How Tony Robbins’ “Platinum Partnership” Transformed My Life

Anyone who follows me knows what a huge mentor Tony Robbin's has been in my life. His teachings have inspired me to transform every area of my life. 

I have had many life-changing experiences at Tony's seminars and events, which have helped shape my destiny. 

This is why I wanted to invite AJ Delorena, the founder of Talented Technologies to share his story of how Tony Robbins' Platinum Partnership transformed his life forever.

What Is the Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership?

With the Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership, you get access to a complete, transformational process that you can immediately apply for results. It includes:

  • How to tap into your inner strength
  • How to overcome obstacles
  • How to break through in areas of your life where you are “stuck”
  • Exercises for one year that assist with your personal development
  • Personal trips with Tony Robbins and a group of people for life support

This particular process is a transformational approach to any of your life goals. Individuals have had breakthroughs with relationships, business, finances, and their lifestyle.

Take it away AJ!

I want to share with you how Tony Robbins' “Platinum Partnership” transformed my life. A little over five years ago I set off on what would be a life-changing and possibly life-saving journey.  The journey started when my wife signed us up to go to a Tony Robbins, “Unleash the Power Within” seminar as a belated birthday present.

After the seminar, we eventually enrolled in Tony Robbins’ Mastery University and Platinum Partnership group. I had just turned 50 years old. I was about 25 pounds overweight, which I equated to being a natural part of getting older. My blood pressure reading was 183/98 and I was suffering from what I didn’t realize was extreme adrenal fatigue.

I constantly felt exhausted and I was only getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night. My business was slowly crumbling, even though I was consistently working 12-14 hour days, seven days per week. My competitors were rising while I was struggling to effectively operate my business.

On top of everything, my marriage was falling apart due to my complete lack of focus. Things were going downhill fast. Little did I know, it was all about to turn around thanks to my personal development master and his program, Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership.

Initially, walking through the doors of my first UPW experience felt a bit over the top. The loud blaring music and people jumping up and down made it feel more like a rock concert than a personal development seminar. Yet, as the hours went on, I felt more motivated and invigorated than I had in many years The message began to resonate from Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership.

He was helping people tap into their inner strength to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness. His message helped me realize that my priorities and values had become completely distorted. Even worse, I realized my adopted beliefs were ruining my health, business, and relationships.   

By the third day, my wife and I were given the opportunity to meet Tony Robbins on stage to enroll in Mastery University. Neither of us hesitated. Our first Mastery University event, Date With Destiny, totally blew our minds. We witnessed countless interventions where Tony was able to almost instantaneously help participants reach breakthroughs.

Every intervention seemed as if it was directed towards me, and I experienced breakthrough after breakthrough. We completed the Mastery University with Business Mastery, Life and Wealth Mastery, and finally, Leadership Academy within only six months. Our new knowledge had progressed our lives at a surprisingly rapid pace.

My blood pressure dropped to 156/94, I made more business connections, created new sources of income, and re-connected with my wife. All of our success occurred in a short period of time and we were not ready for it to end.

The next logical step was to enroll in Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership. We had heard of the opportunity before but, frankly, it seemed way too expensive, time-consuming, and out of our league. We began talking to as many Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership members as we could in order to better understand their experiences. Their feedback and insights were astounding.

People told us stories of healed illnesses, saved marriages, and business growth of up to 1,000 percent. Others described their personal experiences with Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership, from one-on-one interactions to travels around the world. Their heartfelt stories were enough to convince us that signing up would be one of the most rewarding investments we would ever make for ourselves and our future. 

This was a big decision.

It meant that I would be spending a lot of time away from my business and a lot of money on the group membership. In the end, we decided that the benefits far outweighed the costs, and we signed up for what became the most rewarding experience of our lives.

We kicked off our Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership year with a trip to Whistler, Canada. We spent the mornings skiing or snowboarding on breathtaking hills with Tony and our fellow Platinum partners. The mountains we climbed were like a metaphor for what we could conquer in our new lives. We spent our afternoons listening to Tony and other world-renowned experts from the business and financial world. 

Our second trip was to Tony’s very own resort, Namale, on the island of Fiji. We used our time there to create new and improved business plans with the assistance of fellow Platinum members. Of course, Tony was there to provide individualized insights into each of our business plans. 

Our year ended with our favorite trip, which was located on the beautiful island of Kauai. This event was all about creating and sustaining relationships with our significant others.

We began our days with separate classes for men and women, in order to increase the polarity and attraction in our relationships. We spent the rest of our time listening to experts in the fields of intimacy, sexuality, and relationships.

Every day we did exercises to build more presence and a greater understanding of one another. We felt the love we had for each other intensify, and still feel its continuous growth to this day. This is how Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership transformed my life.

It has now been nearly five years since my wife and I traveled the world and began to utilize Anthony Robbins as our life teacher with the Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership. We are happy to say that we still feel the positive momentum and effects created by these events. I was able to turn my business around and reach higher profit margins with less time in the office.

I average 6-8 hours of sleep per night. It’s not unusual for me to leave my office early or in the middle of the day to take a yoga class or enjoy another activity. My blood pressure is now consistently healthy, around 119/78, and I have more energy in my fifties than I did in my twenties.

My wife and I are closer than ever, and we have even taken up new activities together, such as learning how to play the piano.

While the price tag was high, but I’m not sure I could put a price tag on my health, happiness, marriage, or business successes. I am so grateful for the time I spent with Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership and would recommend it to anyone looking to live up to their fullest potential while setting off on the adventure of a lifetime.

I hope AJ's story inspires you to invest in one of Tony Robbins' events. His teachings have changed mine, AJ's and his wife's life for the better, and I am confident they will do the same for you.

Do you want to learn more about the amazing work that Tony Robbins does? CLICK HERE to visit his website!

I was actually contacted by the Tony Robbins team to partner with them in their affiliate program, as well as to offer my subscribers a $20 off site-wide coupon. So if you want to purchase any Tony Robbins programs or products, use the coupon code MASTERY on checkout to save $20. Please note that I am now an “affiliate” for Tony Robbins and benefit financially if you decide to purchase through my link.

About the Author:

AJ Delorena is the founder of Talented Technologies and writes on their blog, The Bleeding Edge Of Tech. He founded Talented Technologies in 2008, after he had a successful career in Silicon Valley, in both IT Engineering and Sales roles. He saw a unique opportunity in the IT secondary market, as a quintessential Silicon Valley startup that quickly outgrew his garage in one month's time.

Notes from Stefan About Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership

I strongly believe in self-development and transformation. I know from my own experience that programs such as the Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership alters everything. And when you do that, it helps you to maximize your potential in every area of your life.

With the insights I’ve seen from others about this program, I know that it is a significant way to crush it in every area of your life.

Any program that you see from Tony Robbins does the same thing – it transforms you. It helps you get into the deepest, darkest parts of your subconscious and begins changing it.


You have patterns, beliefs, and thoughts that cause you to change how you live and what you decide to do. This is what stops you from reaching the ultimate success that you want to.

With programs like the Tony Robbins Platinum Program, everything changes. You now have access to get to the places that you struggle with, look them in the eye and alter what happens.

What You Really Need

There is only one thing that everyone needs in their lives. It is to take the journey of living to our full potential.

We may or may not have finances, the relationship we want or the lifestyle that we dream of. It always leads to one thing – what do you need to change in your life?

This is exactly what the Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership makes everyone look at. It is similar to his programs and books like Unleash the Power Within and Date with Destiny.

You find, for the first time in your life, that you have more potential to reach your goals and to get to your core power. When you do this, it is possible for you to build the life you want.

I know that if I didn’t go through the self-development processes like the Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership, then I wouldn’t be where I am today. By working on things like this, I have been able to find greater success and mastery in every area of my life.

If you are struggling with relationships, work on it. Too often, we run away from the things that don’t work and stay in that area. Instead, look at what patterns and beliefs you have and change it.

If you are struggling with business and finances, work on it. Something like the Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership can help you to get through monetary blocks and to open up to your complete potential. Look at that and find a way to succeed.

If you aren’t happy with your life, work on it. Change your approach, your lifestyle and what you do. Take small steps every day and find the life hacks that will work to give you the results that you really want.

The Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership is a way to reach success. Why? Because you have a chance to work on everything you want or need in life. You have the chance to break through and to get the results that you want. And, you have the chance to be a part of an exclusive group that is doing the same thing.

That’s a powerful formula, brought by one of the most influential people of our time, to help you live the life you really want.

Is This the Formula You Need?

There are many that are uncertain of which program to join with Tony Robbins. Some are geared toward your specific needs at the time, while others may not help you to reach your full potential until it’s the right time.

The Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership is for those that are dedicated to their transformation at a specific level and are interested in a longer program to get the breakthroughs they need.

I’ve personally gone through other approaches with Tony Robbins that have had similar results and have assisted with the immediate transformation that I need.

Here are some of the programs you can see that I’ve reviewed:

Of course, Tony Robbins is known for his hundreds of programs and assistance with others who want to reach their full potential. These are only a few of the powerful programs that you can look at for the formula you really need.

Here’s a way to find if the Tony Robbins Platinum Program, or another program, will work best for you.

  • How familiar are you with Tony Robbins’ work?
  • Have you done any transformational work in the past?
  • Do you want a program that is longer and follows this format?
  • What are your goals?
  • What areas are you “stuck” at and want to break through with?
  • What is your intention for joining the Tony Robbins Platinum Program?

If you are new to Tony Robbins or haven’t worked with self-development, then I would suggest a different route. Work up to the Platinum Partnership at a later date and make sure that it is the right mentorship program for you.

Also, look at your goals and breaking points. See what programs may be of greater assistance to you as well as what the Platinum Partnership may offer that others don’t. You may find that there are other programs that are just as effective.

The most important part of the Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership, or any other program, is the commitment you have to yourself. When you become conscious about your own self-development and your approach to life, then you will find greater results that help you to get the solutions you want from life.

Commit to Mastery and to your growth. The programs you need are waiting for you to build the life you want.

Are you ready to turn what you already know into next level success and impact? CLICK HERE to join Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi’s Knowledge Broker Blueprint!

This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only ever endorse products that I have personally used and benefitted from personally. Thank you for your support!

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