I want to share with you the worst advice that I've ever received.

I have a feeling that some of you have either been given this advice before or have given this advice to others. 

We've all been on the receiving end of advice at some point in our lives. When you are struggling and desperate for answers, any advice can feel like good advice. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Are you ready to learn about the one piece of advice that could have left me stuck in one place forever? What I have to say may surprise you.

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Choosing to ignore the worst advice ever saved my life.

Sometimes people give advice without thinking about the effect that it may have on others. Their intentions may be good, but they've still got their own agendas in mind. The wrong advice can lead you down an entirely wrong direction in life. Here is a story about how I came to receive the worst advice ever.

I used to be the opposite of who I am today. For those of you who don't know my story, I used to struggle with extreme shyness and social anxiety, on top of depression. I got bullied a lot, so much so that I had to move schools three times. As a result of all of these setbacks, I barely graduated high school.

My way of escaping pain was through video games and watching TV. That became my entire world. I didn't want to take responsibility for my life. It's fair to say that I was in a dark place. Thankfully, I hit my emotional threshold and decided that it was time for a massive change.

That is when I discovered the world of self-development which allowed me to realize that ANYTHING was possible. During this time, the one thing that I really wanted to work on was my social life. Unfortunately, the advice that I was consistently getting from people was to just be myself.

That ended up being the worst advice ever.

It only served to limit my true potential. If I had followed this advice, my life would have never changed. I would have continued to be a shy, depressed, and lonely person.

Research shows that painful, early experiences and definitions affect the way individuals perceive and present themselves throughout their lives. This leads them to develop an “accidental identity”, rather than a true sense of who they are. I didn't want to be known forever as the shy guy who had no friends and who could never get a girl.

In order to become more, I had to be what I was not. I knew that if I wanted to change my life, I had to level up. This meant being brutally honest with myself about how I wasn't showing up. I was forced to step outside my comfort zone and face my fears. None of that would have ever happened if I had chosen to play it safe and stay stuck in old patterns of thinking and behaving.

The best advice that I can give you is to be your best self.

You can be, do, and have anything in this world. However, in order to step into your power, you've got to be willing to let go of anything that doesn't serve your highest self. I promise that when you change, everything will change for you.

What does your best self look like? Let that version of yourself be the motivating force that drives you to level up your life.

Are you ready to master every area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

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