My March 2018 Monthly Goals Report

I have created a new and improved version of K Money Mastery which is called, Mastering Book Publishing!

Every month, I write a detailed monthly report about the progress that I'm making towards the goals and resolutions that I publicly stated on my blog earlier in the year.  This is my January 2018 Monthly Goals Report, which goes over each goal that I set and the progress that I've made on them so far.

Since I started sharing my Monthly Goals Reports a few years ago, I received such an amazing response from people on my blog.  People have been sharing with me how much I've inspired them or how helpful it's been for them by me openly sharing my progress.  It's my hope that you can take away something from this report that will help inspire you to achieve your own goals

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My 2018 Goals Breakdown

I’m now going to go into each goal that I committed to for 2018 in detail and share exactly where I’m at with it.  Also, be sure to check out the original 2018 goals and resolution video blog and my previous Monthly Goal Reports to compare my progress.


1. I will easily make $3,500,000 in revenue, while impacting thousands of peoples lives by December 31, 2018.


So happy that I achieved this goal during September, and now any additional income I make this month is just icing on the cake!  Wasn't expecting to overachieve on this goal the way that I have, I'm super grateful.  There's still one more month to go, which is December, and I expect to receive some large payments from different sales and affiliate promotions.  I believe I'll be at over $3,000,000 income for the year, which is exciting!

While it may be impressive that I was able to generate this amount of money in a month, it's always important to keep in mind that I did not get here overnight.  It's taken me years of hard work, learning and consistent effort to build the multiple online businesses and income streams that I've developed.  I also often remind people that the money you earn is merely a reflection of the amount of value that you've added to other people's lives.  If you focus on adding massive value and helping people, you will be rewarded for that.  That is what I continue to focus on every day and what I'm most proud of.

This income is comprised of a number of businesses and income streams that I have, such as:

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2. I will easily have a $6,000,000 stock investment portfolio by December 31, 2018.


My stock investment portfolio continues to grow every month, however, as you can tell I'm sitting on a lot of cash.  I'm mainly sitting on my investments and collecting dividends, as the market has been doing fairly well lately.  Also, every month I've been transferring stock from one trading account to another, to ensure that I'm doing all of my investing from my holding company for tax and liability purposes.  After reading Tony Robbins book Unshakeable, he warns of a correction coming soon that will be a great opportunity to buy stock.  Right now I'm being patient. 🙂

My investment strategy is long-term and buying stocks that pay dividends.  Right now, I primarily focus on investing on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), since I benefit from the weak Canadian dollar and economy.  Currently, my overall investment portfolio is down, however, I believe I've been able to benefit from it as I'm always buying when things drop and taking advantage of things.

The awesome thing about investing in dividend stocks is that I've been able to make a passive income of a couple thousand per month, as the stocks I invest in either pay a monthly or quarterly dividend.  So I'm not only benefiting from any capital gains, but also receiving a passive income from my investments.

CLICK HERE to watch my video blog on my $1,000,000 investment portfolio.


3. I will easily host 12 Life Mastery Accelerator monthly mentoring sessions, sharing my most cutting-edge self-development strategies and help thousands of people transform their lives by December 31, 2018.


I'm excited to say that I officially launched the Life Mastery Accelerator program in March, which is my newest self-development monthly mentoring program to help people master every area of their life.  I'm excited about this program, as it's a chance for me to dive deeper into my more advanced, higher level strategies that have really made a difference in my life.  The best part is, I've made it affordable for ANYONE that wants to get mentored by me and have me answer their questions every month.

To learn more about the Life Mastery Accelerator, CLICK HERE.

4. I will easily host 12 Online Business Mastery Accelerator monthly mentoring sessions, sharing my most cutting-edge online marketing strategies and help thousands of people grow their online businesses by December 31, 2018.


In March I officially launched the Online Business Mastery Accelerator program, which is my monthly mentoring program for those that are committed to accelerating the process of building their online business.  Now people can get mentoring from me at an affordable price every month, answering their questions and teaching them my newest, most cutting edge online business strategies.

To learn more about the Online Business Mastery Accelerator, CLICK HERE.

5. I will easily host at least 2 Online Business Mastery Mastermind events, love the process and personally help people build and grow their online business by December 31, 2018.


To get on the notification lists for future events, click here.

6. I will easily host a Life Mastery Transformation seminar, love the process and help people transform every area of their lives by December 31, 2018.


7. I will easily create a new self-development course or online business course that can help thousands of people change their lives by December 31, 2018


8. I will easily hire two new A-players to join the Project Life Mastery team and will help grow Project Life Mastery by December 31, 2018.


9. I will easily create a new physical product to launch and sell on Amazon, as well as my own e-commerce store using the Amazing Selling Machine by December 31, 2018.


10. I will easily create and launch the new StefanJames.com website to continue to build my personal brand, by December 31, 2018.


11. I will easily publish 150+ videos on the Project Life Mastery YouTube channel, while impacting millions of lives by December 31, 2018.

RESULT: 12 videos in November (12 total)

In November, I published 12 new videos on the YouTube channel, iTunes podcast and on the blog.  I've continued to improve my ability to produce high-quality content and have been putting a lot more focus on this.  It's been a lot easier now that I've been building a team to help me run many of the other operations of my business, so that I can focus more on producing quality content.

12. I will easily publish 200+ blog posts on ProjectLifeMastery.com, while impacting millions of lives by December 31, 2018.

RESULT: 16 blog posts (16 total)

In November, I published 16 new blog posts which you can find right here on Project Life Mastery.  I always publish more blog posts and articles than I do videos and podcasts.

13. I will easily have at least 600,000 YouTube subscribers on the Project Life Mastery YouTube channel by December 31, 2018.

RESULT: 433,000+ subscribers

The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is continuing to grow, gaining thousands of new subscribers every month. I've been consistently publishing new videos and work hard to create content that can make a difference in the lives of others.

14. I will easily reach at least 14,000,000 views (1,166,666  views per month) on the Project Life Mastery YouTube channel by December 31, 2018.

RESULT: 1,160,365 views in November

I'm blessed to again have reached over 1 million people in January with the videos on the Project Life Mastery YouTube channel.  This is a huge milestone for me – I'm so blessed to have this kind of reach and impact.  Now I just need to make sure I consistently reach this many people on an on-going basis. 🙂

15. I will easily reach at least 2,000,000 unique visitors (166,666 visitors per month) on ProjectLifeMastery.com by December 31, 2018.

RESULT: 112,067 unique users in November

I'm blessed to have reached 112,067 people in January with the content on Project Life Mastery.  The traffic of the blog has been growing slow and steady, as I've continued publishing quality content and the authority of the blog increases in the search engines.

16. I will easily reach at least 1,000,000 podcast listeners (83,333 listens per month) on the Project Life Mastery podcast by December 31, 2018.

RESULT: 50,000 Listens


17. I will easily get tested to better optimize my physical, mental and emotional well-being by getting the following tests done by December 31, 2018.


This year I was diagnosed with mercury and lead toxicity, which made me decide to switch this goal to instead focus on detoxing my body of these substances.  It's a long-term process, and I've been following the Andy Cutler Protocol.  You can learn more about my Mercury detox here.

I've found it extremely important every year to give my body a break, allow it to cleanse and heal itself through 15 day juice cleanses as well as liver flushes.  This years cleanse will likely include colon hydrotherapy sessions, cryotherapy, infrared sauna, massage therapy, rebounding and key supplements.

18. I will easily complete a 30 Day Sugar Detox Challenge by December 31, 2018.


19. I will easily complete a 30 Day Vegan Challenge by December 31, 2018.


20. I will easily continue to optimize my health and well-being every month by doing one of the following by December 31, 2018:

  • Cryotherapy
  • Vitamin IV Drip Therapy
  • Red Light Therapy
  • Massage Therapy
  • Bulletproof Labs Hacks


21. I will easily continue naturally detoxing mercury and lead from my body by December 31, 2018.


Last year I was diagnosed with mercury and lead toxicity, which made me decide to switch this goal to instead focus on detoxing my body of these substances.  It's a long-term process, and I've been following the Andy Cutler Protocol.  You can learn more about my Mercury detox here.

22. I will easily workout at least 5 times per week to build more lean muscle mass, strength, and endurance by December 31, 2018.


In November I was traveling to Miami and Huntington Beach, so have been away from my PEMF mat and this habit.


23. I will easily complete the 100 Day Challenge to help me achieve some of my biggest goals by December 31, 2018.


Every year I commit to doing the 100 Day Challenge and so far have been consistent with it in January 2018, helping me to make progress towards some of my goals.

24. I will easily complete a 30-day Morning Ritual Challenge to be at my best every day by December 31, 2018.


In March, I completed my 30 Day Morning Ritual Challenge!  To learn more about the 30 Day Morning Ritual Challenge, enroll in my Morning Ritual Mastery program which will teach you step-by-step how to create an empowering morning ritual in your life.

25. I will easily complete a 30 Day Meditation Challenge using my Muse and HeartMath Inner Balance by December 31, 2018.


26. I will easily read at least 20 books to continue to master every area of my life by December 31, 2018


I've so far read 13 books for 2017, currently reading The 100: A Ranking Of The Most Influential Persons In History .  Here's some of the books I've read so far this year:

27. I will easily listen to at least 30 blinks using the Blinkist app to continue to master every area of my life by December 31, 2018.



28. I will easily continue my monthly Relationship Ritual with Tatiana to ensure that we’re continuing to meet each other's needs, while growing our love and passion to further enhance our relationship by December 31, 2018.


29.I will easily plan a romantic experience with Tatiana at least once a month to create magic moments together that we’ll never forget by December 31, 2018.


30. I will easily connect with each member of my family at least once a month in-person or over the phone, to continue to strengthen our relationships by December 31, 2018.


31.I will easily connect with a new friend at least once a week in-person or over the phone/Skype, to build new friendships and relationships by December 31, 2018.



32. I will easily do a new fun activity every month (dancing, kickboxing, snowboarding, concerts, sporting events, etc…) and have a lot of fun by December 31, 2018.


33. I will easily live in Los Angeles for at least 3 months by December 31, 2018.


I've been in Huntington Beach, California for the last 2 weeks and am going to be staying in Malibu for most of December, before heading back to Vancouver for Christmas time.

34. I will easily travel throughout Europe (Greece, Italy, and Spain) for 3 months by December 31, 2018.


35. I will easily travel to Orlando for the Amazing Seller Summit by December 31, 2018.


36. I will easily attend the Traffic & Conversion Summit in San Diego, while connecting with other like-minded entrepreneurs and expanding my knowledge, by December 31, 2018.


37. I will easily travel to Whistler for an entrepreneur mastermind trip to connect further with friends and other like-minded entrepreneurs by December 31, 2018.


In January, I went to Jackson Hole as part of a Brotherhood Mastermind trip with 60+ successful entrepreneurs that I'm friends with and mastermind with throughout the year.  It was an amazing experience – it's always a pleasure surrounding myself around such incredible human beings!

38. I will easily travel to Mexico for a Entrepreneur Mastermind snowboarding trip by December 31, 2018.


This goal was achieved in January as part of a entrepreneur mastermind trip with 60+ entrepreneurs.  It was an amazing experience and it was a blast to go snowboarding, as well as dog sledding.


39. I will easily listen to The Word Of Promise Old Testament and New Testament Audio Bible by December 31, 2018.


40. I will easily raise and fund at least $10,000 to build 3+ houses with WorldHousing by December 31, 2018.


For the last three years, I've been involved in funding houses for families suffering from poverty with different organizations.  I've personally been apart in funding and building 3 houses so far, in El Salvador and Nicaragua.  I look forward to continuing this ritual in 2018.  I have yet to decide on the location of where I want to build the houses yet.

41. I will easily donate $20,000+ to We.org to fund the construction of two schools in Ethiopia by December 31, 2018.


42. I will easily go on a volunteer trip to donate my time to help build houses or schools by December 31, 2018.


In October, Tatiana and I traveled to Ethiopia with Imagine1Day for a school inauguration that we helped fund.  It was one of the most powerful, life-changing experiences of our lives!  We were greeted by hundreds of children and families – it was so amazing to have been able to make such an incredible impact on their lives in such a way.

43. I will easily loan at least $5000 through Kiva to help support those in need around the world, by December 31, 2018.


I haven't been focused on anything new during November, except for continuing my support and loans using Kiva.org.

Overall, I enjoyed putting this Monthly Goals Report together and I look forward to doing one again next month.  I’ve found that this public commitment has been pushing me to stay motivated and accountable as well, which is helping me to get more done also.  Thanks for reading!

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