There are thousands of people that come to Project Life Mastery looking for solutions. One of the top reasons?
They have no motivation. There isn't the ability to complete what is started or to even start what they really desire in life. Instead, they cut themselves short by convincing themselves that they shouldn't finish what they decided to do.
Are you going to continue to not finish what you start?
If you have no motivation, then start to change the pattern. There are specific things you can do to alter how you think, what feel and how you respond when it comes to what you really desire in your life.
To begin changing how you approach any part of your life, first get to the root cause of the issue. Most likely, you will find that belief systems and subconscious patterns are taking over your ability to do something and achieve what you really desire in life.
Having no motivation for anything is a deeper issue. It is not just being lazy or deciding that you don't want to do something because it's not for you. In the mechanics of your mind, you need to begin to master what is taking place internally first so you can change the parts of your life that matter most.
Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.
Mario Andretti
You Are Not Alone If You Aren't Motivated
Did you know that 92% of people on the planet never achieve their goals? Scientists have studied the ability to remain motivated and to complete what someone starts. The majority of us – don't.
Is it no motivation alone that causes this issue? We sometimes believe that we just decide not to do something because we feel that way. In fact, there are other mechanics that are involved when we choose not to reach our goals and instead fall short of what is really wanted in life.
Scientists have done the research. Motivation is reliant on how the neural network in your mind functions and reacts to your to-do list and to your larger, overarching goals.
Nucleus accumbens send chemical messages to your body over whether you should or should not do something. Dopamine is the main neurotransmitter, passing chemicals to the brain based on what you will get in return. Your mind reacts based on how good you feel, what the results will be and whether that benefits you.
What happens? The dopamine does not compute that you will be rewarded or have your goals reached by achieving something. That's how no motivation starts to compute into our lives. Teams of scientists at Vanderbilt have found that it is the “feel good” part of the brain that gets us to do something.
This is exactly what Life Mastery is about. If you begin to change what you believe are rewarding systems, without ever falling short of them, then you change your mindset.
If you have no motivation, then look at whether you are ever satisfied with the rewards – or if you ever reach your goals.
The Impact of Reward-Based Systems
Your mindset is the key to your happiness, freedom and to the ability to meet the goals you want. If you have no motivation or energy, then it's time to look at reward-based systems and how they are influencing you.
“The mechanics of you” is what allows the reward based systems to work. To do this, you have to feel, believe and understand that you are reaching those rewards and are able to get something in return that will enable you to do more.
Check this study out. Researchers set on a quest to see what motivated someone at work. What did they find? More money was not the key and produced very few results to motivate individuals to finish a project. Those who had more money still had no motivation.
The huge difference with those that were achievers and continued to be achievers felt better by their progress. They created this as a habit and a pattern in their belief system.
Only 25% of those who reached goals continued to do so. It was found that this was because the reward based systems created the response that individuals wanted and needed.
It was not the idea of needing anyone to work harder or to give bribes. In fact, these two components led to most in the study deciding that they were not interested in the work they were doing.
Reward-based systems have to be felt. That means you need to have a sense of passion about what you are doing. Everyone involved needs to see progress and to continue to identify positive approaches that produce dopamine. Your issue with no motivation from this alone is what allows you to turn the circumstances and to achieve anything you desire.
Top 10 Tips to Overcome No Motivation
You can achieve whatever you visualize, desire or want in your life. Whether it is wealth, health or relationships, it is all there, waiting for you to get what you really want.
If you are experiencing no motivation in your life, then follow this top 10 tip list to start changing the channel of your mind.
1. What channel do you have your mindset on?
Your mind is a program. Scientists show us this over and over again with the chemical reactions that take place. Our emotions and actions take place because of what we decide in our mind first.
If you have a channel that is discouraging, then no motivation is going to continue to come into your life.
Change how you interact with tasks, ideas and with what you want to achieve with your goals. If you set a goal that you are going to make more money online, for instance, then don't stop yourself short before that happens for you.
Create a mindset that allows you to continue to progress and to feel the rewards, even if it doesn't happen right away.
There are many stories of millionaires that started out with nothing. They did something to move from no motivation to a positive response system.
They wrote out checks to themselves and put them in their wallet.
They looked at ways to build wealth and money.
They read books and surrounded themselves with wealthy people.
They immersed themselves in a mind-based program that created a wealth response.
They continuously programmed their mind so they could achieve what they really desired and build the life that they really wanted.
When I first began to build my online programs, I did the same thing. I was in a situation where I was sleeping on a friend's couch with little money coming in. While I was looking for a solution, I began to immerse myself in different options for my own development. I went to seminars, read books and spent what money I could to learn. As I learned about wealth, I began to change my position into one of greater wealth and prosperity.
My situation, as well as those of hundreds of millionaires, began in the mind first. Goal setting and visualizing continued until millions were coming into the bank. Until what was visualized became a reality. This is an example of what you can do to move from no motivation to achieving anything you want.
By creating the reward system, you change the channel. Your mind begins to process different information and responds to the reward system that you desire, allowing you to alter your consciousness and achieve your goals. To learn more about this, read here: Your Experience is Determined By Your Focus.
2. Track your progress.
Know your progress and understand where you are with reaching your goals. This is one of the main ways you can really measure what you are doing without getting discouraged.
To truly move past the issue of having no motivation, take smaller steps. Often, we set resolutions that are so lofty that it is almost impossible to attain them. Look at where you are, reflect on what you have accomplished and know what you need to do next to continue to progress.
- Never give up.
- Each step of the way is important.
- There are different ways to calculate your progress so you move from no motivation to reaching your goals.
- Keep weekly progress reports of what you have achieved
- Celebrate the small accomplishments as much as the large ones
- Measure where you have come from as much as you look at where you are at
- Find something tangible to measure, such as numbers or outcomes
As you track your progress, you will move from no motivation to seeing the realities of how far you have come. Even the smallest steps that you make are important in helping you to identify where you are at.
3. Celebrate every accomplishment you have.
This step of moving out of no motivation cannot be emphasized enough. If you see that you have progressed from one week to the next, then reward yourself.
If you want to know more about celebrating your accomplishments and programing yourself for success, then check out my video on motivation.
The issue with no motivation relies on the way your brain processes information. This means that your responsibility is to change and shift your mindset. Taking action to look at how far you have come, what you have achieved and what your strengths are will help you to accomplish even more.
Develop your reward system and make sure you focus on the positive. The most important part of this is to have a reward that creates an emotional response. It should make you happy, feel good and want to achieve even more. It needs to be something that allows you to move into a different frame of mind and to feel good about what you have done.
While you are creating a reward for yourself, don't focus on the progress you need to make next. This will just discourage you. Instead, combat against no motivation by building your mindset with positive responses that show how you have crushed it, even with the smallest progress forward.
4. Catch those moments when you have no motivation.
As you are going through your daily tasks or smaller goals, you may find that you become discouraged. If you have set a really high goal, then it is easier to get set back and to experience no motivation.
These are the moments that you absolutely must look out for. These are the habitual programs in your brain that move you back into having no motivation. Instead of rewarding yourself and continuing to progress, you automatically create a response system that is negative.
What does this look like? Maybe you start to say you have not progressed enough. It may be easy to compare yourself to others that seem to be in a better situation than you. If you have certain programs in your mind, you may believe that what you have done is not good enough.
Having the issue with no motivation is reliant on your self-worth and how you look at progress. This is one of the deepest parts of your mind and how it is programmed. Not only do the moments of no motivation stop you from achieving your dreams and goals, but they also highlight the issues of how you view yourself.
As soon as you see a moment where you are going into a negative zone, stop. Turn your mindset around, look at it from a different angle and know that the issues with no motivation are going to guide you to understand your true value and worth.
Take the negativity that you have and take action. Change the mindset to a positive instead of a negative. Go back to your reward system and alter the mindset while shifting your focus. You will find that this process allows you to move beyond a space of no motivation and allows you to achieve more than you thought you could.
5. Make your goals attainable.
How many of you start out the year with a magnified and glorious ideal of what you want to achieve for the year? The goals often have extra attached at the end of it because this year is the year that you will be able to do everything.
The 92% of those who fail at achieving their goals are doing exactly this. As a result of falling short, they have no motivation to continue with the resolutions they have set and backtrack or give up.
Don't give up! Instead, change your goals. You can easily start out with what you really want to achieve and how you believe it will work best. That's not where you start. It's also not where you are halfway along the path. And, after you have reached your goal, it is not the end.
Break your goals up into smaller milestones so you can achieve more and recognize how many goals you are reaching. For instance, if you want to lose “X” amount of weight, don't start at the end figure. Start out with the weekly number. Then, see how close you get to that each week.
If you make short-term, attainable goals, you will find that your mindset begins to change. You will immediately begin to look at a more comprehensive approach that is designed to bring you success. More importantly, you will start to build a habit of positive success.
Everyone has a birthright to have success in their lives and enjoyment that belongs specifically to them. They have the capacity to do and be more with their lives. That means you have the same right as everyone else.
Don't stop yourself short and have no motivation by setting the bar so high that it can never be reached. This particular approach to setting your goals will not provide results and leads to discouragement.
6. What do you really believe?
You need to watch your belief system, patterns and thoughts that are going through your mind as you reach certain goals. No motivation whatsoever often comes from another program that is running through your mind that counteracts your ability to achieve what you want in life.
Sabotage patterns are at the heart of no motivation and how one responds to goals. If you have a self–worth identity that always sets the bar too high, then it may be because of what you believe in yourself.
Look deeper at who you think you are and what your mirror image is of yourself. Your belief systems may be counteractive to the goals you want to achieve. If you have no motivation, it is most likely related to the identity of someone who is stopping themselves from breakthrough points in their lives.
Your belief systems are at the root of what you achieve in life. It's the reason why someone can make $10 million and another person remains broke. It is the reason why we get into toxic relationships or others that make us happy for years to come.
You can continue to identify beliefs that are helping you to achieve your goals or are stopping you from what you really want in life. No motivation comes from the underlying thought pattern of who you believe you are.
The way you drive forward with your goals or backpedal relies solely on you and what you believe about who you are. The decision to reward or punish yourself when you do or don't reach goals, the ability to set something tangible in motion and even your thought process as you attain certain plateaus are all based on self-perception.
What is at the heart of having no motivation? It is you. If you start to change the perception of who you are and what you can attain in life, then it will help you to develop into who you really want to be.
7. Create support systems that encourage you.
Anyone who has wealth states that they surround themselves with mentors and others who are more knowledgeable. Positive support systems enable you to move out of any moments when you are experiencing no motivation.
When you join any of my courses, such as the Life Mastery Accelerator, you are given access to a private group for questions and support. These are designed because it is important to surround yourself with others who have a similar mindset and are trying to achieve the same goals.
If you begin to feel discouraged or as though you have no motivation, then tap into a support network. There are thousands of others going through the same process. They are able to guide you through the steps that you need and help you with changing your mindset. You will also have the ability to connect back in and guide others who maybe struggling with issues you have already overcome.
By nature, we require other people and communities. Those who survived most relied on each other to get through hardship and to build their livelihoods.
It's important that you don't isolate yourself when you have no motivation. Join a mastermind, connect to others in the community and find groups that have similar goals as you do. You will find that the sharing of your own growth and seeing others' will change the outcome of the tangible goals you have set.
We don't reach goals alone. Our communities change because they work together and have similar goals that are set. Even if it is a personal ideal, others that have a similar task will be able to support and guide one another.
You will find that others who have no motivation and are in a group will be able to get the support that they couldn't discover before by looking at their individual, self-worth. Those who have attained certain benchmarks, in turn, become examples that help others to achieve what they really desire.
I strongly recommend that everyone find connections in the community that support your initiatives to reach goals. This will boost your reward system and will move you out of having no motivation into a space that is welcoming your personal growth and self-discovery.
8. Maybe it's time to reset your goals.
Is it more important to reach a goal that is unattainable or to reset it to one that you know you can reach? If you are finding that it is difficult to attain results, then don't stop and give up. You then create a negative belief pattern and it becomes harder to reach the goal the next time you set it. This is a common reason why many have no motivation.
The common response when someone falls short of a goal is they become discouraged. You may find that your esteem reduces and you no longer feel like working on the project. What was once a vision now becomes frustrating and unattainable. Result? No motivation.
Often, we do this so many times that we never reach our goals. We develop a pattern of falling short or of being discouraged. It's better to change your focus than to stop and develop a sense of no motivation.
If you need to reset your goals because you aren't mastering where you are at, then do exactly that. Come back to your focus, motivation and your overall vision. Look at the what and why of the goal you have set.
Don't stop with that basic reset. Also be willing to look at where you are not reaching the goals you want and how this is leading to no motivation. This isn't from a perspective of beating yourself up or saying that you can't do something. Make sure you don't allow yourself to look at your current position negatively, but instead, neutrally.
This type of analysis allows you to look practically at your achievements and where you are not succeeding at. When you point out the problem you have, there is the possibility of moving from no motivation to finding a goal that is achievable.
Constantly look at what is working and what is not. From that point, create the reward system you want and identify exactly how you can maximize the results you want to get.
9. Find creative ways to achieve results.
No motivation may come from a lack of tools, knowledge or no longer having the desire to do something. If something seems tedious, boring or too repetitive, then it may backfire on the results you want to get.
If you aren't enjoying the process of reaching your goals and don't have a sense of fulfillment, then re-examine how you are working and what you need to do to get results. There are endless ways that you can progress and get to the point you want to.
Part of the reward based system is not from the results alone. It is from your perception of the process. Feel good about what you are doing, become happier when you are working toward results and maximize your process by enjoying what you are going through.
You won't be able to reach the goals you want if it doesn't make you happy. That is the basis of a reward system. The happiness doesn't just come from the results, it comes from how you feel when you are doing something. If you have no motivation, it may be because there is not enough passion going into your goals and the process.
You may have certain things you love and that you can use while you are working toward achieving results. However, there may be parts that you have no motivation to complete. Look deeper at what these components are and how you want to achieve them.
You will find that even smaller changes that bring a reward-based response while you are doing something maximize the progress and the results. You start to embrace the process you are going through, feel better about yourself, increase your self-worth, and maximize your results.
10. Put purpose at the foundation.
Everyone has a different purpose and mission in life. This is the foundation of everything you do. If you haven't found your purpose and are doing something for a different motive, then it may lead to no motivation.
Those who fulfill things in life have a deeper belief system, or a “WHY”, of what they are doing. The why may be as simple as making money. More often, it is as complex as what you truly love and what you feel your purpose, passion, and calling is.
Allow every goal that you decide to reach start with a mission. That mission needs to be a part of who and what you are, what you want to achieve and what you believe about yourself. Change the issues with no motivation into one that is based on a different calling and ultimate purpose.
What is your why? What is the reason you get up every day and do everything you do? It's not something related to anything outside of you, but instead the passion that is within you. Use this why to meet your goals and to create something that is great and achievable.
When you know your why, “no motivation” is no longer in your vocabulary. It simply ceases to exist. You will find that everything you do carries the same purpose and mission, it guides you to solutions and it helps you to overcome any difficulty you perceive you have.
Combat Against Having No Motivation
There are tangible ways that you can climb higher, achieve your goals and have the life that you want and deserve. Whatever you believe you can or can't do is exactly what will happen.
If you have no motivation, then look at the contributing factors. See what is working, not working and how to adjust so you can get to the next steps.
Having no motivation is temporary. You can easily change the pattern by creating a positive belief system within yourself and toward every large or small goal that you want to achieve.
It is possible to have the relationship, wealth, career and place in life that you have always dreamed of. This dream is what you are here to experience.
If you have no motivation, then re-look at why and reset what you are doing. In my Life Mastery Accelerator, I help you with step by step methods that allow you to achieve results instantly while getting past the roadblocks you may experience.
It's time for you to change your life, move into a state of mastery and to take action with achieving the goals that you truly desire. Don't allow yourself to set back from no motivation. Instead, change how you look at and approach your belief system, reset your goals and keep moving to achieve what you truly desire.