Do you know how to market your business and product online?
A lot of people know how important marketing is to the success of their business, but they get overwhelmed with the process.
Without a strong marketing strategy to support you, you will struggle to establish long-term customer relationships.
My fiancée, Tatiana and I want to share with you some of the strategies that have worked in our businesses. If implemented correctly, these strategies have the potential to skyrocket the growth of your business.
Are you ready to market your business the right way?
Watch the video below:
(Click here to watch on YouTube)
[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/900237-plm-638-how-to-market-your-business-and-product-online.mp3″ background=”default” ]
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There is no one-size-fits-all marketing strategy.
There are many different ways that you can market your business and product online. However, try not to get overwhelmed by the options. There is no possible way that you can master every strategy on your own. Neither Tatiana nor myself can. I would recommend that you pick 1-2 marketing strategies, go deep, and commit to mastering them. You can always branch off into different marketing strategies in the future.
Before making a purchase, 84 percent of consumers check out social media, and 46 percent consult reviews and/or blogs. This data illustrates the importance of social media marketing. If you want to get noticed, it is imperative that you have a strong online presence on multiple social media platforms. You could have the best quality product or service out there, but if you don't know how to market it, then nobody is ever going to know about it.
Here are a few strategies that Tatiana and I suggest you implement in order to market your business and product online.
1. Study Your Competition
Whatever your niche is, you've got to know who your top 10 competitors are. More importantly, you want to look for the commonalities amongst them. Do your market research. I also recommend that you buy your competitors' products. Analyze the quality of their product and then compare it to yours.
Don't be intimidated by your competitors. They've paved the way for you in the sense that they know what works and what doesn't. Use their success as an example of what to do so that you can apply the same knowledge to your business as well. Competition isn't a bad thing. I love it because it means that there is a market in demand.
2. Use Influencer Marketing To Promote Your Products
Early on in her business, Tatiana decided that she wanted to be the face of her brand. Taking this route has its share of advantages. First and foremost, you save a lot of money because you aren't paying anyone to do marketing for you. However, if you don't want to be the face of your brand, you can hire people to market your brand for you.
No matter what, you are going to be the best ambassador for your business, but there are limits to being the face of your own brand. The biggest one being that people know that you are biased. However, when you get other people to share their experience with your product, you open the doors for more people to learn about who you are.
Secondly, by using influencers to grow your business, you are leveraging the relationships that they already have with their own followers. This is a great way to build hype around your product, which in turn, builds trust among your audience. I have come to realize that there are limits to creating all of my own content. This is why I collaborate with other influencers on YouTube. Doing so allows us to support one another while spreading awareness about the products and services that we offer.
Don't think that you have to do everything yourself. I'm a big believer in leveraging other peoples' audiences. Not everyone is going to relate solely to you. If you decide to take the influencer marketing route, it may mean that you need to give away your product for free and that's OK!
Believe in your product and have faith that it will contribute to the growth of your business over the long-term. Both Tatiana and I highly recommend that you take advantage of influencer marketing. In our experience, it is one of the most powerful ways to market your business and product online.
3. Harness The Power Of Facebook Groups To Promote Your Brand
Facebook groups are a great marketing tool to build a community and grow your business. Neither Tatiana nor myself think that they are utilized enough by business owners. People want to interact with other people who have the same interests as them. Tatiana has built a community solely around her product niche.
You can have a private or a public group. However, a public group is always better for exposure. In the beginning stages, you don't market your product to your Facebook group. Rather, the focus is purely on adding value to people through high-quality content.
Tatiana has a private Facebook group due to the nature of her community and the products that she sells. However, the group wasn't originally designed to sell her products, per se. Currently, she has 8,500 women in her Facebook group. When these women join, some of them have never even heard of Tatiana's brand before.
They found her group by searching the keyword, “waist trainers” on Facebook. When they meet other women in the group who have already purchased Tatiana's products, they hear about the positive effects that it has had on their lives. All of a sudden, they are eager to buy. She doesn't even have to do any work because her customers do the marketing for her. This is such an authentic way of marketing your products.
4. Boost Your Traffic With Contests and Giveaways
Contests and giveaways are a great way to get your product in front of a lot of people. Let's face it, people love free stuff. You need to be okay with giving away your products for free. Don't dwell on the fact that you aren't making any financial gains from it. Rather, think about what the return of investment will be. Maybe someone will write an awesome review or a testimonial for you.
Even if someone doesn't win the giveaway, they may be more likely to convert into a customer and pay for your product, at full-price, in the future. Whatever your marketing strategy is, most people won't buy the first time that they come to your website. That's why I like to make sure that people follow or subscribe to me first.
This gives me the opportunity to provide them with content and information that educates and informs them. When they receive value from me, they are more inclined to view me as a credible and trustworthy person. In turn, this makes them more likely to buy my products.
These are some key strategies for how to market your business and product online.
If you want to learn more about this topic, I encourage you to check out Tatiana's LuxxBiz YouTube channel. She has amazing content and videos that I know you will benefit from.
When it comes to marketing your business, don't reinvent the wheel. Rather, follow those who have achieved the success that you desire and model their behaviors. Pick 1-2 marketing strategies, go deep with them, and learn as much as you can.
Learning is great, but taking action is more important than knowledge. Which marketing strategy are you going to take action with today?
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