I want to help you fix your money problems once and for all.
If you're struggling financially, you're not alone. We are living in very uncertain times. The pandemic has created financial insecurity for a lot of people.
In the week that COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, U.S. unemployment increased by 1.4 million people. Thirty-three percent of Americans reported that due to COVID-19 they or someone in their household had lost a job, taken a pay cut, or both.
Despite the current economic reality, the good news is that there is a way to bounce back from your financial troubles.
I don't want you to ever be in a position where you have no money in the bank. If you're ready to take back control of your finances once and for all, keep reading…
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Are you ready to discover how you can change your money beliefs and master your finances? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!
I know what it feels like to have money problems.
There was once a time in my life when I struggled financially. I was in my early 20's and I got into a lot of credit card debt. It got so bad that I had to get rid of my apartment and live on my friend's couch for one year. I sold my beat-up Honda Civic and started taking the bus to work.
I didn't want to make these sacrifices, but I was forced to humble myself. I'm not going to lie, it was painful. However, these sacrifices were necessary if I wanted to get out of debt. If you keep doing what you've always done, you will keep getting what you've always gotten. I learned that hard rule, fast.
If you believe that you're a victim of your circumstances, you will have no power to change your circumstances. I don't want you to be a victim. Rather, I want you to be a victor. Instead of dwelling on what you can't control, focus on what you can control. I know from personal experience that when YOU change, everything in your life will change too.
If you're in dire financial circumstances right now, it's important for you to understand that there are people who are in similar circumstances to yourself who have financial security.
These people weren't born with a silver spoon in their mouth.
Rather, they built their success from the ground up. Their values and money beliefs contributed to decisions that allowed them to be in a better financial situation. I've always believed that the truth will set you free. Use this knowledge as fuel to motivate you.
Changing your financial situation starts and ends with self-awareness. I became a millionaire because I was willing to get real with myself and admit where I was falling short. More importantly, I was willing to make the necessary changes. Let's explore four reasons why you may be financially struggling right now.
1. You Are Young
If you're young, chances are that you haven't been in the workplace long enough to accumulate a lot of money. If you're in this situation, don't let this reason hold you back from becoming financially secure. I believe that one of the most important characteristics that we need to cultivate at a young age is work ethic. A work ethic is a set of values based on the ideals of hard work and discipline.
A lot of parents shelter their kids because they don't want them to experience pain. Don't get me wrong, the intention is beautiful. However, as parents, we have a responsibility to prepare our children for the realities of life. It's not all butterflies and rainbows. The current state of the world proves this point well.
Children who are sheltered by their parents are more likely to struggle through adversity as adults. They aren't given the tools to build their resilience at a young age. This is why cultivating a strong work ethic at a young age is invaluable. When you use your work ethic to contribute to the world in some way, you naturally build a sense of confidence, pride, and independence.
Your greatest asset is your youth. Start saving and investing money when you're young. When you have time on your side it's incredible where you can end up in your 40's and 50's. Commit to adopting healthy money habits, build your skill set, and learn the importance of adding value through the work that you do. if you can do that, you'll set yourself up to win in the future.
2. You Don't Come From Privilege
If you have a computer, you have access to a powerful tool that can change your life if you use it to get ahead in life. We live in a global economy. You are no longer limited to having a job in your local city. Today, you can cultivate skills and work for companies anywhere in the world. There are many companies that are looking to hire people overseas.
However, if you want to take advantage of these opportunities you must be willing to develop the skills of the future. This will require that you adapt and upgrade your current knowledge. Right now there are a lot of companies that are making the transition from offline to online.
They need help with things like copywriting, SEO, graphic design, email marketing, video editing, funnel creation, web design, etc. If you don't grow and evolve, you will get left behind. The Internet is the future, so leverage it!
3. You Have A Disempowering Mindset
A huge reason why a lot of people get stuck financially is because of their impulsive buying decisions. They spend their money on luxuries instead of necessities. Their focus is on short-term gratification at the expense of their future.
If you're living paycheck to paycheck, you do not have the luxury to spend money frivolously. Strive to delay gratification. Get on top of your finances. Start tracking what's coming in and what's going out.
One habit that you can implement in your daily life is to create a money management spreadsheet. Go through your online banking transactions every week and determine what you're spending money on. You don't want to be unsure why you have no money in your bank account. Bring awareness to the issue and shift your money mindset.
4. Your Self-Limiting Money Beliefs
Your money beliefs first developed in childhood and were passed down from your parents. What did your parents teach you about money? How have those beliefs affected your financial decisions as an adult? As long as you hold onto the limiting beliefs that prevent you from having money, you'll never have money.
We all have different interpretations and associations with the word, “money.” However, money is neutral. It's not until we show up that we make it mean something (ie. money is good vs. money is bad). You can reprogram your beliefs around wealth and create the financial abundance that you've always desired. When you change your beliefs about anything, you end up changing your entire life.
You have the power to fix your money problems once and for all.
From this day onwards, commit to building good money habits and make new decisions that will help you improve your financial situation. Focus on solving the core issue that is causing you financial troubles in the first place. Once you build the qualities of success, you'll be ready to take advantage of the abundant opportunities that exist in the world.
Are you ready to discover how you can change your money beliefs and master your finances? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!