Have you ever had a gut feeling about something but didn't act on it?
The problem is that society teaches people to make decisions based on rational logic. As a result, they ignore their intuition.
Being intuitive doesn't mean that you live with your head in the clouds. It can actually become your superpower if you pay attention to it.
Are you ready to learn 3 ways that you can trust your intuition, even if it doesn't make sense to do so?
Watch the video below where I talk about 3 things I wish I knew in my early 20's:
(Click here to watch on YouTube)
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Your intuition is always trying to tell you something.
Intuition is a word that a lot of people talk about, but not everyone is sold on the concept. This is, in part, because they cannot describe what it is. It's almost as if it's a thing that you know but cannot explain why you know it. Can you relate? That's the thing about gut feelings; they are comprised of instincts and senses that need no explanation. Each individual accesses and experiences their intuitive self in different ways.
Unfortunately, a lot of people are uncomfortable with the idea of following their inner wisdom. They think that intuition is synonymous with guessing. Trust me when I say that it's not wrong to follow your hunch. It doesn't mean that you don't know how to make rational decisions. When it comes to matters of the heart, instincts matter.
Research shows that intuition is a fast, automatic, subconscious processing style that can provide you with very useful information that deliberate analyzing can’t. Social psychologist, David Myers says that “The intuitive right brain is almost always “reading” your surroundings, even when your conscious left brain is otherwise engaged. The body can register this information while the conscious mind remains blissfully unaware of what's going on.”
Have you been ignoring your gut feeling? If you don't listen to this inner voice, you will get yourself into trouble. Don't ever get distracted by the white noise of other's opinions and judgments. There will always be someone who tries to tell you what you should do. However, if you want to experience true happiness and fulfillment in life, it is imperative that you trust and follow your own path.
People that fail to tap into their intuitive self end up making huge mistakes in life.
The biggest being living a life that isn't even their own. I can relate to this experience. When I was in my early 20's, I was working for my family business. I was making good money, but deep down something wasn't right. I felt extremely unsettled. As a result, every area of my life suffered.
There came a day when I said, “Enough is enough.” I finally admitted to myself that I had been ignoring my intuition. It was a hard pill to swallow, but I realized that I was living my dad's dream instead of following my own. I had said yes to work that wasn't something that I was passionate about. It was in direct opposition to my soul's calling.
I knew that choosing to go in a different direction was going to have some serious consequences, one of them being that I would disappoint my parents. We all know how tough that can be. However, I was ready to dive into the unknown. In his book, Intuition: Knowing Beyond Logic, Osho summed it up perfectly when he said: “The unknowable is the beauty, the meaning, the aspiration, the goal. Because of the unknowable, life means something. When everything is known, then everything is flat. You will be fed up, bored.”
I kept listening to a voice inside of my head that said, “You got this.” One day, I walked into my dad's office and said, “I'm done.” That moment was the ultimate experience of freedom. I had finally aligned with my truth and tuned into the invisible gift that was, and still is, my intuition. Everything in my life changed from that moment onward. I've never looked back.
I believe that all of your experiences in life are speaking to you.
They are giving you clues about the direction that your life is taking. In essence, your intuition is information that is coming from YOU – not your parents, your teachers, or your friends. This voice is a part of who you are, and it is something that nobody can ever take away from you.
Let's explore 3 ways to trust your intuition even if it doesn't make sense.
1. Listen To Your Body
Your body is a powerful communicator, which is why you need to pay attention to it. It will give you subtle signs and signals when something doesn't feel right.
Have you ever heard a little voice inside your head or experienced a weird feeling in your stomach? These are examples of your gut feelings trying to whisper something to you. It may seem as if these situations are pure coincidences. However, there is a bigger meaning to all of it. Intuition is more than just a feeling.
A study published in Psychological Science found that people can use unconscious information in their body or brain to help guide them through life. Despite this reality, a lot of people continue to ignore their intuition and live outside of their bodies. They look for external cues to make them feel better, like going to the doctor. They refuse to go inward and do the deep work.
I encourage you to develop an awareness of your body intelligence. I'm a firm believer that whenever you feel pain, there lies an opportunity to heal something that is misaligned. The next time that you experience something physically uncomfortable in your body, stop, breathe and feel into the discomfort.
What is the gut feeling that you are experiencing? Is it shortness of breath? Nausea? Sweaty palms? When these symptoms occur, it could just mean that you are sick. However, it could also be your intuition screaming at you.
2. Start Journaling
One of the most effective ways to trust and strengthen your intuition is to write in a journal. Journaling can be an extremely therapeutic and meditative process. I journal every day as part of my morning ritual. I engage in a stream of consciousness writing, meaning that I write with zero agenda in mind. Think of it as a brain dump.
This creative process has helped me master my emotions and better understand who I am and what is important to me. Journaling can be done in the morning or night. However, I find that my mind is more clear at the beginning of the day. I come up with great ideas when I write. More importantly, when I express my feelings on paper, I find that I am able to solve problems or get clarity on an issue that I've been dealing with.
The next time that you experience a gut feeling, go back to your journal and see if you can notice any similarities between your feelings and your writing. Over time, you will come to trust your voice more, which will allow you to feel more grounded and make decisions that are in alignment with your true self.
3. Act On Your Inner Compass
Ideas mean nothing unless they are followed by action. I hear countless stories from people who have the most amazing ideas. However, far too often they end up overthinking them to the point where they don't take any action at all. Not surprisingly, they get frustrated when someone else achieves success from the exact same idea. They are left feeling stuck in one place.
This is why it's so important to act on your inner compass. If you want something in life, you can't just trust that the Universe will give it to you. Rather, you've got to go out into the world and create your reality. This is how you sharpen your intuition. You will never know what is possible unless you try. Sometimes you've just got to throw something against the wall and see what sticks.
Sonia Choquette, author of the bestselling book, Trust Your Vibes at Work And Let Them Work For You!, says, “When you follow your gut instincts you are putting something very natural to work. Your intuition will take you beyond the threshold to a place that reflects your most passionate interests and nature.” In essence, when you listen to your gut feeling, you flex your gut muscle, which makes it stronger and more accurate over time.
Your gut feeling never lies. Are you ready to start trusting it?
Don't be afraid to interact and engage with your intuition. Trust whatever messages or feelings it is giving you, both good and bad. When you listen to your gut feeling, the world opens up for you.
When you listen to your heart intelligence and make decisions from this place, the Universe starts supporting you. There is no greater gift that you can give to yourself. In the words of Rumi, “There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen.”
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