Best Motivational Video: Get the Motivation You Need to Succeed in Life

So… how are things coming with your goals?

Have you achieved everything that you wanted to this year?  Have you made significant progress?

If not, then perhaps it's time for a WAKE UP CALL.

The below video is a motivational video that will wake you the f#ck up.  It will penetrate through the BS and stories you've been telling yourself and motivate you to take immediate action towards achieving your goals.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/227921-plm-100-motivational-video-this-will-wake-you-the-f-ck-up.mp3″ ]

If you're coming up short on your goals, then it's time to re-evaluate yourself. Follow this motivational video to learn how.

It's time for some tough love and to really take a look at your habits and behaviours.

Is what you're doing bringing you closer towards your goals?  Are you achieving what you set out to achieve at the beginning of each year?

While I've made some incredible progress towards my goals in my Monthly Goals Reports, there's still a handful of goals that I didn't achieve for the year. You can view that with my motivational video and other blogs.

I had the intention of achieving them.  I set them for that reason.  However, for whatever reason I didn't.

Now I could come up with an “excuse” why I didn't achieve them…

“I didn't have the time.”

“I didn't have the resources or money to complete it.”

“I changed my mind on this goal.”

“I didn't want it bad enough.”

“XYZ happened to me.”

The excuses could go on and on…

However, these excuses are just a strategy that we come up with to avoid feeling like a failure and that we're “not enough”.

Instead, how about taking RESPONSIBILITY for the outcomes we've achieved so far?

If you've achieved the success that you wanted, then great, celebrate that.

In fact, it’s important to celebrate what you do achieve, as much as it is to take responsibility for what you don’t. Use some of my motivational video clips to see why it’s so important to reward yourself for achievements.

Take some time to look at other areas of motivation in your life.

You may find that you achieved short term goals, took certain steps forward and were able to create what you really wanted in life.

Do you see any areas with your goal set where you were on the right path? Think about those moments and make sure you reward yourself for them.

You will find that as you do this, it will help you to achieve even more goals and to accomplish what you first set into motion.

But if you're coming up short time and time again, then be HONEST with yourself and stop pretending like it's “okay”.

LET GO of the stories and tell yourself the TRUTH.

The truth will set you free, if you let it.

Yes, the truth can be painful.  It doesn't feel good to admit that you are lazy, procrastinate or are a failure.

However, that PAIN can motivate you.  It can make you hit rock bottom and hit that point where you finally make a new decision.


Pain can be your friend.

Maybe that new decision is, “I'M GOING TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES!” or “I'M GOING TO GIVE IT MY ALL!”

Moments like that can truly change your life.

In my Motivation Secret video, I shared how PAIN has been the fuel for me towards achieving many of my goals.  It forced me to raise my standards and demand more from myself, which has paid off massively today.

The only reason why this worked is because I was completely honest with myself. I analyzed where things were not right and I changed them. You can view how that worked in my motivational video.

I looked at my short comings and made sure that I didn’t follow the same pattern. This is what most people do – over and over again.

For instance, at one point in my mid-20s, I realize that what I was doing for money wasn’t what I wanted to do. In many of my motivational video clips, I speak about how I had to make certain shifts.

I was writing Kindle books, doing affiliate marketing and had a fairly significant amount of income coming in per year.

But I wasn’t happy or passionate about what I was doing with my life. The money didn’t fulfill my purpose.

I could have continued to reach the same goal each year. I could have continued the same, limiting belief pattern. It was possible for me to ignore the lack of passion and to function exactly the same.

But when I woke up in the morning, I no longer felt like driving forward with affiliate marketing.

I became honest with myself and what I really needed. That is the point where I started to find my passion and purpose in life.

You can view more of this with my motivational video, Once I Made This One Change, I Became a Millionaire.

Even though I was reaching some of my goals, I was also limiting my beliefs and I wasn’t completely honest about what I wanted to do.

This internal conversation is what has paid off. It was the honesty of the situation that changed my perspective enough to lead me to where I am now, as you can see in my motivational video.

And as a result, I was able to reset my goals and start working differently.

This isn’t the same as not achieving your goals. However, had I continued on this path of not being motivated and not being honest about my purpose, it would have had the same results.

I was already starting to pull back on how much money I could make and was unmotivated to work.

Would if I let the pattern continue to play out without having an honest conversation with myself?

Would if I didn’t focus on the pain of the situation and look deeper into what I needed to take the next steps?

I wouldn’t be doing what I am today.

That’s the exact situation you may be in and need to look at. You need to be completely honest with what goals you aren’t reaching and what you are not doing. You need to look at what you want to do instead.

Listen, I'm not saying to beat yourself up.

Actually wait… YES I AM.

I'm saying instead of LYING to yourself and coming up with stories why you didn't achieve things, to instead ACKNOWLEDGE that you didn't do what it takes and give yourself the pain needed to evoke change in yourself.  So yes, BEAT YOURSELF UP.

You already beat yourself up, don't you?  But you do a poor job of it.  You give yourself pain and beat yourself up over time – only here and there.

What I'm saying to you is to GET IT OVER WITH.  Beat yourself up, give yourself pain, and associate to the consequences of NOT achieving your goals.  Just get it all out of your system at once, instead of doing it sporadically every day.

This is your a tool to evaluate where you at and to make the changes you need to do.

Until you completely the feel the pain of the moment and recognize what it is, you can’t make the change you need to.

Until you see clearly what you are missing and not doing, you will continue to meet your goals slightly and miss the target on the rest.

This is because the pain is not only a part of missing the goals or not achieving what you want to. This is something I share more with you in my motivational video.

It is a part of a deeply embedded subconscious pattern that you continue to play out. You have already justified why you don’t want to achieve something or why you want to fail.

It is safer for you to accept the consequences of failure, and so you continue to do this over and over again.

If you go deeper into your pain and beating yourself up, you are actually letting go of those behaviors and patterns.

You are releasing the things which have stopped you because of your past patterns, thoughts or your limitations.

This is why pain becomes your friend and helps you to achieve your goals. It is a motivation and a way for you to change everything related to your life.

Like I said, the PAIN will liberate you if you convert it into fuel.  Convert the pain into action.  Massive action.

Your goals and dreams are still possible for you.

There's still time.  You can make it happen.  Don't give up.

They are waiting for you.  It's not until you STEP UP and CLAIM THEM that they will be yours.

So what are you going to do?

Good luck.

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