I have created a new and improved version of K Money Mastery which is called, Mastering Book Publishing!
Have you always wanted to write your own book?
For most people, the answer is yes. In fact, since I've been in the Kindle publishing industry, I've received so many questions from people wanting to write their own book, but just not knowing how.
Many are challenged with not having the time, they don't feel like they're a good writer, they feel insecure about not being an expert on a subject, or are simply too intimidated by the task of writing a book. I've been there before too.
The truth is, these limitations are all false and can be overcome with some strategies that I'm going to share with you in this video blog.
In this video blog, I'm going to reveal to you how you can once and for all write your own book that you can publish and start making money from. I'm going to share some practical tips and strategies that have allowed me to write my own books in less than 24 hours… and show you how you can do the same.
Watch the video here:
(Click here to watch on YouTube)
Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!
You can write a Kindle book in less than 24 hours.
Most people think it's impossible or unrealistic to be able to write your own book in less than 24 hours. False! I used to believe that too… until I applied my speed of implementation concept to my writing and produced each of these high-quality Kindle books in less than 24 hours. I've radically changed my philosophy to writing a book, which has allowed me to write these books in less than 24 hours.
You see, my first attempt at writing a book came 6 years ago. I ran a dating coaching company here in Vancouver and I wanted to write my own book. Since the task of writing this book was intimidating to me, I procrastinated throughout the entire process, and it ended up taking me over a year to finally finish writing this book.
I wanted everything to be perfect and was too afraid to just get it out there. When I finally launched and released this book, it didn't turn out to be as successful as I had initially hoped. It did okay, but it didn't warrant the amount of time, energy, and money I invested in it. It definitely wasn't a positive return on my investment. The truth was, knowing what I know now, I could have easily produced this book in less than 24 hours.
It didn't have to take me over a year to do this…
What held me back? Trying to be a perfectionist with it. I learned a philosophy from Dan Sullivan called The 80% Approach that really changed my life. Dan teaches that the most important part of anything is 80% of it.
Instead of aiming to be a perfectionist and do 100% of something, he says to just aim to do 80%. That 80% has all the value in it. Who cares if EVERYTHING isn't perfect yet? Can 80% of this book help people and provide value? If yes, then you owe it to yourself to get it out there.
In fact, he'd go as far as to say that by NOT getting it out there, you're doing a disservice to your market and customers. They are receiving no benefit from you by having it sit on the shelf. This concept has really changed things for me. It has freed up my brain to just do the best that I can and produce quality content without worrying about it so much.
Less than 10% of people will read past the first chapter of your book.
Did you know that less than 10% of people that purchase your book will even read past the first chapter? That freaked me out. Here I am, spending all of this time and energy to write something, but only 10% of my customers are actually receiving the full benefit of it!
When I start to dissect why this is… the answer was obvious. Most people are too intimidated by books that are too long!
When you look at these lengthy books that are nearly the size of your head, how motivated do you feel to read that? I don't know about you, but it intimidates the heck out of me. I don't want to spend months or years to read a book. Since publishing books on Kindle, I discovered that the market for what people want has shifted.
I've discovered that what actually SELLS better on Kindle is NOT a lengthy 200+ page book that you would sell for $9.99 or $19.99. Rather a short, 30 to 100-page book that you can instead sell for $2.99 to $4.99. People are more interested in buying a SERIES of books, rather than an “all-in-one” type book that is 200+ pages.
In fact, I believe that if you have a 200-page book, that you should break it down into a series of smaller books that are 50 pages long. Sell them each for $2.99. You can even give people the option to buy all 4 books from you (equaling the 200-page book) for a higher price point. This actually SELLS better, makes you more money, and benefits the reader so much more. They will actually READ your entire book!
The value of your book is not determined by its length.
People often worry that if their book is too short that it won't be valuable enough for people. Wrong! Did you know there are plenty of books out there that are only a couple of pages long and that you can read within 5 minutes that are worth A LOT of money because the information in them is so powerful?
One of my favourites is a book called It Works: The Famous Little Red Book That Makes Your Dreams Come True.
According to Kindle, this book is only 28 pages long. I have the paperback of it and would even say it's much shorter than that. I've read this book time and time again in under 5 minutes.
What if I told you that this little book is one of the best books that I've ever read? It has information that will change your life, if you apply it. Here's another short book that has changed my life and can be read quickly… it's only 26 pages on Kindle.
As A Man Thinketh by James Allen
So as you can clearly see, the LENGTH of the book does not determine it's value. In fact, if you can get your message across in a short book, then why wouldn't you? Why do you need to write hundreds of pages to get your message across to people? It's completely unnecessary.
How To Write A Book Fast!
The average typing speed is around 55 words per minute. Now, I will be honest with you… I'm a much faster type than that. I didn't always be, but I've practiced a lot and I wrote a lot of blog posts. While I may be a much faster typer than you, it doesn't mean that you can't do this also. I've provided some simple strategies below that I follow that allow me to write a book fast. You need a topic for your book first and foremost.
Once you have the topic, you need to brainstorm the sub-topics of the book. What do you want this book to contain? What are all the possible ideas or nuggets of information that you can include in this book? These sub-topics, once you narrow them down, will eventually become the chapters of this book.
You don't need to know anything about the topic you want to write on!
In fact, with the internet, you can now easily research any topic that you want and find all the information out there for free that you can include in your own Kindle book. You can purchase other related Kindle books and get ideas from them. Similarly, find YouTube videos, blogs, articles, or anything else that can give you the very best information that you can add to your book.
Everything that I've personally written in any of my books (or articles on my blog) is just information that I've learned elsewhere! If you don't know the answer to something or want to know more about it, you can do a simple Google search.
Set focused chunks of time while researching and writing your book.
This is a powerful productivity strategy that has allowed me to write quickly and effectively. I use something called an Egg Timer and I will give myself 45-60 minutes to write a chapter as fast as I can. I don't worry about grammar, spelling, or making it sound nice. Rather, I just write for the purpose of getting my thoughts out of my head.
This is just going to be the draft – you can edit and proof-read things later. This is an important strategy. It helps you get that “filter” out of your head that causes writer's block and prevents your ideas from flowing out of you. If you absolutely suck at writing, you can have someone else proof-read and revise it for you inexpensively.
You don't have to write in order for you to create a book!
In fact, you could use dictation software (Dragon Dictation) and record yourself talking about a topic. It will automatically transcribe and write the book for you. You could also hire a transcriber to transcribe your audio for you and then use that as a book that you can now publish. So if you can SPEAK, then you can write a book.
My proven method for writing a book in less than 24 hours.
I hope you enjoyed the information that I've provided in this video blog and that it really has inspired you to write your own book. Check out my guide for how to publish a book for more information. Writing your own book and publishing it is a fantastic way to make passive income. It's also a great way to build your brand and help a lot of people.
I believe that every business needs to have its own book. It's something that will make you an authority in your marketplace. It gives you an edge over your competitors. If you're serious about writing your own book, then I want to invite you to check out a new course that I've just released. It's called The 24-Hour Book System.
The purpose of the course is simple: to help you write your own book in less than 24 hours. You can test The 24 Hour Book System for 30 days. If for any reason, you want your money back then you can get it. I hope you enjoy the course and I can't wait to see your book once it's published!
Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!