This REALLY Peeved Me Today (Read What I Learned) & Let’s Build A School Together In Ecuador!

Someone left a comment on my Facebook page earlier today that REALLY peeved me.

There's a good lesson to share from it, which I'll share the story of a bit later…

But first, I'm very happy and proud to announce my first public fundraising campaign!

I'm working with an organization called Change Heroes and Free The Children to build a school in Ecuador.

The goal is to raise $10,000 and I created this campaign to encourage others to join me in building a small school that will impact at least 1,000 children!

Click here to join me in this campaign!

Last year I put out a video to learn more about the different charities and organizations you guys support. I wanted to brainstorm and see what ideas we could come up with for making a big difference in the world together.

Education and children is something that came up quite a bit. Helping children around the world have an education is something that I'm very passionate about, because I feel it's an area that can have a powerful ripple affect and really transform not only individual lives, but entire country's.

I've always been giving to charities and have supported many organizations over the years, but I've never done anything public like this before.

I've realized that as a public figure, I am in a very fortunate position to be able to reach and influence thousands of people.

I want to use this reach and influence for good and making a difference in the world. To bring awareness to parts of the world that can use help and recruit others to be givers.

Over the years, I've worked hard to make a difference in peoples lives by creating videos and articles that can help other people.

With 90% of the content I've done, I make no profit or have any intention of making any profit from.

I create these videos… such as my morning ritual, how to get motivated, or how to overcome binge eating, etc… NOT because I  have a product to sell that's related to it or anything.

I do it because I sincerely want to help others and change peoples lives.

I do it because it's my mission in life to grow and to give.

Yes… at the same time, I do run a business and making money is part of any business, no doubt about that. Making money is important as it allows me to reach even MORE people and make a bigger difference, as I have more resources to support my business endeavours.

Making money has always been secondary for me. Contribution has always been my #1 intention and outcome.

And I've learned, that if your focus is on helping others and giving, then you will receive back tenfold.

I've had many people over the years ask me…

“Stefan, how can I repay you for the amazing free content that you put out?”

First, I don't create videos or spend my time blogging to expect anything in return from anyone.

Again, I do it because I enjoy it and because I want to help people. Last year I published 91 video blogs that has life-changing content in it that is FREE for anyone to view or benefit from.

However, today I feel I have a good answer to that question.

If you really want to repay me or show any appreciation or thanks for anything I might have given to you or that you've benefitted from, then you can do this:


That's it. Just give.

Pay forward what you've received.

The only thing that I can ask is for you to do well enough in your life to be able to make a difference for others as well.

If you want to support my Change Heroes campaign, then that is one way (which I do appreciate).

However, giving in whatever way feels right for you is what is most important.

That could be supporting charities, giving your time or money, or creating a business, product or service that can help others too.

Whatever works for you – just focus on giving, not getting.

If you really “get this”, then your life will have a much deeper meaning to it.

As Tony Robbins says, “The secret to living is giving” and it's absolutely true.

If you make your focus on helping others and adding value to other peoples lives, then you will have no worries. You won't have to worry about receiving, trust me.

If you want to join me and give to this campaign to build a school for children in Ecuador, then thank you.

Any contribution will help. $10, $20, or whatever you want (you don't have to do the $3.33 per day like the video suggestions).

I really appreciate you and your support!

Click here to join me in this campaign!

Before I wrap up this e-mail, I want to share a story about a comment I received today that really peeved me.

I posted this campaign on my Facebook page and this lady posted a nasty comment that if I was making so much money, then why don't I just pay the $10,000 to build a school.

She then proceeded to accuse me of being a liar and said that I don't live in a $1.7 million dollar penthouse, etc…

This was hurtful to me. I normally am unaffected by criticism, but this comment came unexpected to me and was very inappropriate given the context that the intention is to help underprivileged children.

There was a part of me that was angry. It doesn't feel good for someone to make negative judgements
about you and accusing you for being a liar –  especially when your intention is to serve and make a difference.

Part of me wanted to give up and take down the campaign, to avoid any future rejection or criticism.

Part of me wanted to lash out on this lady and defend myself. Who is she to make such judgements without even knowing me?

She doesn't know about the thousands of dollars that I contribute every year to charities, all secretly and quietly without any public recognition.

She hasn't even been to my penthouse, hung out with my friends and I here, attended any of the mastermind events I host here, etc…

Thankfully I was able to change my state and the meaning that I was giving it quickly.

I reminded myself of the greater purpose of why I'm doing this: to help underprivileged children.

I didn't want to stop these children from having their lives changed because of my fear of rejection, criticism or this negative lady's comment.

The lesson that I learned and what I want to share with you is this:

You will have many people that doubt you, judge you, criticize you, make false accusations, reject you or say/do things that will seem unfair.

In spite of all of this… you must continue to do what you believe in and feel is right.

There's been many dreams and achievements that have never been actualized because of the negativity of others.

Just imagine what could be accomplished in the world if everyone supported one another!

In these times of adversity, you must always remind yourself of your higher purpose and intent.

You must learn to be unfazed by the negativity and continue down the path towards achieving your dreams and making a difference.

Always stay true to yourself and do the right thing, as it is YOU that has to look yourself in the mirror each morning and knows the truth of your real intentions.

It's also important to remember that other peoples judgements and criticism has NOTHING to do with you.

People react out of their own fears and limitations. It's from their own anger or unhappiness with their own lives, so they have to bring others down to feel better about themselves.

Think about it…

Someone hates their life, just got divorced, lost their job, is struggling, depressed, etc…

And then they see YOU who is doing fantastic, is successful, happy, positive, making a difference, etc…

They see you and immediately compare themselves to you and feel this envy, jealousy, anger and hatred towards you for no reason.

They feel not enough. They feel inadequate and unworthy.

The only way they can feel important, significant and feel good (temporarily) is by judging and criticizing.

It's really sad and pathetic.

Unfortunately there's many people out there like this.

Hate and criticize on murderers. Hate on rapists. Hate on terrorists and really bad people in the world.

But do NOT hate on and criticize those that are doing GOOD in the world and making a difference.

We need people like those – as they're the only hope in making this world a better place.

I've learned from extraordinary human beings like Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama to always give unconditional love to these people.

Those that try to hurt you and bring you down, still love and pray for them unconditionally. Pray that they break free from their pain and one day change, to become better people in the world.

If you hold pain and resentment towards them, then as Nelson Mandela says, it's like “drinking poison and expecting the other person to die”.

So always aim to be the better person, take the high road and use negative people as a way to grow to become more compassionate and loving.

That's my story and lesson for you today!

I hope my experience can benefit you in some way.

Thanks again for any support or contribution that you've given with this Change Heroes campaign.

My goal is to bring awareness to this cause that I am passionate about.

I will continue giving my hard earned money to  charities and supporting causes that I'm passionate about regardless – but I want to recruit you to do the same!

There's plenty of millionaires, billionaires and celebrities that give A LOT of money to charities, but they still create fundraisers to try to bring awareness and leverage their influence to raise even more money to make a difference!

That's what I'm trying to accomplish.

Click here to join me in this campaign!

Thanks again,


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