Are you afraid of failure? If so, don't beat yourself up! Let's face it. Nobody enjoys failing.
However, it is near impossible to move throughout life without experiencing “failure” at some point.
It's natural to want to run away from the very thing that could sabotage your success.
Nevertheless, if you're not failing, you're not trying. The good news is that you can leverage your fear and make it work for you.
If your fear of failure is holding you back in life, keep reading to discover the one key to never fail again…
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Failure does not exist.
Yes, you heard me correctly. Failure is an illusion. It is not real, meaning that it's something that you create in your mind to keep yourself safe. In effect, you make yourself fail by imagining the worst-case scenarios.
Your ego tries to convince you that you're a failure. If you choose to believe this voice, you will do anything to prevent yourself from being a “failure.” When something happens, you have a choice of how you want to interpret it.
If your expectations aren't met, it's easy to associate failure with that event. Even worse, a lot of people go one step further and internalize failure. Their life story becomes, “I'm a failure.”
They may tell themselves that they aren't good enough or that they aren't deserving of success. The feeling of fear may consume them, so much so that they purposefully engage in self-defeating behaviors. In short, they forget that a failure is an event, not a person.
If you internalize your efforts to achieve your goals and interpret them as a personal failure, your self-doubt and stress activate and strengthen your brain's involuntary neural networks. The result is that your brain is less effective at managing emotions and solving problems.
When you try something new, you will be naive about the process because you've never been through it before. This isn't a bad thing! You don't yet know the challenges that you will inevitably face along the way (that's just how life works). Life will throw you curve balls that you don't expect. You cannot control these curveballs, but you can always control how you respond to them.
What causes fear of failure?
Oftentimes, one's “failures” trigger wounds from their childhood that have yet to be healed. As an example, it is common for children who experience trauma in childhood to internalize the trauma and create fear-based rules for thinking and behaving. If these wounds aren't healed, their fears carry over into adulthood.
They attempt to avoid any potentially harmful situation that they associate with their past hurts. As you can imagine, this way of living holds them back from achieving success in life.
Here's the thing… everything that you think and feel is a direct result of a meaning that you attach to an experience. Your reality is unique to YOU. Everything in life is neutral until you show up and decide what it means to you. I know this may be hard to accept, but it's true. It's easy to forget that we are in control of how we think and feel.
If you define something as negative, that’s the message your brain receives and responds to by creating an emotional state to reinforce that reality. Once you expand your awareness and accept that you choose the meaning that you give to all things in your life, you give yourself the power to decide your emotional state.
In the words of Tony Robbins, “Nothing in life has any meaning other than the meaning you give it.”
If you perceive things that happen to you in life as failures you will get caught up in the negative emotions associated with that. This is a surefire way to spiral and stay stuck in one place. When you change the meaning that you give to something, you change your life. In short, meaning is everything.
One of the most famous “failures” of all time was Thomas Edison. He “failed” over 10,000 times before he successfully invented the lightbulb. He realized that every failed attempt provided him with invaluable lessons, new discoveries, and opportunities for growth. In many ways, he succeeded BECAUSE he failed.
The Key To Never Failing Again
The key to what I like to call “failing forward” is twofold.
First, you need to realize that failure does not exist. Once you accept that truth, failure loses its power over you. Second, never forget that, in every experience of life, there are incredible opportunities for growth. Failures are merely lessons to learn from.
It sounds counterintuitive, but the more that you fail, the closer you are to achieving the success that you desire. Don't think in terms of limitations. Rather, think in terms of possibilities. This mindset shift will catapult your growth. What can you learn from your failures? Look for the assets that will move the needle forward.
I believe that everything in life happens for a reason. Your challenges are presenting you with an opportunity to become stronger. If everything in life happened the way that you thought it would, you would be bored out of your mind. You would be constantly seeking variety.
Every time that you experience something in life, whether it's good or bad, I encourage you to ask yourself, “What did I learn from this?” When you take this approach, you will start to embrace failure and make it work in your favor.
THIS is how to never fail at anything ever again.
Loss is merely an illusion. You cannot always control what happens in life. However, you can always control how you interpret and respond to what happens to you. If you can master this, you will never have to worry about failure.
Every experience will become a blessing, which will contribute to your success. In the words of Wayne Dyer, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
Now is the time to get real with yourself… Why are you afraid of failure? Get curious. The truth will always set you free.
Do you want to transform your fear into a powerful plan of action? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE online business quiz to find out which business is best for you!