Why I Dropped Out Of College…

I dropped out of college and it was the best decision I've ever made in my life.

I'm a 32-year-old multi-millionaire entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist. The purpose of this article is not to boast about my success.

Rather, it's to share all of the reasons why it is possible to achieve success without a college degree.

I would not be where I am today, or who I am today, had I not decided to become an entrepreneur. Are you ready to learn why I dropped out of college?

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/927668-plm-644-why-i-dropped-out-of-college.mp3″ background=”default” ]

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College isn't for everyone and that's OK.

Unfortunately, society has conditioned us to believe that getting a college degree is the only way to achieve success. If you don't get top grades and go to the best schools, you are setting yourself up for failure. I challenge this mode of thinking because everyone has a different vision for their life.

If you are passionate about going to college, great! I am in no way, shape or form discrediting what matters to you. However, if you aspire to become an entrepreneur and achieve financial freedom, it's important to take a step back and re-think whether or not college is the best path for you to take.

According to a CNBC/SurveyMonkey Small Business Survey, entrepreneurs who did not attend or finish college outnumbered those with higher-education degrees across both genders and in every age group. I made the choice to take the road less traveled, as have many other successful entrepreneurs.

Take Bill Gates as an example. The founder of Microsoft is worth an estimated $80 billion dollars, making him the most successful Harvard college dropout in the world. When you hear success stories like this, it shifts your entire perspective about what is possible.

When I was in high school, I was a C- student. I barely graduated.

It's fair to say that I had zero motivation when it came to school. I had a very difficult time learning. In fact, my teachers labeled me as having dyslexia because I wasn't able to effectively retain information. Later on, I learned that we all have different styles of learning. Unfortunately, the school system is flawed because it only caters to a specific style of learning. A “one size fits all” approach doesn't work because every child has different strengths and needs.

When I graduated from high school I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. This is a natural experience for a lot of young people. Fortunately, I found the world of self-development. I'm so grateful for that because it gave me a platform to self-educate myself. It allowed me to get clarity about who I was and the direction that I wanted my life to take.

A big “aha” moment that further validated my decision to not go to college was when I read the book called, Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ by Daniel Goleman. In his research, he found that the biggest indicator of success is not your IQ, but rather it's your EQ. This is one of the biggest challenges in the school system today. They determine one's competence level based on their IQ. In the real world, book smarts will only get you so far. 

Intellect is not the only predictor of success in life.

If you can’t recognize, understand, and manage your emotions, you will struggle. EQ encompasses traits like resilience, self-control, determination, and confidence. I am who I am today because I have developed and cultivated my emotional intelligence. My ability to develop EQ has been one of the strongest predictors of my financial success.

From my personal experience, the easiest and fastest way to achieve success is to model the achievements of successful entrepreneurs. The core idea behind modeling is that if you mimic the behaviors, strategies, beliefs, and emotional states of successful people, you will, in turn, become more successful.

These are the reasons why I dropped out of college. I've never regretted my decision.

I believe that self-education is the key to living the life that you want, on your terms. It allows you to create a solid life roadmap that you are proud of. During the process of deciding which direction you want your life to take, make sure that you don't get swayed by other people's opinions or judgments. This is your life and your choices. In the words of Alan Gerry, “You don't need a four-year college degree if you have burning ambition or a great plan.”

What do you want? Only you can answer that question.

If you determine that the best way to achieve your dreams is to go to college, then work to make that happen! However, if you are on the fence, know that there are many other ways to grow, learn, and achieve massive success in life.

Do you want access to cutting-edge strategies for accelerating success and mastering every area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

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