Finding your purpose in life is the key to unlocking a world of happiness and meaning.
We've all been given the gift of life, for free. We didn't have to achieve anything or become anyone in order to get it. As human beings, I believe that it is our responsibility to find our purpose and do something with this amazing life that we have been given.
We each have our own unique gifts and abilities. Some of us are already living our purpose, some of us have locked it away, while others are still searching for it.
Nobody is you, and that is your power. If you don't share your gifts, you are doing a disservice to yourself and the world. In the words of Edo, “We've all been given a gift, the gift of life. What we do with our lives is our gift back.”
Are you ready to learn 5 ways that you can find your purpose in life?
Watch the video below:
(Click here to watch on YouTube)
[smart_track_player url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/765196-plm-596-how-to-find-your-purpose-in-life.mp3″ background=”default” ]
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A purpose driven life is the only life worth living.
At some point in our lives, all of us are faced with the question, “Why am I here and what is the meaning of life?” This question makes a lot of people feel overwhelmed. They end up searching tirelessly for the answer to this question, and when they don't find it they give up. They choose a life of mediocrity instead of living the life that their soul intended for.
In his book, Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work that Matters, Jon Acuff states that, “People are mistaken when they think chasing your dreams is a selfish thing to do. As if perhaps being average is an act of Humility. As if perhaps wasting talents you were given is proof that you’re a considerate individual. It’s not.”
What is the point of life?
A study found that individuals with high levels of eudemonic well-being — which involves having a sense of purpose along with a sense of control — tend to live longer. Life is meant to be lived. We aren't here merely to survive. Rather, we are here to thrive. If there was any reason why you should find your purpose, living a long and happy life should be the fuel that drives you.
I’ve coached hundreds of people about how to find their life's purpose. I have found one constant that is the same amongst all of them, and that is that we all have a life purpose. Unfortunately, a lot of people lack the courage to embody it.
They wake up, go to a 9-5 that they hate. They put in 60 hours of work per week for a paycheck so that they can buy shit that they don't need. The only time that they feel good is when they receive short-term gratification from the act of purchasing a material possession. This is not a happy life. Trust me, I used to be in the rat race.
If you don't feel excited and passionate about life every single day, then something needs to change. Don't be the person that wakes up unhappy, dreading the day ahead of you.
If you aren't aligned with the path that you are currently on, go in a different direction. That is the beauty of life. At any given moment, we can choose to re-write our story. Only you know what that will look like. It starts with trusting yourself, going inward, and doing some deep soul searching.
Here are 5 ways that you can start finding your purpose in life.
1. Stop Looking For Your Purpose And Start Living It
This statement may not feel like it makes any sense. How can you find your purpose without looking for it? In my opinion, this is the only way that you find it. Get out of your head and stop thinking, “What is my reason for being on this planet?” This is where people get stuck. They spend too much time and energy thinking their way into finding their purpose in life. I believe that you've got to feel into it.
Sometimes we get stunted by the paradox of choice; when there are so many choices, it's easy to become overwhelmed and end up choosing nothing at all. Don't fall into this trap. Try different things and see how they make you feel. You will never know unless you try something.
In the words of Seth Godin, “This isn’t about waiting for the right answer, because there is no right answer. There are challenges we can sign up for and emotions we can experience. If we wait around for the right answer we’ll be waiting around forever.” If you really want to achieve your potential in life, stop searching for purpose and start living on purpose. That is where the magic lies.
2. Drop Out Of Your Head And Into Your Heart
Your heart is the seat of your intuition. When all else fails, tap into your heart intelligence. It is your best tool for accessing and harnessing your purpose in life. What makes you come alive inside? Feel into that and embrace it. A lot of people ignore their intuitive self. They live their lives trapped within their minds. As a result, they become disconnected from anything and everything that inspires them.
If you live in your head, your inner critic will be free to run wild. It will tell you that you can't do what you love because you don't have what it takes to achieve your goals. Don't buy into this story. If you allow it to, fear will take over and before you know it, you will have completely lost sight of the things that make you happy. If you don't become the master of your mind, it will become the master of you. Choose wisely.
Always be asking yourself, “What inspires me? Connect to that place, on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. If you pay attention, you will start to discover something that aligns with your soul's purpose. When in doubt, get out of your head and lead with your heart. By doing what you love, you will inspire others to do the same. There is no greater gift that you can give to someone.
3. Write A Life Purpose Statement
Writing out a life purpose statement is a way of capturing, in words, what it is that you are here to do. It answers the question, “What makes me get out of bed in the morning?” When we are too in our head, it's hard to access our creative mind.
This is why writing is so powerful. It provides the “aha” moments that we have been looking for that may have been dormant in our unconscious mind without our knowledge.
Think of a life purpose statement as a roadmap that helps guide you in the direction of your goals. I remind myself of my purpose on a daily basis and read my statement out loud to myself. Whenever I do, I get a rush of excitement because I use a lot of energy and emotion when I voice it.
Doing so helps ensure that my words become a part of who my identity. My statement is such an integral part of my life that it is framed on my wall. If there were no limits to your life, what would you do? Write it out and do the work to make those words a part of your reality.
4. Create A Vision Board
A vision board is a powerful tool for manifesting your life's purpose. It allows you to focus on and visualize your ideal future through the use of images and words. By repeatedly visualizing an event, situation, object, or person, you command your subconscious mind that THIS is what you want and this is what it must take to achieve it.
When it comes to creating a vision board, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to doing it. I encourage you to let your imagination run wild and do the work for you. Keep in mind that your vision can change over time, as can your purpose.
All that matters is that you look at your vision board every single day and imagine that you already have all of the things that you desire. I do this as part of my morning ritual. It is an activity that continues to motivate me to achieve my goals and live in alignment with my purpose.
Create a vision that makes you jump out of bed in the morning. In the words of Christine Kane, “Vision boards add clarity to your desires and feelings to your visions.”
5. Take Action
Once you have gained more clarity around what your purpose in life is, you need to start leaning into it. Nothing will work unless you do. Start living your purpose every day, even if it's just in small doses. Start to pay attention to how it feels when you make baby steps. If you are scared, use that emotion as leverage to continue propelling you forward. The trick is to shift your mindset and transform fear into excitement.
I always feel my fear and do it anyways. It is one of the reasons why I've been able to achieve so much success in my life. If you don't step out of your comfort zone, you will never be able to tap into the infinite potential that resides inside of you.
Life is whatever YOU want it to be. Don't let anyone decide how you should live your life. There is a sleeping giant that is lying dormant inside of you, waiting to be unleashed out into the world. However, you've got to the take the first step and be willing to dive into the unknown. Nobody will ever know how awesome you really are if you don't show them.
Break down your goals into small actions and take one step every day in the direction of your dreams. Let go of the need to be perfect and start today! Now is the time to take control of your destiny.
Life isn't going to stop moving, so you better start moving with it or you will get left behind. In the words of Steve Maraboli, “Take action! An inch of movement will bring you closer to your goals than a mile of intention.”
Sometimes we need someone to come along and remind us what we already know in order for us to wake up and take action. Once you do, your dreams start to become a reality.
Finding your purpose in life isn’t the end goal. It’s the beginning of a life-long journey.
Every day is a brand new opportunity to create the life that you want and become the person that you desire to be, while fully enjoying the process.
When you “find your why” and start living on purpose, life takes on a whole new meaning. You feel happy, fulfilled, and free. Is there any better feeling in this world?
Are you ready to learn how to succeed faster and master every area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!
Do you want to learn 3 signs that you aren't living your purpose in life? CLICK HERE to read the article that I wrote on Medium!