Amazon Book Publishing: Dos and Don’ts of Amazon Book Publishing

I have created a new and improved version of K Money Mastery which is called, Mastering Book Publishing!

The easiest and fastest way that I've ever come across to making money online has been Kindle publishing.  Kindle publishing has been a growing trend and a new opportunity that has appeared over the last few years to make money online.  I've personally been able to build a six-figure passive income from Kindle publishing in a short period of time, while focusing on it only part-time.

In the video blog below, I reveal exactly how I make money publishing e-books on Kindle.  I've discovered a unique method that has allowed me to publish over 100+ Kindle e-books in a short period of time, while having a team of writers do all the work for me.  Each Kindle book that I publish makes me a consistent, recurring passive income, month after month.

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!

How I Got Into Kindle Publishing…

The first online business that I started was selling e-books that would help people get rid of various skin conditions using home remedies.  I was selling these e-books on Clickbank for $37 each and was able to make thousands of dollars per month as passive income doing this.

The challenge was, there was a lot of complicated pieces to building these types of businesses.  I had to first discover the niche and market, set up a blog, produce high quality content on it, rank it in the search engines (which would often take months), create the product, create the sales letter (which would require good copywriting and graphics), set it up with Clickbank, market the heck out of it, and handle the customer support.  There was A LOT too it.  I built six of these online businesses and I calculated that it'd take me at least 3 months before I ever saw a profit from my hard work.

Two years ago, I discovered Kindle publishing.  I had the idea to publish the e-books that I already had and were selling on my website to Kindle, just to see what would happen.  I had a total of 12 e-books for these online businesses and I published them all within a few hours.  The next day, they were live on Amazon and selling.  

Within a few days, I began to see sales roll in on these e-books.  This was surprising, as I didn't do much at all.  I was already making money from these e-books within a few days and seeing a profit, whereas before it'd take me a few MONTHS before I ever saw a profit.  I was ranking for all my books keywords quickly as well, as I realized Amazon wasn't very competitive and still fairly new at the time.  Making money selling e-books on Kindle was so easy, it blew me away.

I quickly began making a couple hundred bucks per month from these e-books, without doing much at all.  Remarkable.  I then had another idea.  I thought to myself: Why not take the content that I've created on my blog (ProjectLifeMastery.com), have someone re-write it and publish it to Kindle as short e-books?  

I then began publishing dozens more books in a short period of time.  Each book was short (20-30 pages) and focused on a specific niche.  They all provided useful information and were only selling for $2.99 each.  Amazon would pay me a 70% royalty for each sale, which would equate to about $2.08 per sale.  I also began learning some techniques to Kindle publishing by going through a few different courses and experimenting with things.

Within about three months, my income from Kindle went from a couple hundred bucks per month, to over $4000 per month!  Wow, this was crazy.  I was amazed by how FAST I was able to scale up and increase my income so substantially.  Once this happened, I thought to myself, “Screw these other online businesses… I'm focusing on Kindle publishing!”  It was just so much faster and easier than anything else that I've ever done and I haven't looked back since.

Over the last two years, I've continued to learn more and more about Kindle publishing.  I've been through dozens of courses, interviewed dozens of experts and experimented with almost everything out there.  I eventually developed my own unique method to making money on Kindle.

When others began hearing about my success with it, they wanted to learn from me how I did it.  That led me to coaching people and helping them 1-on-1 to make passive income on Kindle.  I coached over a dozen people and was able to help ALL of them successfully make passive income from Kindle, which was a really cool feeling.  I had discovered something that actually WORKED; not just for me, but for others too.  I even taught my sister, mom and ex-girlfriend how to make money on Kindle and they're ALL doing well with it now.

Since so many people were interested in learning Kindle publishing from me, I decided to create my own course teaching people step-by-step how to make money on Kindle.  It's called Mastering Book Publishing and I released it in August of 2013 and it's been a huge success since.  There's been so many members that have been able to make money online with it and quit their jobs, which is something I'm very proud of.  It's become a new passion of mine and I continue to develop the course and make it better and better.

Definitive “How To” Guide For Amazon Book Publishing

I've concluded that there are 9 primary steps that I follow to make money on Kindle.  This is the essence of what I teach in my Mastering Book Publishing, but in much more detail.  I wrote some notes on each step below as well.

1. Find Profitable Niches And Keywords In The Amazon Kindle Store To Create A Book On

  • There must be a market or demand for the niche and keyword.
  • One way to see if the niche or keyword is profitable, is to look at the other books that are selling in that niche for that keyword and look at their Amazon bestseller rank.  This will give you an idea of how much the other competing books are making before you decide to get into the market.
  • Make sure there isn't too much competition and that the competition isn't too strong.

2. Come Up With A Title That Will Sell

  • Your title should consist of a title and a sub-title.
  • The title is a HEADLINE – it needs to grab peoples attention and make them say, “I want that!”
  • The title must have benefits in it.
  • The title must be descriptive and have keywords in it.

Example: The Binge Eating Cure – The Most Effective, Permanent Solution To Finally Overcome Binge Eating Disorder For Life

3. Create Your Kindle Book

  • You can either write the book yourself or have someone else do it for you (recommended).
  • You want your books to be short (20-30 pages) and create a series of books that can each sell for $2.99.
  • Your book must be quality and add value to people.

4. Create Your Kindle Cover

  • You can either create the cover yourself or have someone else do it or you (recommended).
  • Make sure the cover grabs attention, stands out and makes them say, “I want that!”
  • You can use Fiverr.com and get a cover created for only $5.

5. Publish Your Book To KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing)

  • You need to set up a KDP account (free).
  • You need to properly format your Kindle book before you publish it to Kindle.
  • Upload the formatted Kindle book, cover, write up a good description that sells the book (important), and set the price and all the other details.  Takes up to 24 hours for your book to be published.

6. Rank Your Book For Your Keywords In The Amazon Kindle Store

  • Price the book at $0.99 at the beginning to get some reviews and easy sales.
  • The more sales that your book gets, the higher it will rank in Amazon.
  • You want verified reviews for your Kindle book.
  • Enroll your book in the KDP Select Program and use the Free Promotion and Kindle Countdown Deals.
  • Once your book is ranked high for your keyword and has reviews, change the price to $2.99 and see the sales roll in.

7. Outsource And Automate The Process

  • Hire a virtual assistant to do the work for you (I pay mine $2-3 per hour).
  • Leverage yourself as much as you can to take yourself OUT of the business.  You want to work ON the business, not IN it. Remember, a business is something that runs without you.

8. Monetize The Back-End Of Your Books

  • Create a series of books and use them to cross-promote each other.
  • Use your Kindle book to build an e-mail list, do affiliate marketing, build your blog, or even promote your own website/service.
  • The REAL money is in the back-end from your Kindle books.  Your book is just the front-end to get people in the door.
  • Must build a list – the money is in the list!  When you have a list, you can make money in the press of only a few buttons.
  • You can also create a paperback version of your book using CreateSpace.

9. The Long-Term Kindle Publishing Strategy

  • You always want to be improving your books and making them better (especially the ones making you money).
  • Your books must be high quality to last long-term and to continually get positive reviews.
  • You WILL get negative reviews – it's okay, all books do.
  • Continue to use the tools KDP gives you, such as the Free Promotion and Kindle Countdown Deals to keep rankings and sales high every 3 months.
  • You can eventually price your books higher and make more money from them once your book is higher quality, has lots of reviews, and is selling well.

How Much Money Can You Realistically Make From Kindle?

The minimum that I aim to make for each Kindle book that I publish is at least $50 per month, which is very conservative.  If your book sells for $2.99 (you get paid 70% royalty; $2.08 per sale), then 25 sales per month would make you about $50 per month.  The reason why $50 is the minimum I aim for is because that's what it costs me to get the book and cover created for.  Most of my books make me over $100 per month consistently and I've even had some that have made me up to $1000 per month on autopilot.

In the first month of Kindle publishing, you will basically break even.  The money you make will just cover your expenses.  But, after that, it's pure profit.  100% passive, automated income that gets deposited into your bank account, month after month.  If you have a Kindle book that makes you $50 per month, then that would make you $600 for the year.

If your Kindle book makes $100 per month (50 sales per month at $2.99), then that would make you $1200 for the year.  At $200 per month (100 sales per month), it would be $2400 for the year.  At $500 per month, that means $6000 per year of income.  Not bad, right?

Let me ask you… if you could create Kindle books that make you $100 per month consistently ($1200 per year), then how many would you create?

My answer was, “A lot!”  I decided to publish over 100+ Kindle e-books and they all contribute to me making over $8000 per month from Kindle alone on front-end book sales.  I make so much more from the back-end, but it's hard to measure that exactly, as I use my Kindle books to promote my blog, course, and affiliate products.

Kindle Publishing has changed not only my life, but the lives of so many others.  It still remains to be the easiest and fastest way I've discovered to make money online.  The great thing is, you don't have to know anything about online marketing to get started.  Heck, you don't even have to write your own books or be skilled in any way with writing.  It's an amazing business model that allows you to scale up quickly and automate things as much as you want.

If you want to know more about exactly how I make a six figure passive income on Kindle, then check out this free video here.

To view the other video blogs of this series on Exactly How I Make Over $40,000 Per Month Online, click below:

  1. Kindle Publishing
  2. Blogging
  3. Affiliate Marketing
  4. Information Products
  5. Coaching & Consulting

Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!

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