USE YOUR PAIN AS MOTIVATION | Stefan James Motivational Video

When you know how to use your pain as motivation, you become the master of your world.

Would you believe me if I told you that your biggest challenges in life are your greatest gifts?

You've probably figured out by now that life doesn't always go the way you planned it. You have two choices – let life knock you down or transform setbacks into comebacks.

If you want to discover how you can leverage your pain to reignite your motivation, keep reading!

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

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Pain is a powerful motivator.

It can be your most profound catalyst for growth. Unfortunately, a lot of people are so afraid of pain that they do whatever it takes to avoid it. This happens because, as humans, we are wired for comfort. We are taught that anything outside of our zone of comfort must be “risky” so we believe that to be true.

Here's the truth… if you stay in your comfort zone you won't grow. End of story. You will feel bored, lazy, and unmotivated. This is why I believe that comfort is the enemy of progress. I'm not saying that staying in your comfort zone can't result in a steady performance.

However, it's only when you step outside of your comfort zone into a new and challenging task that you will create the conditions for optimal performance. Think about it… Have you ever accomplished something profound without stretching your limits? Probably not.

People who lack motivation associate pain and discomfort to the things that they know they should do. It seems counterintuitive but they end up associating pleasure to things that are disempowering. As a result, they are left feeling stuck. The only way to change this mindset is to link and associate with the pain of NOT doing what you know you should do.

If you're not where you want to be in life, you've got to ask yourself, “What is the act of being lazy costing me and my life?” It's important to understand that laziness doesn't define who you are as a person. Rather, it's just a habit that has been conditioned over a period of time. Like any habit, it can be reprogrammed.

I used to be a very lazy person.

Video games were my excuse for hiding from the world. I had zero motivation. Once I started to understand how pain and pleasure work, my life changed. Get honest with yourself because the truth will set you free. If you're procrastinating, making excuses, and feeling lazy and unmotivated, it's time to make a change.

Instead of putting your head in the sand, use your pain as fuel to build up your mental and emotional strength. Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo, says that “People who regularly seek out fresh experiences tend to be more creative and emotionally resilient than those who remain stuck in a routine.”

Yes, there is always a chance that you may experience pain or discomfort from doing that which you aren't familiar with. However, you will never know how amazing life can be if you don't at least try. Don't allow pain to dictate your future because that will only lead to a life of mediocrity. You are meant for greatness so don't settle for less than you deserve.

At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide whether or not you want to continue living life on autopilot or do something different. If you can get to the truth, you can change anything in your life.

Don't wait until you hit your emotional threshold to take action.

One of the most powerful ways to build empowering habits that stick so that you don't hit rock bottom is to create a morning ritual. A ritual ensures that you can operate at your best every single day. When you are at your best, you are unstoppable.

Hence, when challenges arise, you will be better equipped to handle them because you will have already done the work to put yourself into a high vibe state of mind. The morning is when you have the most willpower so take advantage of this time and nourish your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self. Doing so will allow you to feel happier, healthier and more productive.

Are you ready to use your pain as motivation?

If you need help getting and staying motivated, subscribe to my YouTube channel above where you will find a lot of motivational videos. I am a firm believer that your greatest struggles in life become your greatest strengths. When life gets hard, don't give up. Rather, find ways to transform your trials into triumphs.

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