How To Become A Life Coach

I would like to share with you how to become a life coach.

If you have aspirations to coach, serve and help people, I respect and admire you because that tells me that you want to make a difference in the lives of others.

If people come to you for help, that is a good indicator that you are viewed as a source of inspiration and someone that can provide solutions to challenges.

Coaching is about connecting with people, and inspiring them to grow and become the best versions of themselves. I see so many new coaches emerge into the field with misguided ideas about the act and process of life coaching.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/483213-plm-410-how-to-become-a-life-coach.mp3″ ]

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What is your intention in becoming a life coach?  Make sure that it is transparent, authentic, and pure. Without these qualities, you will never be able to develop a trusting relationship with your clients. If your only motivator is making money or boosting your ego, you won’t get far.

I believe that the #1 quality in a coach is empathy. Your success as a coach depends on your ability to listen, understand, and share the feelings of your clients. People appreciate the feeling of being heard. That is why they come to you in the first place.

Life experience can be a bonus when working with your clients.  Depending on what you are coaching on, putting yourself in someone else’s shoes can create a strong bond between you and your client.

In the words of Brene Brown, “Empathy is about communicating that incredibly healing message of, you’re not alone.”

The feeling of “being there” allows clients to feel safe and supported in their story. I’ve been coaching for over 10 years. I started off as a dating coach because that was the area of my life where I struggled the most. When people saw the transformation that I made, they asked me for help.

Caring about your clients is what allows you to tap into your power.  The only way that I am able to do what I do is because my caring is my power. I know that making money is just a reward that I receive for doing a great job. The more value that you add to the lives of your clients, the more money you will make.

I’ve worked with 1000’s of people – I host workshops, mastermind events, I coach people online, and now my YouTube channel has reached over 10 million views. I have built my life and my business around personal growth and development.

I am obsessed with learning, and that is what has supported my success as a coach. If you want to be a successful coach, focus on your own personal development journey first so that you can become the person that others seek out for advice and support. When you are at your best that will allow you to serve people at the highest possible level.

When you are first starting out, I recommend that you provide free advice.  Share your expertise and things that have helped you. This will build trust with your audience. If people aren’t willing to receive your free content, than why would they pay for your services?

For example, you could offer 5 free sessions over a 3-month period to people in your network. Gain feedback on yourself, receive testimonials, set up a YouTube channel, build a website, and share your story. Ultimately, people will sign up for your coaching services, not because of a certificate that you have, but because of who you are 

Coaching is about relating to other people.   Be authentic and people will connect with you. There are degrees and training courses that you can do in order to get certified as a coach, but remember that coaching is about results and providing your clients with a model for change.

The more results you get, the more credibility that you will have, and the more money you can charge. I don’t have any formal coaching education. I became a coach because I was proof that change was possible. I became someone that people sought out.  I was able to accelerate the process of others achieving results in their lives, based on my experiences.

When you first start charging for your services, start low. Like, $50/hour. If you cant get people to pay you $50/hour than you need to start off free. Its not until people perceive what you are worth that you can charge more money. For example, I have been working on my YouTube channel for the last five years. As I produced more and more valuable content, people wanted to be coached by me.

As I became more in demand, I started charging more and more money. As time went on, I took on limited clients and charged premium rates. If you want to create a flourishing coaching business, you need to become a thought leader in a specific area and share your expertise. This is the best way to attract, support, and engage with the people that you want to help.

Build your value so that you are perceived as valuable. In the words of Einstein, “Strive not to be a success, but to be of value.” As you grow as a coach, you want to leverage and scale yourself. Do one-on-one coaching and eventually do group coaching. With this coaching model, you can take on more people for the same amount of time.

You could also do Q&A coaching, webinar coaching, in-person coaching events, or Skype coaching sessions. As you grow, you can expand and leverage your business in multiple ways. The best advice that I can give you in terms of how to become a life coach is to develop your credibility and your ability to serve others.

Albert Schweitzer said it best – “The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.”

Good luck with your coaching business!

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