Do you want to know how to transform your body?
Body transformation is something that I am very familiar with.
There was once a stage in my life where I was very skinny and scrawny. I was about 130 pounds and I used to get picked on a lot in school.
At another stage of my life, I was really overweight and developed a binge eating disorder.
I want to share with you how I was able to transform my body and get it to a healthy and peak condition. Keep reading to discover how I did it!
Watch the video below:
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[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/1955418-plm-732-how-to-transform-your-body-my-workout-routine-mindset.mp3″ background=”default” ]
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Your body is a temple.
This is why it's so important that you take care of it. It's the only place that you have to live. I've always been passionate about health and fitness. Back in 2012 and 2014, I competed in fitness competitions. As you can imagine, there was a lot of training involved. During that time, I was hands down, in the best shape of my life.
However, my transformation was deeper than just how I looked on the outside. The real transformation that I experienced was on the inside. I gained so much more confidence and self-esteem and I developed an unwavering amount of willpower and self-discipline.
The beautiful thing about these character traits is that they can be transferred to every area of your life. Lastly, I developed so much energy, vitality, and radiance. However, I experienced a lot of challenges along the way.
I want to share with you my journey with health and fitness.
I got into fitness when I was 18 years old because I was insecure about myself and my body. I believed that by being “bigger” I would attract more women into my life and gain more respect from other men. The irony is that having bigger biceps doesn't necessarily make you a more attractive person. What makes you attractive to others is the personal power and confidence that you gain from taking care of your body.
I started lifting weights. At this stage of my life, my goal was to build muscle. Hence, I was eating everything that I possibly could. I would consume 1,000 calorie protein shakes every day. The challenge that I faced was that I had a very fast metabolism. I knew a lot about fitness, but unfortunately, I didn't know anything about health. By consuming enough calories and working out a lot, I was able to get bigger.
Unfortunately, I ended up gaining a lot of fat in the process. I was 180 pounds. Luckily, I was able to convert my pain into motivation and it drove me to change my body. But that was only for the short-term. My motivation soon dwindled. I soon learned that the only thing that makes motivation sustainable is when you associate pleasure to the process of eating healthy and working out.
In 2012, I wanted to take my fitness to the next level, so I decided to hire a life coach.
He told me that if I really wanted to transform my body, I had to enter a fitness competition which would motivate me to train for six months. He believed that this is what would hold me personally accountable for following through with my health goals. I didn't care about winning a trophy. It was the person whom I was going to become along the way that mattered most. In my eyes, that was going to be my ultimate form of accomplishment.
I was able to accomplish my goal, but it was a huge sacrifice to my health. Unfortunately, at the time, I didn't realize it because I didn't understand the principles of health. I was depriving myself of so many calories that I ended up developing a binge eating disorder. On a given day, I was consuming 10,000 calories.
I was constantly trying to bounce back with cardio and weightlifting. It was a toxic cycle. Luckily, I was able to overcome this disorder. In 2014, I competed in a second fitness competition but did it in a more healthy way.
Today, fitness is still very important to me, but health trumps everything. My focus is on having strength, energy and endurance. I believe that energy is the ultimate advantage of life. You can do this through the foods that you eat and how you train and exercise.
Here is my workout routine & mindset.
I weightlift for five days per week. It's great for sculpting my body. On Monday I do chest, on Tuesday I do back, on Wednesday I do shoulders, on Thursday I do arms, and on Friday I do legs. On the weekends I rest or repeat the process.
My workout sessions are 45 minutes to one hour in length. I do six exercises, four body parts, and four-sets per exercise. My rep range is 8-12. If I really want to tone out my muscles and be in a more fat-burning zone, I take a lower rest time between my sets.
The challenge with weight training is that you build a lot of acid in your body and you can tear a lot of your muscle fibers. The consequence is that you are robbed of energy. Hence, you end up needing more sleep and you may feel more sluggish throughout the day. Lastly, weight training will inhibit your flexibility.
This is why I like to balance weightlifting with activities that give me energy. Hence, this is why my diet is very important to me. I eat a lot of live and alkalizing food which helps to clear out the acid from my body. In terms of liquids, I drink 1-2 cold pressed organic green juices every day and a lot of ionized water.
I also enjoy doing aerobic-related exercise, like jogging 3 times per week. This type of exercise increases my oxygen capacity, which gives me the energy that I need in order to crush it every single day.
A great health hack that I've been doing is intermittent fasting.
When I fast, I do it for 14-16 hours.
By doing this, your body burns off fat. You end up consuming fewer calories because you're eating fewer meals throughout the day. Fasting has been shown to improve biomarkers of disease, reduce oxidative stress and preserve learning and memory functioning. I fast certain times throughout the year. I'm a big believer in shocking the body so that it is able to adapt. Fasting gives me an insane amount of energy.
I also love doing a ketogenic diet at certain times throughout the year. I do this when I want to train my body to burn fat for energy rather than carbohydrates. A lot of people are burning carbs as a source of fuel and energy. Burning fat is like burning coals, in that it's more sustainable. When you train your body to burn fat instead of carbs and you're using ketones, your body has more stable energy levels.
If you really want to change your body, there are certain belief systems that you need to adopt. Two of the top affirmations that I recite to myself on a daily basis are – “Nothing tastes as good as healthy and fit feels” and “I eat to fuel my body, not to satisfy an appetite.” If you're struggling to transform your body, get clear on what your reason is for doing so.
This is how to transform your body.
My workout routine and mindset set me up to win. I hope that my story has inspired you to optimize your health. My body is my temple. Every time that I exercise or eat healthily, I am telling myself that I love and respect my body. I encourage you to do the same. If you want to be unstoppable in every area of your life, your health needs to be your top priority.
Are you ready to get in the best shape of your life?
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