Are you ready to find and attract your soulmate?
I believe that we all have a desire to experience love and connection.
My relationship with my fiancée, Tatiana is the most important thing in my life. No amount of money or success even comes close to the joy and happiness that she brings to my life.
In the words of Alexander Smith, “Love is but the discovery of ourselves in another, and the delight in the recognition.”
Your soulmate is looking for you. Are you open to finding and attracting him or her into your life? If so, I want to show you how.
Watch the video below:
(Click here to watch on YouTube)
[smart_track_player url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/2753950-plm-759-how-to-find-and-attract-your-soulmate.mp3″ background=”default” ]
Are you ready for an in-depth discovery of how you can find and attract your soulmate and build an amazing relationship? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!
Do you have the desire to live the laptop lifestyle? CLICK HERE to subscribe to Tatiana's YouTube Channel for inspiring content on how you can make your entrepreneurial dreams come true!
When you've found your soulmate, you know.
A soulmate is someone who is aligned with your soul and is sent to challenge, awaken and stir different parts of you in order for your soul to transcend to a higher level of consciousness. In my eyes, a soulmate is a symbol of ultimate spiritual growth. I beleive that we attract people into our lives for the purpose of our expansion.
When you're in a relationship, your deepest fears and insecurities show up. Unfortunately, when this happens, a lot of people build up emotional walls. They close off their hearts to love. In turn, these old wounds end up preventing them from finding their soulmate.
From an early age, I was looking for a special person to spend my life with. However, I wasn't always lucky in love. When I was 17 years old, I got into the self-development world because I was shy and insecure. At that stage of my life, my entire focus was on finding a girlfriend. I spent most of my early 20's single. When you have a deep desire for connection and love it can be frustrating when you keep coming up short. However, what's most important is that you don't give up.
I want to share with you the process that I went through for finding and attracting my soulmate. In doing so, I hope that it will inspire you, knowing that your person is out there, looking for you too.
1. Get clear on what you want
Start with getting clear on what your core values are in life. Make a list of the qualities that you want in a partner and determine which ones are non-negotiable. In a relationship, you don't need to agree on everything, but if there is a misalignment in values, conflict will ensue.
If you're single, use Valentine's Day as an opportunity to get clarity on the type of woman or man that you want to attract into your life. Creating a vision for who your ideal person is will make the process of finding him/her that much more exciting.
2. Determine who you need to become to attract your soulmate
Once you've determined the type of person you want to attract into your life, now you need to determine who you need to be in order to attract him/her. This is why it's so important to do the work to evolve and become the best version of yourself. You attract what you are.
We attract people at our common level of woundedness or our common level of health. Hence, if you keep bouncing from one failed relationship to another, you need to get real with yourself and determine the ways in which you aren't showing up. When you improve yourself and take responsibility for your life, you start attracting higher quality people into your world.
3. Understand your nature
Before you can attract a soulmate into your life you need to understand what your true nature is. All of us have masculine and feminine energy. We embody these energies at different times, depending on what we are doing. However, we all feel more aligned to one type of energy over the other.
Your inner-masculine gets activated when you're taking charge and focused on your goals. Conversely, your inner-feminine is heightened when you're creating art, feeling emotions, and living in the flow of life. Whatever energy that you relate to the most is the one that you need to predominantly express when you are looking for a partner.
For years I struggled with being in my masculine because I was a very emotional and sensitive man. However, I soon realized that I wasn't able to attract a woman into my life because I wasn't embodying enough of my masculine energy. I forced myself to engage in activities that allowed me to tap into my masculine side.
When I did this, not surprisingly I became more attractive to women. Relationships thrive when there is a distinct polarity between the energies of two people. Hence, the more opposed two energies are, the higher the level of sexual attraction.
This is how to find and attract your soulmate.
Finding your soulmate is life is the ultimate reward. When you find the right person to spend your life with, nothing else will compare. Until then, I encourage you to focus on evolving and growing as a person. Think of how you can improve yourself and your life so that you are ready to invite a special someone into your life. You owe that to yourself and to your future soulmate.
Are you ready for an in-depth discovery of how you can find and attract your soulmate and build an amazing relationship? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!
Do you have the desire to live the laptop lifestyle? CLICK HERE to subscribe to Tatiana's YouTube Channel for inspiring content on how you can make your entrepreneurial dreams come true!