3 Things I Wish I Knew In My Early 20’s

There are 3 things I wish I knew in my early 20's.

As I reflect upon where I am today, it's amazing to see how much I have changed. I'm so grateful for the lessons that I learned along the way because they made me who I am.

However, if I was given the opportunity to do my 20's all over again, there are things that I would have done differently.

I share my insights, in the hopes that it will prevent you from making the same mistakes that I did.

Are you ready to learn what I wish my 20-year-old self knew?

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Let's be honest… your early 20's can be a tumultuous time.

It requires that you start evaluating where you currently are and make plans for where you want to be. Unfortunately, not every 20-year-old has it all figured out, nor should they.

Nevertheless, you are expected to start doing things like, go to school, find a real job, move out of your parent's house, and find your life purpose, all the while trying to figure out who you are. Stressful, right? It doesn't have to be.

I want to share with you 3 things that I wish I knew in my early 20's.

1. You Don't Have To Know All The Answers

If you are in your 20's and don't yet know what your career path should be, that's OK! It's easy to compare yourself to others and think, “I need to be doing what they are doing.” It can be frustrating when it seems like everyone around you is making progress, while you are still stuck in one place with no sense of direction.

However, comparing yourself to others is a losing battle. Research shows that the happiest people aren’t those who only make positive comparisons with others. They are those who don’t make any. Instead of feeling like you aren't measuring up to others, reframe how you feel. Use your comparisons as motivators that help you grow and improve yourself.

Nobody has everything figured out in their 20's. When you are that young, you don't have enough life experience and wisdom to have clarity around who you are and what you want to do with your life. When you are young, you can afford to experiment and make mistakes because you have your entire life ahead of you. This is how you will identify what your strengths, weaknesses, interests, and passions are.

2. Life Is A Journey, Not A Destination

It sounds cliché, but it's true. When I was in my early 20's, I had the illusion that, once I had a girlfriend, built a successful business, and became a millionaire, all of the sudden my life would be perfect. All that you get from accomplishing external events in life is a temporary moment of pleasure, satisfaction, and gratification.

However, trust me when I say that this high does not last. A new study reveals that thinking about whether you're happy or setting a lofty goal for your own happiness is a major buzzkill. Instead of planning your happiness, you need to embrace spontaneity.

Learn how to enjoy the journey and the process of becoming more. You don't have to ride the pain train as I did. I used to constantly beat myself up because I was never where I wanted to be. As a result, I wasn't able to be present. This is a horrible strategy for changing your life.

Soon enough, your brain thinks, “Why even bother?” This mindset is not sustainable. You need to understand that this moment is all that you have. If you can't enjoy today, you won't be able to experience fulfillment once you have all the things you want. Focus on what you already have because there are so many things to be grateful for.

3. You Have Your Whole Life Ahead Of You

Your youth is one of your biggest advantages in life. In your early 20's you have the opportunity to break bad habits and replace them with healthy ones. You are more moldable because you have yet to develop negative patterns of behaviors that have already been conditioned for many years.

As you age, you become more comfortable with a certain way of being. As a result, it becomes more challenging to shift your way of thinking and behaving. The beliefs and habits that you develop at a young age will support you later on in your life in incredible ways. The younger that you start, the sooner that you will receive the benefits.

This is why I encourage you to build the foundation for your life early on – commit to lifelong learning, take risks, and try everything. You've got your whole life ahead of you. Don't sweat it if you don't have it all figured out right away. All that matters is that you take action.

These are 3 things I wish I knew in my 20's.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that if you don't figure these things out that you are lost or not going in the right direction. Instead, if you are able to integrate and apply this wisdom into your own life, I believe that you will be in a better position to thrive.

I'm grateful for all of the lessons I've learned and so should you. The beauty of it all is that I’m still learning. We all are. In fact, I still add to my list, knowing that every day is an opportunity to become a better version of myself.

What is something that you wish you knew in your early 20's?

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