How To Focus On And Enjoy The Process Of Success

Here's how to focus on and enjoy the process of success.

Do you ever get so attached to something that it gets to the point where your desire to succeed becomes so overwhelming that it causes you to give up altogether? If so, you aren’t alone.

Many of us become so attached to the results that we desire, that we don’t learn how to focus on and enjoy the process of success.

Don’t get me wrong. Setting goals is great. However, setting goals and working towards the accomplishment of them are very different things. Do you measure your success by the outcome or by the process?

If it’s the former, you need to rethink your strategy.

Watch the video below:

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[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/564676-plm-470-how-to-focus-on-and-enjoy-the-process-of-success.mp3″ background=”default” ]

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In today’s digital world, our brains are in overdrive because we are constantly inundated with new information. It’s difficult to focus on and enjoy the process of success when we are experiencing information overload and trying to accomplish multiple tasks at once.

Are you reading this blog while responding to an email and making breakfast? If so, it’s time to slow down. Why? Research shows that multitasking is actually detrimental to cognitive performance, which has been referred to as “info-mania.” When it comes to doing a task properly, concentrate on one thing at a time. It's good for your brain, and it's better than multitasking.

The second challenge that people face is what to do with all of the information that they are given. In order to make any decision in life, you need to take action. When you are too focused on the end goal, it’s easier to become distracted by all of the steps that you need to take in order to get there.

Distractions prevent us from being productive and give us an excuse to dabble. As a result, no goal is ever achieved. Do you jump ship when things get tough? If so, your lack of patience, distractions, and “Shiny Object Syndrome” is killing your results.

You Need To Learn How To Focus And Enjoy The Process Of Success.

A great strategy for doing this is to learn things on a deeper level, and do it, multiple times. As I always say, repetition is the mother of mastery. For example, I will read the same book multiple times, or I will attend the same seminars again and again, in order to absorb the knowledge on a deeper level. Why? Because I want to master what I learn from an experience before I focus on something new.

Success is due, in part, to your ability to master boring and repetitive things in life. This is how we create habits that we desire. I do the same boring things, every day. But over time, they produce massive results. Another great strategy for enjoying the process is to do what you love. For myself, this has been through the process of creating inspiring content online, based on topics that I am passionate about.

The act of adding value and being of service to others means more to me than any amount of money that comes from it. As a result of simply helping people, I have been able to create a large following of subscribers who benefit from my work. I know that if I continue to add massive value, the money will come from that process alone.

Learn how to focus on and enjoy the process of success. This is where the magic lies. In the words of Eric Thomas, “Fall in love with the process, and the results will come.”

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