The best way to accelerate your success is easier than you think.
Success isn't random. I think we can all agree that living the life of your dreams requires hard work, effort, and persistence. This is especially true if you are in the process of building an online business.
Nothing of value in life comes easy. However, if you become too obsessed with success, you will be miserable. Similarly, you cannot rely on others to create success for you.
Success is an inside job. Once you take your responsibility for your journey, your life changes.
Are you ready to learn the best way to accelerate your success?
Watch the video below:
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If you want to accelerate your success, do work that you love.
If you are stuck in a job that you hate right now, I know that this may sound like annoying advice. Sometimes we get stuck on a path that wasn't even ours in the first place. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't believe that they have control over their own destiny. As a result, they end up living someone else's dreams.
Tony Gaskins Jr. said it best – “If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to help build theirs.” You may not believe it yet, but you have 100% control over your happiness and success in life. When your attitude shifts and you start seeing yourself as the driver of your own life, the game changes.
The first step to living in alignment with your truth is making a decision that you are ready to embrace your true self. This requires that you stop caring so much about what others think you should do or who you should be. A lot of people invest way too much time and energy trying to be accepted by others. From personal experience, this gets you nowhere. It is only when you decide that you are ready to discover your unique purpose that you step into your power.
The first way to accelerate your success is to figure out your ‘why.'
Your ‘why' is your purpose. If you don't know why you are here it can be hard to keep going when life knocks you down. The question is… how do you find it? Well, I know that your purpose won't magically fall into your lap. You've got to make figuring out your life purpose BE your sole purpose. Your purpose won't find you if you don't take action. You've got to be intentional about the decisions that you make on a daily basis.
Take a step back and ask yourself, “What do I want and why do I want it?” Answering this question is what will allow you to get to where you want to go so much faster. When you do work that you love, the world is your playground.
Imagine as if you are driving down a highway. There is a fast lane and a slow lane. When do you drive in the slow lane? Well, it's usually when you are looking for an exit. This is when you know that you are living a life of mediocrity. In my experience, this only results in a life of pain and suffering.
A study that analyzed the behavior of 30,000 bosses and managers found that 11,000 of the worst-performing of these managers displayed mediocre performances. They had become passive which, in turn, blocked them from higher levels of performance at work. If you want to accelerate your success in life, you must dare to be different.
The second way to accelerate your success is to model the habits of successful people.
Not only that, but you need to surround yourself with these types of people. Who has the life that you want? Study this person's behaviors. Become obsessed with learning as much as you possibly can from him or her. If you want to be rich, you won't achieve this goal if you hang out with people that are broke. Similarly, if you want to be a happy person, but you surround yourself with negative energy, you will naturally fall into this state of being. It's fair to say that the people in your life influence who you become.
According to psychologists Elaine Hatfield and John Cacioppo, these effects are due to the concept of emotional contagion. As human beings, it is our natural tendency to mimic those around us. By nature, you will feel compelled to unconsciously copy whomever you are spending time with on a regular basis.
As Jim Rohn once said, “You are the average of the five people that you spend the most time with.” Look at your circle of friends. Are they lifting you up or holding you back? If it's the latter, it's time to find new friends. At the end of the day, it all comes down to how bad you want success.
If you do work that you love, I promise that success will follow.
Life is short. If you are not living in alignment with your purpose, today is the day to change that. The world is waiting for your gifts. Do work that makes you come alive inside. Doing so will allow you to discover things about yourself that you never knew existed. When you start seeing success as something you control and something you dictate, your entire outlook on life will change.
Are you ready to drive in the fast lane and create success, on your terms?
Ready to learn how you can mastermind your way to success? CLICK HERE for instant access to my FREE mastermind cheatsheet!
Do you want to learn which online business is best for you? CLICK HERE to take my FREE business quiz!