Do you know what to do when you FAIL?
Unfortunately, a lot of people fear failure, so much so that they do anything to prevent it from happening. However, what if I were to tell you that failure is a precursor for success?
I think we can all agree that failing doesn't feel good, but it's a normal part of life. We all do it.
The key to bouncing back from failure is changing your mindset around it. Ready to discover what to do when you fail? Keep reading to find out!
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Failure means that you're trying.
If you are in the game of life you will fall down and make mistakes. In his book, Celebrating Failure: The Power of Taking Risks, Making Mistakes and Thinking Big, Ralph Heath says, “Failure and defeat are life’s greatest teachers.” Failure isn't a bad thing unless you perceive it to be.
Unfortunately, a lot of people put 90% of their energy and focus on their problems instead of finding a solution. Not surprisingly, when they get knocked down they struggle to get back up again. The goal is to make sure that you are always falling forward. This means approaching failure with a positive mindset and continuing to move forward despite setbacks.
If you recently experienced a failure or have one coming in the near future (which is inevitable!), I want to give you six strategies for what to do when you FAIL.
1. Get excited
The reason why you want to get excited about failure is that you want to associate failure with success. It's an opportunity for you to learn and grow. Failing is a great thing because it means that you're doing something. I believe that the only failure in life is not trying.
The people who are spectators in the game of life are the ones who aren't doing anything. They have such a fear of failure that they feel paralyzed to take action. They've been disappointed so many times in the past that they don't see the point in trying again. As a result, they settle for a life of mediocrity. Their goals and dreams fly by and they stay stuck, while others around them thrive.
2. Ask yourself why you failed
You need to take full responsibility for your failures in life. The actions that you take are yours and yours alone. As long as you deflect and lay blame on everyone else, you will never feel empowered to change your life.
By taking responsibility for your failures it allows you to learn from your mistakes so that you don't fall into the same trap, again and again. Anytime you fail or make a mistake, ask yourself, “Why did I fail, and what could I have done differently in order to get a different result?”
At first, your mind will come up with all of the negative reasons why it wasn't a good thing. However, I encourage you to shift your perspective. It is possible for a bad situation to make you mentally and emotionally stronger. I know for a fact that all of my failures have made me a better person.
When you adopt this mindset, all of a sudden failure is perceived as a stepping stone towards creating the life that you want. When you fail, extract as much good as you can and then move forward.
3. Ask for help
You can't be afraid to ask for help. Achieving success is way too hard to do on your own. Get humble and drop your ego. Several studies at the University of Georgia have consistently shown that willingness to ask for help is one of the largest differentiators between exceptional achievers and ordinary achievers.
There are people out there who can help you avoid pain and disappointment. Don't reinvent the wheel. Rather, learn from the failures of others. Maybe it's a coach, a mentor or a therapist. Sometimes one person, idea or support system can change your entire life.
In order to get to where you want to go, you've got to upgrade your current thinking. If you keep doing what you've always done, you will keep getting what you've always got.
4. Change your approach and adapt
All failure means is that you tried something and it didn't work. That's okay. All you can do is learn from it and change your approach until something works. Adapting your approach allows you to improve your decision-making process. Eventually, it will lead to the right plan of action.
5. Build strength from failure
A lot of people let failure define who they are. Don't fall into this trap. When you experience failure, you need to shift yourself into a state of confidence and certainty, fast. This is why I encourage you to build your mental muscle.
A great way to do this is by creating a morning ritual. Waking up every day and engaging in healthy habits will ensure that you are in control of your mind and emotions so that when adversity strikes, you won't fall apart.
6. Have Faith
I believe that everything happens for a reason. Trust that your failures will serve and benefit you in some way. Just because you failed at something doesn't mean that you don't deserve success!
Maybe the Universe is challenging you to see what you are really made of. Faith is what will empower you to stay strong and keep going when all hell breaks loose.
This is what to do when you FAIL.
Failure is good for your success. If you can approach every setback with this mindset, you will thrive in your life. You are bigger than any failure. Don't forget it.
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