Are you ready to enjoy life more? If so, it's time to let go of control and start trusting the process.
If you want to reach your desired destination, it is imperative that you surrender to the process, no matter how difficult it is.
Unfortunately, a lot of people get obsessed with the final outcome and forget about the journey altogether. Not surprisingly, they give up when things get tough.
Don't allow fear to get in the way of your success. By allowing life to reveal itself to you, you will live more in the present moment. That's where the magic lies.
Watch the video below where I talk about how to overcome the fear of starting a business:
(Click here to watch on YouTube)
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What is stopping you from trusting the process?
For a lot of people, fear can play a huge role in this resistance. Fear is a natural response to life – fear about money, relationships, health, career. The list goes on and on. You may not realize it, but your brain is wired to always be on the lookout for potential threats to your safety. Research shows that the “fight, flight, freeze” message it sends to the body is still operating on that hair-trigger response to your surroundings.
Despite this, you cannot use this as an excuse to not try. Don't allow fear to control every decision that you make in life. I see too many people that allow fear to stop them from following their dreams, achieving their goals, or making changes in their lives. In short, they give in to fear's grip and accept whatever is given to them. Here's the thing… failure is a critical component to achieving success in life. If you're not failing, that means that you're not trying hard enough.
When it comes to achieving goals, don't get caught up in the need for things to happen right away. This mentality is what causes a lot of people to give up altogether. If you want to experience success in life, you cannot dabble. Instead, you've got to be willing to go all-in.
Why? Because the journey to success is never linear. It's a bumpy road with a lot of unexpected twists and turns. If you are constantly chasing shiny objects and searching for the next best thing, you are going to miss out on a whole lot of life. In today's fast-paced world, the more people have, the more they want. This creates a messy downward spiral of discontentment.
Living for tomorrow doesn't create long-lasting happiness.
I'm not saying that it's not important to dream big and get excited about what is yet to come, but if you are too future-focused, you won't win the race. Let go of the need to control the outcome. Success doesn't happen in the blink of an eye. Great achievements take time, patience and sacrifice. This is why you've got to be a master who flows with life instead of resisting every obstacle that comes your way.
In his best-selling book, The Secret Of Letting Go, Guy Finley says, “Any moment you feel resistance or pain, look for, and then let go of, the hidden expectation. Practice giving yourself over to what you don't want. Let the nervousness make you shake. Be where your body is, not where your mind is trying to take you.”
Trusting the process is a journey in and of itself. What would happen if you started to embrace change, be okay with the unknown and stopped trying to control everything? That may sound like a lot, but it comes down to a decision. A decision to commit to the process.
You may not realize it but you are exactly where you need to be. Sit with that and let it sink in. Let's explore 4 ways that you can let go of control and trust the process, which will, in turn, allow you to enjoy life more.
1. Embrace The Unknown
By nature, humans dislike ambiguity of any kind. Anything that doesn't feel safe, stable and comfortable feels dangerous. In his book, Nonsense: The Power Of Not Knowing, Jamie Holmes explores the notion that people have an impulse to want to understand, reach conclusions, and take control. In his words, “Not knowing doesn't leave us without a compass, in some relativist neither land. Owning our uncertainty makes us kinder, more creative, and more alive.” There is power in the unpredictable.
When everything is predictable, you end up living your life based on a series of familiar patterns. Hence, you end up attracting the exact same experiences over and over again. This way of living only ends up shutting you off from the many possibilities that life offers. If you want to grow, you can't be safe. This is why you need to learn how to embrace the unknown and get comfortable being uncomfortable.
The fact of the matter is that we don't know what life will present us with. All that we can do is be open to what life has to offer and trust that life is happening for you, not to you. Be okay with not always knowing how things are going to work out. All that you have control over is your emotional state. Focus on that and you will thrive.
2. Live On Purpose
When in doubt, focus on your purpose. Trusting the process is about not dwelling on the challenges that will occur on your journey to success. Rather, it's about having belief and faith that every lesson is bringing you one step closer to living in alignment with your purpose in life. The problem is that a lot of people get caught in the trap of achievement.
If you aren't careful, achievement can become very addictive, to the point where it is easily mistaken for fulfillment and happiness. In my experience, achievement without fulfillment leaves you feeling lost and sad. Early on in my career, there was a point where I was making a lot of money but I wasn't happy because I wasn't doing meaningful work. My identity was attached to what I did for a living, instead of who I was. When I finally found my purpose the game changed.
You have a gift that is unique to you.
You didn't have to achieve anything in order to access this state. Unfortunately, I hear a lot of people tell me that they can't find their life purpose. Here's the problem. It isn't something that you need to find. Rather, your purpose is something that finds you, but in order for that to happen, you have to be open to it. It's the inner voice that is begging you to listen.
Don't get caught up on needing to know where your purpose will lead you. That is just your ego trying to control the direction of your life will take. Just find something that makes you come alive inside and allow life to unfold without worrying about the outcome. If you can trust the process of becoming the best version of yourself and live every day on purpose, you will be supported in the most beautiful of ways.
3. Practice Gratitude
Our perspective on life dictates the thoughts that we feel and the decisions that we make. Oftentimes, it's the need for wanting more that causes a lot of people to live their lives from a place of lack. If you don't think that there is enough of anything in your world, naturally you will assume that this is a normal way of life. The line of thinking is, “Life is hard.”
What is worst, this mentality takes people away from the present moment, where the good resides. This is why it's so important to express gratitude for yourself and others. When you do so, it's a way of thanking the Universe for supporting you, which allows you to soften into your life instead of feeling like you need to control everything in it.
Let's face it… there are some things in life that we cannot change. However, we always have control over our state. Research shows that feeling grateful has been associated with less frequent negative emotions and thoughts, more frequent positive emotions, greater meaning in life, more positive coping, and a great appreciation for life. What are you thankful for?
Make gratitude a daily practice. The more gratitude that you show, the more that you will enjoy your life. It's that simple. The next time that something isn't going as planned, step back, take a deep breath and remember how blessed you are.
4. Stay In The Here and Now
People are always worrying and planning for the next thing that's going to happen in their lives. Too much time is spent lost in thought, reliving old memories, or daydreaming about what could be. There is only one place where you have any control over and that's in the present moment, so why bother ruminating about what hasn't even happened yet? Where you currently are is more than enough. You don't need to go anywhere else.
A great way to be more present is to start your day slowly, which is where a morning ritual is helpful. Instead of diving into your day and getting stuck in negative thought loops, find stillness in simple activities that allow you to connect with yourself on a deeper level.
This could be in the form of meditating, drinking hot water with lemon, walking in nature, reading a book, or reciting mantras to yourself. As Buddha once said, “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”
You cannot stop your thoughts from happening, However, you can become more mindful of them. Become an observer of your thoughts, acknowledging that they come and go. This is a great way to calm the inner chatter that tries to take you away from the present moment. The reality is that true happiness in life isn't found through achievement. Rather, it's about being comfortable in the here and now and finding beauty in the simple things in life.
Slow down and enjoy life to the fullest.
If you can slow down and allow life to unfold instead of controlling everything, the Universe will reward you for it. As Emmanuel Teney says, “As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit.” When you are able to master the process, the results come naturally.
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