I have created a new and improved version of K Money Mastery which is called, Mastering Book Publishing!
If you've ever considered writing your own book at some point in your life, then you're in the right place.
I'm going to revealing to you what holds many people back from writing their own book and provide tips on how to overcome that and understand how to write a book for beginners. If you're a complete beginner at writing, you'll also learn some strategies on how to write a book and getting started with it.
I've personally written several of my own books that I've self-published on Amazon and Kindle. I've had a fair share of success writing and publishing, but have also worked with many very successful authors that have published and had remarkable success.
I've seen the pitfalls and the challenges that hold people back. I've also seen what gets someone to take action and follow through on their book project, successfully completing their book and publishing it.
I'd like to invite you to first watch this video that I recorded that shares more on how to write a book for beginners.
Watch the video below:
(Click here to watch on YouTube)
[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/305844-plm-170-how-to-write-a-book-for-beginners.mp3″ social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” ]
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Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!
3 Tips On How To Get Started Writing A Book
The biggest obstacle that aspiring authors face is getting started with writing a book. The most common obstacles that I've observed are procrastination and writer's block.
As mentioned in the video, I have a few simple strategies to help overcome both of these obstacles:
1. Chunk It Down And Make Writing A Book Achievable
Many aspiring authors procrastinate to write a book because they making it so big in their heads. They make writing a book into this massive, overwhelming task that they feel would take them years to complete. As long as you look at things this way, the chances of you getting started to write a book is slim to none.
The solution to this is to break the task of writing a book into smaller, more achievable pieces. Break down the book into a series of chapters. Then break those chapters down into a series of paragraphs. Those paragraphs into a series of sentences. And then a series of words. This is a simple start when learning how to write a book for beginners.
When you look at it that way, how much easier does it become in your head? Anyone can write a few words.
If you just focus on that – writing a few words – then you can get started right now on that and begin making progress on a book. This helps if you are writing non-fiction or learning how to start writing a novel for beginners.
So that's my first tip for beginners on how to write a book: make it smaller and more achievable. When you look at things this way and just get started writing, it isn't long before you get momentum and before you know it the book will be complete!
2. Use Pain And Pleasure To Motivate You
Many aspiring authors procrastinate to write a book because they associate pain with the process of it. They believe that it'll be too time-consuming, be challenging, difficult, or overwhelming. These are all alternative words for “pain”.
Anytime you link pain to doing something, you won't be likely to do it. However, you can use pain to your advantage. Pain is good, as long as you channel it in the right direction and use it as leverage. If you want to learn how to write a book for beginners, but procrastinate, then think about the consequences of doing so. Ask yourself these questions:
- What will it cost you if you don't write a book?
- What has it already cost you in your life?
- What will you miss out on in your life if you don't write a book?
- What are the consequences 5 years from now?
Be honest with yourself and get to the truth. If you can begin to feel a bit dissatisfied or disturbed, then you're on the right track and will begin to feel motivation to get started immediately.
Alternatively, you want to associate pleasure to the process of writing a book. Think about how you will feel by having your book published and having people enjoy it. Think about the benefits it will bring you in your life.
3. Write For The Waste Basket
Being a perfectionist holds many aspiring authors back from getting started to write a book.
One of the best pieces of advice that I've heard is to “write for the waste basket”. Meaning, you want to write with the intention of it not being good. This is one of the best pieces of advice when learning how to write a book for beginners.
The truth is, the draft of your book is NEVER going to be as good as you want. However, that's why it's called a “draft”, because it isn't meant to be perfect. It's meant to be just a draft of your ideas or the initial stages of your book, which you can then go back through and improve upon.
When writing, I often just write and don't even care about my spelling or grammar. I just want to get into that “flow state” and get the words out of me. Once I've completed the draft, I can then go through it and revamp it and clean it up.
I have a very powerful process for this that I teach inside my Mastering Book Publishing program. So if you want to quickly write a book and suffer from procrastination or being a perfectionist, then I'd highly recommend you check it out.
How To Write A Book For Beginners
Now let's get into the practical strategies on how to write a book for beginners. These steps can be applied to any book that you want to write, no matter the topic.
1. Create An Outline For Your Book
The first step is to create an outline of your book and list what you want included in it. This is where you want to think about and lay out all the chapters, as well as jot down a few notes on what each chapter can include.
This is just pure brainstorming and getting your ideas to paper as an outline. By creating an outline, it will help you throughout the writing process as you won't have to think as much about what each chapter will contain.
2. Get Into A Creative Writing State
All of the most successful writers have said that when they're writing, they get into a state of “flow”. This is a creative writing state that allows the words to just flow out of them.
If you're a beginner and want to know how to write a book, then I think this is especially important as you may have a harder time having the words come to you. Writers block is just a state – it's a limiting state that gets people too stuck in their head and the creativity doesn't flow out of them.
Next time you're having a tough time coming up with words to write, I'd suggest to change your state. This is much more effective than trying to persist through it. You can change your state by changing your physiology or focus. Some strategies for this are:
- Get up and go for a walk
- Exercise or workout
- Meditate for 15 minutes and silence your mind
- Do something that makes you feel good and energized
- Read a book for 30 minutes
When you're in a better state, then I'd suggest to tackle writing the book again. Notice how much easier it has become as you've loosened yourself up and feel better.
3. Use A Timer When Writing Your Draft
As mentioned earlier, you want to start with writing a draft. You aren't going to just magically write the perfect version of your book the first time. One of my favourite strategies that I've used in writing the draft of my book is to use a timer or stop watch.
By using a timer and setting it for 45 minutes, it will create a sense of urgency within you to write as much as you can in that short window of time. By doing this, you'll get A LOT written quickly and be amazed by what comes out of you.
Make it a race and do NOT worry about any errors or mistakes you make. It doesn't matter how good it sounds for now, like I said you can go back and correct it. It's really about just getting the words out of you. I've found this to be amazingly effective for those that want to know how to write a book, especially for beginners.
4. Edit And Proofread Your Book
Once you have the draft of your book complete, the next step is to polish it up. You'll want to edit and proofread it yourself. But I also recommend to hire someone else to help you with this also, because they'll likely find things that you missed.
You can find many editors and proofreaders on Fiverr or UpWork inexpensively. If you can have others review your book and give feedback on it, this is very useful to help make sure that the book is valuable to your future readers.
Ultimately, I'd say to NOT be a perfectionist with writing a book. I've seen time and time again people wanting to know how to write a book and sure enough, they delay it. They might even get started, but it takes them several years to complete it.
I'm big on encouraging people to get it out there, even if it's not 100% perfect (because nothing ever will be) and to get out of your own way and share your gifts to the world.
The fantastic thing is, we live in a world where anyone can now write and self-publish their own book. Kindle publishing has been possible for anyone, regardless of where you live in the world or the quality of your book. I have a course called Mastering Book Publishing which has helped many aspiring authors and publishers get their book on Kindle and start making money from it. This is a great next step when learning how to write a book for beginners.
Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course