How do you find and live your calling? Let me begin by sharing a story with you.
There are three bricklayers that are asked the question, “What are you doing?”
The first bricklayer says, “I’m laying bricks”. The second bricklayer responds and says, “Im building a church”, and then the third bricklayer responds and says, “Im building the house of God”.
Out of those three different bricklayers, the first one has a job, the second one has a career, but the third one has a calling. I believe that most people identify with having a job or career, but there are very few people that identify with having a calling in their life.
A calling is your mission or purpose in life. Its something greater than yourself.
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The question is, “How do you find your calling?”
Those three brick layers are all doing the same activity. They all have the same “job”, but each of them has a different perception of it. You can find your calling through learning and self-discovery, but what if you found a deeper purpose and meaning in what you are already doing? For most people, they are in a job that they hate, but its oftentimes because they havent associated a meaning to it.
Without an empowering meaning in what you're doing, you will not experience fulfillment. Oprah Winfrey once said, “There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. Its why you were born, and how you become most truly alive”.
I believe the ultimate calling that we all have is making a contribution beyond ourselves. The reality is that every job that exists on this planet, involves making a contribution. The only way to make money is to contribute. Every business has a vision, a purpose. If you associate more to that vision, and the impact that you are ALREADY making, you will feel inspired.
If you went from laying bricks to building the house of God, what would that do for your life, your happiness, and your overall fulfillment? A lot of people wait for some big purpose to show up in their lives, and then they think that will be the moment when they are truly happy. The reality is that you can live your purpose in the little things that you do.
In my life and in my work, I make sure that I associate everything that I do with a higher purpose. Ask yourself, “How can I find and live my calling in what I am already doing?” When you realize that everything has a higher purpose, you no longer view things as a chore. Instead, you view them as gifts, a stepping stone towards your calling.
Its time to ignite your passion and find your calling. The world is waiting for you.
Video transcript
All right, guys. I've got a story for you real quick. There are three bricklayers that are asked the question: what are you doing? The first bricklayer responds and says that I'm laying bricks. The second bricklayer responds and says that I'm building a church. Then the third bricklayer responds and says that I'm building the house of God. Now, out of those three different bricklayers, the first one that says I'm just laying bricks, that one has a job. They have a job. The second one that says that I'm building a church, they have a career. The third one, the third bricklayer that says that I'm building the house of God, they have a calling.
I believe that most people we identify with having a job or a career, but there are very few people out there that identify with having a calling in their life. A calling is your mission in life. It's your purpose. It's something greater than yourself. I think it's something that we all ideally want. Everybody wants to find their purpose. I did a great video on my YouTube channel that shares how to find your purpose in life. I recommend looking that up.
How do you find your calling?
How do you associate to that? How do you associate to a higher purpose? These three bricklayers, they're all doing the same activity. They've all got the same “job” where they're laying bricks, but each of them had a different perception of it. You can find your calling from experimenting and trying different things, and learning, and self-discovery, all those different things that I recommend that you do. What if you just find a deeper purpose and meaning in what you're already doing?
Whatever you're doing right now, the job that you might have that you might despise or nine to five, what if you find a more empowering meaning and purpose in it, something that would associate more joy, more fulfillment to what you're doing? For most people, they are in a job where they hate what they're doing but it's often times just because they haven't associated a meaning to it. They haven't found an empowering meaning. Without an empowering meaning in what you're doing, then it's not going to give you any fulfillment.
If you're maybe a janitor, you work at a school, you're a janitor, you could view that as I just cleaned the school, I cleaned the bathrooms, or you could realize that your role as a janitor, even though it might be a job that's not very prestigious or anything like that, but realize that you're making a difference beyond what you recognize. Realize that you're creating an environment that is supportive of the education and the well-being of children, and helping them grow, and develop themselves and their lives. That's not just being a janitor. You're doing something bigger than that.
I sell cars for a living. You do something more than that, man. If you're selling cars, you've got a bigger purpose than that. You're changing people's lives. You're providing a vehicle, a method of transportation for someone's family for the next 10 or 20 years that is going to create incredible moments and memories for people's lives for many years to come. You're not just selling a car. You're doing something bigger than that.
You see, I believe the ultimate calling that we all have is making a contribution beyond ourselves. The reality is every job that exists on this planet involves making a contribution because the only way to make money is to contribute. Every job, you're contributing in some way. You're contributing to your employer but you're also contributing to a company. Every company, every business has a vision, a purpose. It makes a bigger contribution.
If you associate work to that, the vision, the impact that you're making already because you're already making an impact. You're already making a difference in people's lives. I don't care what you're doing. Whether you're a janitor, you're making a difference or helping people. You're making an impact. Whether you're selling a product, or service, or providing a service, whatever that is, you're making a difference.
Again, most people, they don't associate with that. They don't realize the meaning in it and realize the power that they have already. If they were just to change their perception and realize that you can go from laying bricks to building the house of God and have a different meaning and purpose behind what you're doing, what would that do to your happiness? What would that do to your life?
What would that do to your sense of fulfillment?
A lot of people, they're waiting for this big purpose just to show up in their life. When this big purpose finally appears, then I'm going to finally be happy and that's going to be … I'm going to live my life on my purpose. They don't realize that you could live your purpose in all the little things. All the little things that you do serve a purpose, and they contribute.
For me, my life, there are many things I do throughout my life but I make sure and identify in everything that I do as associating with a higher purpose. The food that I eat and put in my body is serving a higher purpose because when I put healthy food into my body, I'm nourishing my body and cleansing my body. I'm giving it the vitality, the energy, the love, whatever it needs to help me operate at a higher level so that I can do what I do serving you guys in this video.
I can be around to a hundred years old and I'm going to have the energy, the passion to be able to make a difference. When I do a mastermind event and I go all day speaking in front of an audience is because of that food that I put in my body, the supplements, all those little things. The water that I drink, that serves a purpose to contribute beyond myself. Everything serves a greater purpose.
When I read books, I'm not just doing it for myself. I'm doing it so that I can serve. I can make a bigger difference and make an impact. Even when I watch TV, if I play video games, you know what? That still serves a purpose because that serves the purpose in allowing me to relax, and disconnect, and escape in many different ways so I can recharge myself so that I can put myself back into the world, and I can fill myself up so I can rip open my business and change other people's lives.
When I go to sleep at night for eight hours, that serves a purpose, an empowering purpose. I'm not just sleeping. I'm recovering my temple, my body, this vehicle that I express life through that allows me to be able to do what I do and serve people at a higher level.
When you realize that everything has an empowering purpose, you no longer dread things. You no longer view things as a chore. You view it as a gift. You view it as something that is just a stepping stone that has a bigger meaning, a bigger purpose that's part of your calling. If you can find that purpose in everything that you do, your current job …
Maybe you can go from hating your job to actually enjoying it, actually maybe realizing there's a lot of benefits that you're getting from this, not just financial, but you're making a difference, and you can associate to that difference that you're making. You could feel proud of that. You can see the impact, the results that you're having or you could just have faith and know that you're making a difference in the world.
I make an impact in people's lives. Most people that watch my videos, they don't leave a comment. Most people are very passive. Usually only like less than 10% of people actually will comment or send an email and share. Most people you're making a difference for, you don't even know that you are. Maybe it's people that are buying a book that you might have, or a resource, or a product, or whatever it is. You might not directly hear from them, but you can have the faith that you know that you're making a difference.
There are many people that have come up to me and said, “Stefan, my God. You've changed my life so much.” I'm like, “Wow, really? I had no idea.” People out there that exists I’m like, wow, cool. I'm making a difference I don't even necessarily sometimes even know it. There are people out there maybe right now that are watching videos that I've had many years ago. They are receiving value from me.
My point is it's just finding it and associating to it. It's as simple as that, guys. How can you, not only find your purpose and just continue on that path as well but how can you find the calling, the purpose, the mission in what you're already doing, the meaning, the empowering meaning in what you're already doing? You can always find the empowering meaning in whatever life offers. It's up to you to find it. It's there. You just got to dig deep enough for it, and realize it, and associate with it.
Thank you, guys, for watching this video. Leave a comment. Let me know what you guys think. Hit the thumbs up button if you guys enjoyed this. Subscribe for more videos. If you guys want more from me, the different resources that I have, go down in the description. Click the links. I've got a lot of great resources that can help you improve your life, take it to a whole new level. Thanks for watching.