are the ones who are willing to do anything and everything to achieve them. If you feel yourself being pushed towards your goals, they aren't the right goals for you.

When you want a goal bad enough, you will be pulled towards your dreams and inspired to design a vision for your life that makes you come alive inside. Ultimately, having a burning desire and belief in your goals will prove to be the fuel that drives you forward, despite the obstacles you will face along the way.

Do you want the most cutting-edge strategies for achieving your goals faster and mastering every area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

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