Why It’s Important To Attend LIVE Events

I want to share with you why it’s important to attend LIVE events, and how they can help to transform your life.

Don’t get me wrong. I think it's great to read books, watch YouTube videos, listen to audio books, and read blog articles.

These are fantastic ways to grow, but it's nothing like attending a live event. The positive energy that is created in the room is so exhilarating, that you can't help but leave feeling ready to take massive action.

The biggest breakthroughs in life occur when you fully immerse yourself in an environment that challenges you to break out of your comfort zone. A comfort zone is a safe place, but nothing ever grows there, including YOU.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/466344-plm-392-why-it-s-important-to-attend-live-events.mp3″ ]

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When I attended a seminar for the first time, I felt like I was home.  I was surrounded by people who were just as committed and obsessed with self-development as I was. Live events allow you to create long-lasting relationships with people from all over the world.

Imagine being able to connect with other motivated people who inspire you to achieve success? People often ask me, “Stefan, how do I meet similar people who are also on the path to self-development?” Unfortunately, a lot of people do not have a supportive network of people that support and challenge them.

The Law of Attraction states that we are responsible for bringing both positive and negative influences into our lives. If you surround yourself with negative people, then you will attract negative experiences into your life. Steve Maraboli once said, “If you surround yourself with clowns, don’t be surprised when your life resembles a circus”.

We live in a world of negativity. Find a way to filter out the energy vampires and be cautious of whom you spend your time with. There is an old proverb that reads, “Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are.” Ask yourself, “Are the people in your circle helping you grow and take your business and your life to the next level?”  If not, it may be time to find some new friends.

I have zero time for negative people in my life. I choose to live every day of my life from a place of happiness, optimism, and gratitude, and I surround myself with people who do the same. When you create an empowering ecosystem, you become unstoppable.  Change your environment and you change your life.

Every 3 months I attend events and seminars. It is one of my favourite ways to learn. You gain incredible amounts of energy from being a part of a live event. That being said, in order to keep those high vibes going strong, you need to consistently attend events.

You have the option to go to free events or paid events.  The reality is that the more that you pay, the more value that you will receive.

Personally, I never attend free seminars anymore.  I tend to find that these are places where dabblers like to hang out. Alternatively, the kinds of people that attend paid seminars are committed to mastery, they invest in themselves, and they are more successful.

They are comprised of people who are making 8-figure salaries.  It doesn't get more inspiring than that! The connections that I have made from paid events have made me so much money in my business. I also believe that the more that you pay, the more that you pay attention.

In the words of Brian Koslow, “Use your free time for self-development”. If you want to take your business and your life to the next level, attend live events. They will allow you to learn, grow, and evolve. I’m looking forward to hopefully meeting some of you at an event or a seminar in the near future, where I can motivate and support you on a much deeper level.

Until then, continue committing to mastery.

Do you want to know 7 online business models that made me an Internet millionaire in less than 3 years?  CLICK HERE for instant access!

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