Your Empowering Ecosystem – Change Your Environment, Change Your Life

Everyday I get bombarded with e-mails from people about how my videos and blog has inspired them or changed their lives in some way.  I love it, it's one of the most rewarding things you can possibly imagine, and I am grateful for being able to influence people in the way that I do.

At the same time, I get just as many e-mails from people asking for feedback or advice on specific challenges they're facing.  Some of the e-mails are intense, such as hearing people say, “I'm about to commit suicide, you're my last hope, here's my problem, can you help me?”  As you can imagine, I feel a really huge responsibility to make sure that I give that person the right advice and really reach out to them and help in any way that I can.

While the e-mails about challenges and problems I receive are overwhelming, many of them are the same questions asked over and over again, and I figured I could somehow leverage myself and respond to people's challenges in the form of a video blog.  That way, everyone can benefit from it, including all my blog followers.

Today, I take the time to respond to an e-mail from someone named Timothy.  I explain a concept in this video called “Your Empowering Ecosystem”, which is the biggest thing that will influence who you are more than anything.

Who you spend time with is who you become.

Here's the video below:

(Click here to watch the video on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/173126-plm-008-your-empowering-ecosystem-change-your-environment-change-your-life.mp3″ ]

Who you spend time with on a regular basis shapes who you are.  You literally become like the people you most associate with.  You adopt their beliefs, mindset, behaviours, personality traits, etc… If you're surrounding yourself with people that are negative or lazy, those traits will seep into you no matter how much you think you are invincible towards it.  You may resist it for a period of time, but it will eventually affect your life in some negative way.  At the same time, the same goes for someone that is positive and motivated.

In the video response I put together, I understand that Timothy is lacking that empowering ecosystem, which is the first step he needs to take to really transform his life.  While it can be challenging to find people of that nature at the beginning, there is always a place to start.

My recommendation was simply turning to books, audio programs, and discovering mentors or role models through the internet.  You can have a “virtual ecosystem”, if you will.  When you're feeding your mind with powerful information through a book or program, it begins to influence you just as a friend would.  The author's mindset, beliefs, vibration, etc… is being uploaded into your nervous system and changes the way you behaviour and view the world.

I've personally read hundreds of books, been through dozens of audio programs, video programs, and attended many seminars around North America.  I've also had several mentors, coaches, and successful leaders as my friends.  I've been apart of several “mastermind groups” when it comes to goal setting, health/fitness, internet marketing, finance, etc… everything you can possibly imagine.  ALL of those experiences, through continually feeding my brain positivity, has shaped who I am today.

In fact, everything you hear from me – what you see in video, the information I know and express openly, is all information that I've learned through these amazing processes.  What I express in my videos and blog posts are really just a reflection of my mindset and how I think.  The way everything changed for me was through continually feeding my mind.  Growing my mind – expanding it.  Challenging it.

Your brain is like a muscle.  The more you challenge and grow it, the stronger it becomes.  And if you buy into my metaphor, then reading books or going through audio programs is “mental aerobics” or “mental weight training”.

Eventually, you will begin to attract amazing people into your life based on who you become.  You attract what you are.  Different people will be drawn to you based on the level of vibration that you're transmitting. This, in my opinion, is how anyone can really take their life to a whole new level.  And hopefully, this is something I'm able to accomplish through my blog and videos – to be able to really influence people on the deepest level through what I'm putting out.

Good luck Timothy.  If anyone else has challenges or questions, I'm here to help – and they may even be featured in the next video blog!

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