Do you know how to instantly persuade people?
If not, that is exactly what my friend, Dan Lok is going to show you how to do. He is an expert in this area, which has given him the title of The King of High-Ticket Sales.
The art of persuasion is a powerful tool that every entrepreneur should master. Persuasion is getting people to do things that are in their own best interest, but that also benefit you.
Ready to discover how you can boost your persuasion skills? Listen to Dan Lok!
Watch the video below:
(Click here to watch on YouTube)
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Do you know how to instantly persuade people?
Communication through persuasion gets results. However, it's important to understand that persuasion is not the same as manipulation. Manipulation is all about getting someone to do something that solely interests you. However, persuasion is about getting someone to do something that is mutually beneficial to both of you.
If you want to be successful in the business world, you need to create relationships with people that are built off of trust, likeability, and reciprocity. Business relationships thrive when each person gives to the other person.
The Law of Reciprocity is the universal human tendency in human beings to feel compelled to repay or reciprocate when given a gift, whether it has come in the form of a material object, a kind deed or an act of generosity. In our interview, Dan Lok shares his personal strategies for how to instantly persuade people and close successfully. Let's dive in!
Why is it important for people to learn how to master persuasion, influence, and sales?
Everything that you want in life, whether it's money, resources, fulfillment, success, achievement, or capital, someone else already has it. All you need to do is be able to communicate, persuade and influence them to give you their knowledge. There are only two types of salespeople in this world – those who get what they want and those who don't get what they want.
What is the most important strategy to master when it comes to persuasion and influence?
When a lot of people think of the word, salesperson, they envision someone who is aggressive and pushy. It's always a negative association. The number one way to persuade or influence someone is to make sure that you don't sound, act and talk like a typical salesperson.
If you want to persuade people, you have to close with your ears, not your mouth.
I encourage you to ask very profound questions. Instead of forcing your product onto someone, I believe it's more powerful to turn the prospect into the salesperson.
How important do you think it is to believe in the product that you are selling?
If you don't believe in what you sell, then you shouldn't be selling it. End of story. There are plenty of other ways to make money. However, if you truly believe that your service will help people, then it's your obligation to get it out into the world. If you want to change someone's life, you have to first get their financial commitment. Only then can you get them to commit physically and emotionally.
Now is the time to become a person of influence.
If you want to get people on your side, you've got to learn how to use the skill of persuasion to your advantage. This will require that you put aside your own needs and instead focus on what the other person is saying. Are you ready to master the art of persuasion?
Ready to discover the fastest way to make an extra $100,000 to $500,000 a year without cold-calling? CLICK HERE to register for my FREE masterclass!