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The Inner Game Of Success (Your Beliefs & Values)

why you don't have success in lifewhy you don't have success in life

When you master the inner game of success, you can achieve anything.

Inside this blog, I share with you the three factors that encompass the inner game of success.

The quality of your mind determines the quality of your life.

If you draw inaccurate conclusions about who you are and what you’re capable of doing, you will only limit your potential.

If you're tired of falling short of your goals and are ready to succeed faster, read on…

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Let's talk about the psychology of success.

When you ask successful people what it takes to be successful they always talk about mindset. At the end of the day, mindset is everything. Your beliefs and values determine every single decision that you make in life.

If you think that you deserve success, then you will do whatever is necessary to become successful. Conversely, if you think that you're a failure, then you will create opportunities that set you up to fail.

What you focus on, expands. Where people get stuck is that they allow their limiting beliefs to determine who they are. In effect, they sabotage their success without even realizing it. If you depend on old patterns of thinking that disempower you, you will never be able to change your life.

You will be a victim of your mental programming. The first step in creating the life you desire is recognizing the power of your beliefs. The beliefs that shape your decisions, actions, and destiny. Once you have this awareness, you give yourself the power to reprogram disempowering beliefs into empowering ones.

Let me give you an example that reflects the power of beliefs.

Time and time again I see a lot of people pursuing success, with the intent to find the strategy that they can take action on. Unfortunately, many of them fail to take action because they are at the mercy of their limiting beliefs. Success is not an action that you take.

Success is an inner game.

Your psychology determines 80% of your success. Only 20% is a strategy. It doesn't matter what you want to accomplish in life. If the foundation is ridden with self-doubt and uncertainty, you're setting yourself up for failure.

You can have an unshakeable desire to be successful, but if you don't believe that success is possible for you, you won't take action. Even worse, you will find a million and one ways to self-sabotage your success.

Many of the success principles that I've applied in my life I've learned from my mentor, Tony Robbins. He has an incredible 6-day event called Date with Destiny which I've attended three times now.

Inside this blog, I am going to share with you some of the principles that he teaches at his event. If you have the desire to go deeper with this information, I highly recommend that you put it on your bucket list to attend his next event! I'm also going to share with you snippets of knowledge that I learned from the following books:

NOTE: These are Amazon affiliate links and you'll be taken to Amazon's website when you click on them.

How To Master Your Inner Game

The following three factors make for success in whatever path you decide to embark on.

1. Values

Your values are what you believe is important to you and your life. Each of us values different things. Some examples of core values include security, family, growth, adventure, and community. What core values do you live by?

What you value will determine the kinds of decisions that you make. Knowing what you value means having an understanding of who you are and what you want. Not surprisingly, people with different values will see the world from a different lens.

To be successful in life you have to be someone who values success. There are two types of values – towards values and away from values. Towards values are the emotional states that you're trying to move towards.

Conversely, away from values are emotional states that you are trying to avoid, like rejection or loneliness. Each of us has a hierarchy of what is more important to us to avoid. Below is an example of someone's hierarchy of towards values and away from values.

Towards values:

  • Love
  • Security
  • Fun and adventure
  • Comfort
  • Success
  • Freedom
  • Happiness
  • Health
  • Honesty and integrity

What are the benefits of this person having values like these in this specific order? Well, someone who values love above all else will most likely have close connections with people. Also, this person will give love unconditionally and may feel less lonely because they will make friendships and romantic relationships a top priority.

Conversely, what are some of the conflicts that could arise if someone values love more than anything else?

When it comes to giving love, there is always a risk. You can get hurt by people. Also, this person may be someone who people pleases. They may sacrifice their security and health to make sure that others' feel loved by them.

If this person has the desire to create success but views security and comfort as higher up on their list of values, they will be less likely to take risks. If you want to grow and become more, you have to be willing to risk your security.

Early on in my entrepreneurial journey, I wanted success so badly that I was willing to sacrifice social time if it meant moving the needle forward in my business.

There was a time when I wasn't achieving the results I wanted, so I kept making success more and more important. It came with a huge cost to my social life, romantic relationships, and overall level of happiness.

However, I knew that it was necessary for that stage of my life.

I was willing to endure pain in the short-term because I had a clear vision for my life. Reflecting upon the above example, you can see how decisions are made subconsciously, based on the hierarchy of someone's values.

Away From Values:

  • Rejection
  • Unworthiness
  • Failure
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Depression
  • Humiliation
  • Anger
  • Loneliness
  • Shame and guilt

This person wants to be in love, above all else, but they are trying to avoid rejection. They are probably not going to be all-in when it comes to a romantic relationship. Their fear will overpower their desire for intimacy.

On the other hand, this person may stay in a toxic relationship for too long because they are afraid to be rejected by their partner. Also, their fear of failure and unworthiness will greatly reduce the likelihood that they achieve success in life. There is no success without failure.

This person may desire success and take action towards it when the circumstances are right (security and comfort), but they won't succeed on a big scale. Eventually, they will stop trying because the process will be too painful for them.

2. Beliefs

When it comes to your belief systems, there are two different types – global beliefs and rules. A global belief is a generalized belief. For example, “I am successful” “Americans are…” Life is”…

We have both empowering and disempowering beliefs. Empowering ones give you energy. They lead you to a better quality of life. Conversely, disempowering beliefs suck the energy from you and lead you to create even more disempowering beliefs.

For example, if you believe that life is constantly working against you, you will attract more bad experiences into your existence. Your global beliefs will determine your behavior and your success in life.

The second type of belief is rules. These are beliefs that you have about what has to happen for you to feel a certain way. Your values determine your rules.

One person may believe that they need to make millions of dollars every year and be respected by thousands of people to feel successful. The chances that this person will feel successful is not likely unless they meet each of their rules.

On the other hand, another person may say that all they need to feel successful is to reflect upon their resilience and the adversities in life that they've been able to overcome.

It will be a lot easier for this person to believe in their value versus someone who has unrealistic expectations of themselves. By making it easier for yourself to feel successful, you will naturally attract more success into your life.

3. Emotional State

A lot of people are victims of their emotions. They don't believe that they are in control of how they feel. In reality, you can be the master of your emotions. Even better, you change your emotional state instantly by focusing on something that you feel grateful for.

Whether or not this empowering state is sustainable will be based on your values and your beliefs. One of the best ways to condition your emotional state is by creating an empowering morning ritual. Your emotions are like muscles. The more that you challenge them, the stronger you feel, the more successful that you become.

If you can master the inner game, success is yours for the taking!

Get real with yourself and reflect upon where you're falling short in your life. Is your current model of the world serving your highest self? If not, it's time to take action to change what is no longer working. Everything starts and ends in your mind. When you change your beliefs, you change your life.

Do you want access to my cutting-edge strategies for accelerating success and mastering every area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

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