The relationship with yourself is the most important relationship that you will ever have.

Having a healthy relationship with yourself means that you have a stable self-concept. You are comfortable in your own skin, to the point where you don't need attachment from others in order to feel whole.

Studies show that individuals who do take care of themselves and who show self-interest without selfishness are happier. When you feel good about yourself, it complements every other relationship that you have.

Self-love is the best kind of love. It allows us to connect to our soul's purpose and live the life that we want. In the words of the late, great Louise Hay, “Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.”

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Does the idea of building a relationship with yourself scare you?

If so, you aren't alone. A lot of people go to great lengths to not spend time alone because it makes them feel uncomfortable. Instead, they seek out love and attention from others in order to validate their own sense of happiness.

A recent study in the journal, Science showed that people would rather give themselves electric shocks than be alone with their thoughts for just 15 minutes. Crazy, right?

When I was a teenager, I had very low self-esteem. I was a shy, anxious kid who didn't have many friends. It's fair to say that self-love wasn't a part of my vocabulary.

After a lot of self-work, I'm proud to say that I love the relationship that I have with myself.

So much so, that I seek out as many moments as I can to be alone. Not because I'm depressed or lonely. Rather, because I love the time spent with me! I learn more about who I am and what matters to me.

More importantly, this time of quiet self-introspection fills me up so that I am able to go out into the world and help others develop a deeper connection and appreciation for themselves as well.

It is our job to wake up every day and do the work to become the best version of ourselves. One of the most effective ways that I have been able to maintain a positive relationship with myself is through my morning ritual. It makes me feel calm, confident and connected to my authentic self. I use the mornings to check-in with myself and nurture what is important to me.

I encourage you to practice self-care and to make it a priority, rather than a luxury. If you don't take care of yourself, then you can't expect to take care of anyone else; whether that's your partner, your children, your clients or your customers.

Are you ready to improve the relationship with yourself?

Nobody else is going to complete you. Happiness is an inside job that is only achieved by way of our own personal growth and development. Give yourself the love that you so freely give to everyone else because you deserve it. How will you show up for yourself today? In the words of Tony Robbins, “If you don't have 10 f—ing minutes for your life, you don't have a life.”

Do you want to learn 21-powerful morning rituals that will take your life to the next level? CLICK HERE for instant access to my free cheatsheet!

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