Using The Law Of Attraction To Manifest Your Dreams

I would like to share with you the power of using the Law of Attraction to manifest your dreams. The Law of Attraction states that whatever can be imagined, is achievable. I am a big believer in the power of manifestation. A lot of people have goals and dreams, but they never achieve them. Why?

Because they have limiting beliefs about themselves and the world. It creates a self-sabotaging cycle that can result in a life of regret. We all have the power to manifest our dreams, but in order to do, so we have to shift to a more positive way of thinking. Using the Law of Attraction to manifest your dreams is about actively holding yourself in the energetic space of infinite possibility.

In the words of Richard Wilkins, “Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears.” What do you dream about creating in your life?

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Below are four ways that you can harness the power of the Law of Attraction and manifest your dreams:

1. Create A New Identity

Everything in life is comprised of energy; your thoughts are what begins it and your emotions are what amplifies those thoughts. If you believe that your dreams can become your reality, you are halfway there.

What happens when you start believing you are stronger, healthier, happier? Or, would if you believe you are sick, in lack, or unable to achieve your dreams?

Whatever you identify yourself with is going to come true. It's important to create an identity based on what you want to become a reality so you can work on manifesting your dreams.

Take a moment and imagine that you already had what it is that you desire. Create a new identity. How would you feel? How would you move throughout your day?

Let's work on visualizing your thoughts and dreams together so you can begin to manifest your dreams. It's important to learn to retrain your mind and how it works. 

Most individuals live by circumstances, focusing only on their surroundings and what they believe exists becaus that is the environment around them.

Your identity begins with you and what you decide to believe and create as a result.

Start a vision board, work with certain ideas about who you want to be, look at who your ideal self is.

What do I mean by your ideal self? That means you want to look at who you idolize, who you wish you could be and what you dream about becoming.

This is who you are. However, you have to work on manifesting your dreams for this to come true and to become a reality.

Live your dreams as if they already are your current reality.

2. Be Grateful

Giving gratitude is one of the easiest and simplest ways to manifest your dreams. When you adopt an attitude of gratitude, you are sending a powerful message to the Universe about what it is that you want in your life. Giving thanks for all of the blessings in your life helps transform negative attitudes into positive ones. In turn, this raises your vibration and attracts positive experiences into your life. In the words of Walt Disney, “The more that you are in a state of gratitude, the more that you will attract things to be grateful for.”

What does it look like to be grateful?

Often, someone will say that they are grateful when something really good happens to them. Then, they will not have the same attitude with everything else surrounding their reality.

This isn't an attitude of gratitude. When you switch out of that ideal, you send a mixed message to the universe and it is unable to assist you in building what you are grateful for.

Delete the thoughts that come into your mind that are negative which are stopping you from achieving greatness.

Gratitude as a state of mind changes your emotional responses. It uplifts and alters how you believe an think about your world.

Several studies have been done relating to gratitude and how to manifest your dreams. In every study, positive behaviors and emotions are a direct result of gratitude.

What happens? The continuous, positive responses of gratefulness allow one to create the life they want and to manifest what they truly desire.

3. Experience Your Dream, In Action

There is a powerful Law of Attraction technique that I use in my daily life, called Dream Building. It states that the best way to make your dreams a reality is to actually experience them. Dream building is my favorite thing to do when I travel. It motivates and inspires me to raise my game and achieve my dreams by redirecting my focus towards what it is that I want most in life.

4. Let Go and Manifest Your Dreams

So many people attach their happiness to outcomes, and in doing so, get overwhelmed by the process. You need to realize that the act of control has a low frequency. When you try to control everything, it doesn’t leave any room for manifestation. Negative thoughts only create barriers for the Universe to do its work.

What do I mean by having a lower frequency?

Take this as an example. Maybe you want to start a relationship with someone, build your own business or make more money.

But instead of trying to do any of these things, you block your thoughts.

You can't start the relationship because of who you think you are or your friend likes them and then you become jealous.

These are all lower frequency thought patterns that actually stop you from manifesting your dreams. Some come in the form of thoughts and others in emotion.

Or how about making more money online? You may try to manifest your dreams by working every day and learning how to make money.

And then you get frustrated.

Instead of continuing the process, you start negating the possibilities; you tell yourself that you can't complete the task or you just stop believing it is possible.

Even though your initial intentions as well as some steps toward motivation are to build a business or make money, your thoughts are blocking you from your path.

Let go of your thoughts, your doubts, your limitations and the emotions that stop you from what you really want.

The only way you can begin manifesting your dreams is to start believing and to let go of everything else that stops you from attaining your goals and desires.

The Law of Attraction listens to what it is that you are projecting into the world. Never doubt the power of energy. Let the Universe do its job. Your job is to be present, positive, and believe in yourself. When you believe in what you want, it has no choice but to come true.

Paulo Coelho said it best, “People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.” What small step will you take TODAY in order to manifest your dreams? Using the Law of Attraction to manifest your dreams is about visualizing what it is that you want, acting as if it is your current reality, and taking massive action in order to make it happen.

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