My April 2017 Monthly Goals Report

I have created a new and improved version of K Money Mastery which is called, Mastering Book Publishing!

Every month, I write a detailed monthly report about the progress that I'm making towards the goals and resolutions that I publicly stated on my blog earlier in the year.  This is my April 2017 Monthly Goals Report, which goes over each goal that I set and the progress that I've made on them so far.

Since I started sharing my Monthly Goals Reports a few years ago, I received such an amazing response from people on my blog.  People have been sharing with me how much I've inspired them or how helpful it's been for them by me openly sharing my progress.  It's my hope that you can take away something from this report that will help inspire you to achieve your own goals

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/510841-plm-431-my-april-2017-monthly-goals-report.mp3″ background=”default” ]

This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only ever endorse products that I have personally used and benefitted from personally. Thank you for your support!

My 2017 Goals Breakdown

I’m now going to go into each goal that I committed to for 2017 in detail and share exactly where I’m at with it.  Also, be sure to check out the original 2017 goals and resolution video blog and my previous Monthly Goal Reports to compare my progress.


1. I will easily make $2,000,000 in revenue, while impacting thousands of peoples lives by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: $118,132.27 in April ($568,269.33 CAD total)

April was a bit of a lower month for me financially, earning $118k compared to $184k for the month of March.  The ups and downs are to be expected, as at times my income is based on active income or promotions that I have going on.  Overall, I'm very grateful and blessed to be in a position that I'm in and and moreso focused overall on hitting $2M this year as my outcome.

While it may be impressive that I was able to generate this amount of money in a month, it's always important to keep in mind that I did not get here overnight.  It's taken me years of hard work, learning and consistent effort to build the multiple online businesses and income streams that I've developed.  I also often remind people that the money you earn is merely a reflection of the amount of value that you've added to other people's lives.  If you focus on adding massive value and helping people, you will be rewarded for that.  That is what I continue to focus on every day and what I'm most proud of.

This income is comprised of a number of businesses and income streams that I have, such as:

Want to learn exactly how I make money online and became an internet millionaire in 3 years?
CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE online training program!

2. I will easily have a $2,500,000 stock investment portfolio by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: $2,173,535.65 CAD

My stock investment portfolio decreased to $2,173,535.65 CAD, however, I'm currently holding over $280k in cash that I'm waiting to invest when a correction occurs.  After reading Tony Robbins book Unshakeable, he warns of a correction coming soon that will be a great opportunity to buy stock.  Right now I'm being patient. 🙂

My investment strategy is long-term and buying stocks that pay dividends.  Right now, I primarily focus on investing on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), since I benefit from the weak Canadian dollar and economy.  Currently, my overall investment portfolio is down, however, I believe I've been able to benefit from it as I'm always buying when things drop and taking advantage of things.

The awesome thing about investing in dividend stocks is that I've been able to make a passive income of a couple thousand per month, as the stocks I invest in either pay a monthly or quarterly dividend.  So I'm not only benefiting from any capital gains, but also receiving a passive income from my investments.

CLICK HERE to watch my video blog on my $1,000,000 investment portfolio.


3. I will easily host the Life Mastery Transformation seminar, love the process and help transform lives by January 30, 2017.

RESULT: Goal Achieved

I hosted the Life Mastery Transformation seminar on January 14-15 in Vancouver and it was a great success!  We had an amazing group of people attend from all over the world and it was a powerful weekend.  I look forward to hosting more events in the future.

To get notified of upcoming Project Life Mastery events, CLICK HERE.

4. I will easily launch the Life Mastery Accelerator program, love the process and help people accelerate every aspect of their lives on a monthly basis by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: Goal Achieved

I'm excited to say that I officially launched the Life Mastery Accelerator program in March, which is my newest self-development monthly mentoring program to help people master every area of their life.  I'm excited about this program, as it's a chance for me to dive deeper into my more advanced, higher level strategies that have really made a difference in my life.  The best part is, I've made it affordable for ANYONE that wants to get mentored by me and have me answer their questions every month.

To learn more about the Life Mastery Accelerator, CLICK HERE.

5. I will easily launch the Online Business Mastery Accelerator program, love the process and help people accelerate their online business success on a monthly basis by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: Goal Achieved

In March I officially launched the Online Business Mastery Accelerator program, which is my monthly mentoring program for those that are committed to accelerating the process of building their online business.  Now people can get mentoring from me at an affordable price every month, answering their questions and teaching them my newest, most cutting edge online business strategies.

To learn more about the Online Business Mastery Accelerator, CLICK HERE.

6. I will easily launch the Life Mastery Transformation video training program, love the process and help people transform every aspect of their lives by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: In Progress

I've taken some actions towards this goal, but don't have a launch date yet.

7. I will easily publish 200+ videos on the Project Life Mastery channel, while impacting thousands of lives by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: 19 videos in April (74 total)

In April, I published 19 new videos on the YouTube channel, iTunes podcast and on the blog.  I've continued to improve my ability to produce high quality content and have been putting a lot more focus on this.  It's been a lot easier now that I've been building a team to help me run many of the other operations of my business, so that I can focus more on producing quality content.

8. I will easily publish 200+ blog posts on ProjectLifeMastery.com, while impacting thousands of lives by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: 19 blog posts (83 total)

In April, I published 19 new blog posts which you can find right here on Project Life Mastery.

9. I will easily have at least 250,000 YouTube subscribers on the Project Life Mastery channel by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: 217,000+ subscribers

The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is continuing to grow, gaining thousands of new subscribers every month. I've been consistently publishing new videos and work hard to create content that can make a difference in the lives of others.

10. I will easily have at least 1,000,000 views per month on the Project Life Mastery YouTube channel by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: 1,000,167 views in April

I'm blessed to have reached over 1 million people in April with the videos on the Project Life Mastery YouTube channel.  This is a huge milestone for me – I'm so blessed to have this kind of reach and impact.  Now I just need to make sure I consistently reach this many people on an on-going basis. 🙂

11. I will easily have at least 150,000 unique visitors per month visit ProjectLifeMastery.com by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: 119,003 unique sessions in April

I'm blessed to have reached 119,003 people in April with the content on Project Life Mastery.  The traffic of the blog has been growing slow and steady, as I've continued publishing quality content and the authority of the blog increases in the search engines.

12. I will easily host a high level Online Business Mastery Mastermind event in Vancouver, love the process and help people build and grow their online business by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: In Progress

As of right now, this event is not available to the general public and only available for my current clients and customers.  In January, we opened up registration for the event and have had a number of people started signing up.  This is a small, exclusive mastermind for a handful of people.

To get on the notification lists for future events, click here.

13. I will easily re-launch Affiliate Marketing Mastery and help hundreds of new people build their own successful online business by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: No progress yet

Haven't scheduled a date or any plans yet of re-launching.  To get on the notifications list, click here.

14. I will easily launch Project Life Mastery merchandise by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: Goal Achieved

Woohoo!  I'm excited to announce that in April we launched MasteryApparel.com, which is my inspirational clothing line for Project Life Mastery.  We've got a lot of awesome items available that I'm excited for you to check out, and more coming on the way!  If you've seen some motivational shirts that I've been wearing in my YouTube videos or on my social media, then you can likely find it on for sale here.

15. I will easily improve and re-design the ProjectLifeMastery.com website by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: In Progress

We're currently strategizing and planning the enhancements to make on the Project Life Mastery website and still exploring or options for who to work with on the re-design.


17. I will easily complete a 15 day juice fast, cleanse my body and create unstoppable energy by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: Not planned yet

I haven't planned my 15-day juice fast yet.

I've found it extremely important every year to give my body a break, allow it to cleanse and heal itself through 15 day juice cleanses as well as liver flushes.  This years cleanse will likely include colon hydrotherapy sessions, cryotherapy, infrared sauna, massage therapy, rebounding and key supplements.

18. I will easily complete Tough Mudder in Whistler with my girlfriend Tatiana and love the process by June 30, 2017.

RESULT: Scheduled for June 2017

I've scheduled to do Tough Mudder in Whistler in June 2017.  I've currently been training and preparing for it every day.

19. I will easily complete the Spartan Race in Vancouver and love the process by June 30, 2017.

RESULT: Scheduled for June 2017

I've scheduled to do the Spartan Race in June 2017.  I've currently been training and preparing for it every day.

20. I will easily complete the ScotiaBank Half Marathon in Vancouver and love the process by June 30, 2017.

RESULT: Scheduled for June 2017

I've scheduled to do the ScotiaBank Half Marathon in June 2017.  I've currently been training and preparing for it every day.

21. I will easily do yoga once a week, increasing my flexibility and relieving tension by December 31, 2017.


I did two yoga sessions during April, but unfortunately got off track with it while in Australia.  I need to make sure I'm more consistent with this one while traveling and keep my standards strong for this.

22. I will easily use my PEMF Mat at least once per day (5x per week) by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: 5x per week while in Vancouver

In April, I used my PEMF mat consistently while I was in Vancouver, but since I've been Australia I've been away from it and so this goal has been on hold until I'm back in my environment in Vancouver.

23. I will easily hire an amazing personal trainer to help me get in amazing shape, stay focused and help me achieve my fitness goals by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: In Progress

Currently waiting to hire one when I'm back in town from Australia, likely during the summertime.

24. I will easily do a DEXA Scan every 3 months to track my muscle mass, body fat and bone density by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: 2x total

In January and April, I went to get a DEXA Scan at Body Comp Imaging in Vancouver.  If you want to learn more about my experience and DEXA Scans, check out my video blog on it.

25. I will easily get a massage twice per month to help me feel amazing, by December 31, 2017.


I was consistent with this in April, enjoying a massage to increase relaxation and performance.

26. I will easily get tested at least once (live blood analysis, allergy test, hormones test, metals test) by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: In Progress

In March, I got a lot of blood work tested with WellnessFX and shared a bit about my experience in this video blog in San Diego.  In April, I recently got done an allergy test and heavy metals test, which I'll be sharing more of in future videos.


27. I will easily complete the 100 Day Challenge to help me achieve some of my biggest goals by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: Goal Achieved

Every year I commit to doing the 100 Day Challenge and so far have been consistent with it in January 2017, helping me to make progress towards some of my goals.

28. I will easily complete a 30-day Morning Ritual Challenge to be at my best every day by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: Goal Achieved

In March, I completed my 30 Day Morning Ritual Challenge!  To learn more about the 30 Day Morning Ritual Challenge, enroll in my Morning Ritual Mastery program which will teach you step-by-step how to create an empowering morning ritual in your life.

29. I will easily complete a 30-day Complaint-Free Challenge to be more positive and happy by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: No progress yet

I haven't planned this yet.

30. I will easily complete a 10-day silent meditation retreat with Vipassana to deepen my meditation practice and grow spiritually by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: Scheduled for November/December

Right now I have my Vipassana meditation retreat scheduled for November/December in 2017.

31. I will easily attend a 3-day Tantra Workshop with my girlfriend Tatiana, to enhance our relationship and grow spiritually by February 28, 2017.

RESULT: Goal Achieved!

In February, I attended the Tantra Intimacy Retreat with WarriorSage, hosted by Satyen and Suzanne Raja.  It was a powerful experience to share with my girlfriend and something that we've been meaning to get into for awhile now.  The growth and moments shared during the retreat are things that I'll cherish for a long time.

32. I will easily attend Date With Destiny Leadership to develop my leadership skills and help change peoples lives by May 30, 2017.

RESULT: Scheduled in May 2017

I've signed up and confirmed my attendance for Date With Destiny Leadership in the Gold Coast, Australia in May 2017.

33. I will easily attend the National Achievers Congress by March 30, 2017.

RESULT: Goal Achieved

In March, I attended the National Achievers Congress in Seattle and even got kissed on the head by Tony Robbins. 🙂

34. I will easily read at least 20 books to enhance my knowledge, mindset and skills by December 31, 2017.

I've so far read 5 books for 2017, currently reading The HeartMath Solution.  Here's some of the books I've read so far this year:

35. I will easily go to church at least once a week on Sundays, to grow my relationship with God by December 31, 2017.*

RESULT: Attended 2x

In April, I attended Church twice, but unfortunately missed a few Sundays while in Australia.  I need to make sure I'm consistent with this, even while traveling.

*Exception with travel/events/seminars I have on weekends.


36. I will easily host a fun activity once a month with friends, creating more magic moments by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: Completed

In April I hosted a poker and UFC night with friends – always great to have a boys night and connect!

37. I will easily enjoy a fun family vacation, creating fun and magic moments by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: Rescheduled

We had a family vacation planned during February to go up to my brothers cabin, but unfortunately there was a snow storm that prevented us from going.  Will likely reschedule this for summer time.

38. I will easily update our Relationship Journal with Tatiana at least once a month, to further enhance and grow our relationship by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: Did not complete in April

Unfortunately I got off track during April and didn't complete my Relationship Journal with my girlfriend, which is something I will get back on track with during May.

39. I will easily travel to Australia by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: Goal Achieved

40. I will easily travel to Ethiopia by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: Scheduled October 2017

41. I will easily travel to Jackson Hole for a Entrepreneur Mastermind snowboarding trip by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: Goal Achieved

This goal was achieved in January as part of a entrepreneur mastermind trip with 60+ entrepreneurs.  It was an amazing experience and it was a blast to go snowboarding, as well as dog sledding.

42. I will easily travel to California and spend at least a month living there by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: Scheduled November/December 2017

43. I will easily attend at least 2 Brotherhood Mastermind Trips by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: 1x in January

In January, I went to Jackson Hole as part of a Brotherhood Mastermind trip with 60+ successful entrepreneurs that I'm friends with and mastermind with throughout the year.  It was an amazing experience – it's always a pleasure surrounding myself around such incredible human beings!

44. I will easily go snowboarding at least 5 times and enjoy the process by December 31, 2017.


So far in 2017, I went snowboarding on Mt. Seymour in Vancouver and in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.  I'm looking forward to getting more into snowboarding in 2017.

45. I will easily do at least 3 photoshoots and get some amazing photos by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: 1x in April

In April, I did a great photoshoot and got a lot of awesome photos taken that I'll be sharing more of on my social media.


46. I will easily host a monthly coaching session with the Project Life Mastery Teen Mentoring Program by December 31, 2017.


In April, unfortunately I was unable to do the mentoring session due to poor upload connection in Australia, but will be re-scheduling once I settle in the Gold Coast and have a more stable connection.  However, I've done a total of 3 sessions so far this year.  It's always great to be a role model and provide guidance for teens, being a Big Brother.  I always wish I had a mentor when I was a teen, as I was mostly lost and struggled a lot.

If you are 18 or younger, click here to join the Teen Mentoring Program.

47. I will easily fund at least 2 houses for families suffering from poverty, changing their lives by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: No progress yet

For the last two years, I've been involved in funding houses for families suffering from poverty with different organizations.  I've personally been apart in funding and building 3 houses so far, in El Salvador and Nicaragua.  I look forward to continuing this ritual in 2017.  I have yet to decide on the location of where I want to build the houses yet.

48. I will easily fund a school to be built with ChangeHeroesImagine1Day or another organization by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: No progress yet

For the last two years, I've been involved in funding schools with organizations like ChangeHeroes and Imagine1Day.  I've personally been apart in funding and building 4 houses so far, in Ecuador, Kenya and Ethiopia.  I look forward to continuing this ritual in 2017.  I have yet to decide on the location of where I want to build the houses yet.

49. I will easily volunteer in Ethiopia to build a school that I funded by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: Scheduled for October 2017

In October 2017, I will be traveling to Ethiopia to volunteer to build a school that I funded last year.  I look forward to going on this amazing journey and making a difference in a community that is suffering from poverty and lack of education.

50. I will easily cultivate the habit of giving more by giving to those that are homeless and truly in need every opportunity I get by December 31, 2017.

RESULT: On Track

In April, I cultivated the habit of giving more and contributing.  I focused on serving outside of myself, giving to the homeless and being selfless in circumstances that help was needed.  One question I ask myself every morning is, “Who can I pray for, serve or give to today?”

51. I will easily find some new organizations or charities that I can help contribute to, broadening my impact by December 31, 2017.


One recent charity I've been contributing to is ASPCA, which helps end animal cruelty and taking care of the well-being of animals.  Also Kiva.org is one of my favourites that I enjoy contributing to and helping to lend money with.

Overall, I enjoyed putting this Monthly Goals Report together and I look forward to doing one again next month.  I’ve found that this public commitment has been pushing me to stay motivated and accountable as well, which is helping me to get more done also.  Thanks for reading!

This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only ever endorse products that I have personally used and benefitted from personally. Thank you for your support!

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