Tony Robbins has mastered the top 10 rules for success and fulfillment.
Many of you may be surprised to hear that Tony comes from humble beginnings. He wasn't handed success on a silver platter. Rather, he had to work for it.
At the age of 17, Tony Robbins left home. Instead of attending college, he began his career promoting the seminars of Jim Rohn.
Over the last four decades, Tony has become a best-selling author, philanthropist and the world's leading life and business strategist. He has inspired and transformed millions of people's lives, including my own.
Ready to discover the top 10 rules that have allowed him to master the psychology of success in every area of his life?
Watch the video below:
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Tony Robbins has mastered success.
If you've been trying to figure out how to achieve success but keep coming up short, Tony's 10 top rules for success will put your frustrations to rest. It's important to understand that success isn't an event. Rather, it's a process of becoming the best version of yourself.
The process is what frustrates a lot of people. It causes them to dabble and inevitably, give up. Success takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. If you want to achieve your goals, you have to focus on and trust the process. There are no shortcuts when it comes to mastering your life.
Let's explore how you can achieve lasting success and fulfillment by implementing Tony Robbins' top 10 rules for success and fulfillment.
1. Model Success
Success always leaves clues. Are you looking? If not, it's time to start! Learn and model the success strategies of people who have achieved what it is that you want. As Tony says, “If you want to achieve success, all you need to do is find a way to model those who have already succeeded.” This is exactly what he did.
When Tony was 17 years old he was flat out broke. However, he decided to invest in a $35 three-hour seminar with motivational speaker and coach, Jim Rohn. That decision to invest in himself ended up being one of the best decisions of his life.
Jim Rohn went on to be one of Tony's #1 mentors. Find someone who has achieved what it is that you want and take on their mindset, values, beliefs, and behaviors. This is what has allowed Tony Robbins to compress decades into days.
2. Make New Decisions
Ultimately, decisions shape your life. You are where you are today because of the decisions that you've made. The past is gone. If you aren't happy with the decisions you've made up to now, all that you can do is learn from your mistakes, move forward and commit to making better decisions. You are in control of your destiny. The only way that you can maximize your potential is by making new decisions.
Tony believes that, at any given moment, you can change your life by making a new decision. If you are currently on a path that isn't working for you, make a slight 10-degree shift. It may feel like nothing. However, in 5-10 years from now, that small shift has the power to alter the course of your entire life.
If you want to be the master of your life, you have to make good decisions on a consistent basis. It's not what you do once in a while that determines your success in life. Rather, it's the actions that you take every single day.
3. Take Massive Action
Tony believes that knowledge is not power. It's only potential power to the extent that it is being used. The real power lies in your ability to take massive action towards your goals. Execution will always trump knowledge. If all you do is set goals but don't have a plan for achieving them, you are merely wishing for success.
In his work, Tony Robbins talks a lot about the importance of creating a Massive Action Plan (MAP). He suggests that when you're creating your MAP, ask yourself, “How much”, “By when?” and “For what purpose?”
Just because you create a plan that doesn't mean that you are going to know every single step that you need to take in order to achieve your goal. A plan merely gives you a map of how you are going to reach your destination. The rest is up to you. What action are you going to take today that you've been putting off?
4. Raise Your Standards
Tony believes that you can't change your life unless you are willing to raise your standards. If you want more in life, you've got to expect more from yourself. In effect, you've got to turn your “shoulds” into “musts.” How many times have you told yourself what you “should” do? We all have a list of “shoulds.”
Research shows that, because so much of our behavior is driven by “shoulds,” we are losing our ability to distinguish what we really “want.” As a result, we fail to take action. Stop “shoulding” yourself! It's only when you fully commit to doing something that you are able to step into your power.
Tony says that the secret to success is learning how to leverage pain and pleasure, instead of having it use you. Ask yourself, “What are the negative consequences of not taking action?” Equally important, “What are the positive benefits that will come from taking action?”
5. Create An Hour Of Power Morning Ritual
You need to make sure that you take time every morning to nurture your mind, body, and spirit. Research shows that people whose performance peaks in the morning are better positioned for career success. Why? Because they are more proactive than people who are at their best in the evening. Your success in life depends, in large part, on your ability to maintain a proactive mindset.
There is no underestimating the power of a morning ritual. This is what allows you to take control of your own conditioning. By showing up for yourself, you are better able to show up for others. When I take the time to put myself into a powerful state of mind, I feel unstoppable. By starting your morning with an hour of power, you will be able to perform at the highest level throughout your entire day.
6. Resourcefulness Is The Ultimate Resource
Resources are always available. The only reason why people fail is that they lack resourcefulness. They don't believe that they have the time, energy, money or experience to achieve success. Tony says that resourcefulness is the ultimate resource.
Some of the most successful people in this world started their journey with no resources. However, they learned how to be resourceful along the way. When they couldn't find a way, they made the way. If you are creative enough, you will find the answer to anything. If you are determined enough, you will find the breakthrough. When you tap into and unleash your inner strength, creativity, and curiosity, there is no resource that you cannot obtain.
7. Constant and Never-Ending Improvement
Tony coined the acronym, CANI, which stands for constant and never-ending improvement. This concept originates from the Japanese philosophy of Kaizen, which means “good change.” In short, it is a mindset that focuses on self-improvement and growth.
If you want to become the master of your world, you can't stop learning in any aspect of your life. Tony argues that you can't have a standard education if you want to have an extraordinary life. As a society, he says that we need to change our psychology from, “I'm going to do what everyone else does” to “This is the greatest time to be alive because I can grow, educate, and develop my skills.”
Work harder on yourself than anything else. If you become more valuable, you will be able to give more, do more, and change more. As Warren Buffet says, “The best investment that you can make is in yourself.”
8. The Secret To Living Is Giving
Tony says that the secret to living is giving. He believes that, if you can give, even when you don't have the money to do so, scarcity will leave your life. His entire mission in life is based on contribution. Making an impact and adding value to peoples' lives brings him the greatest joy and fulfillment.
Tony built The Tony Robbins Foundation, a non-profit organization that was created to empower individuals and organizations to make a significant difference in the quality of life of people who have been forgotten. His organization has now fed millions of people around the world. It's fair to say that Tony is someone who sincerely cares about human beings.
Make the act of giving a must in your life. When you give, the rewards of doing so will be greater than you could have ever imagined. In the words of Tony himself, “Only those who have learned the power of sincere & selfless contribution experience life’s deepest joy: true fulfillment.”
9. Success Without Fulfillment Is Failure
How many of you have had those days where you achieved a massive goal and then your brain went, “Is this all there is?” There is no worse fate than when you achieve everything, yet you still aren't fulfilled. The human mind is not going to make you happy. It's up to you to create your happiness.
Unfortunately, a lot of people only strive for financial success. They think that by having more money, they will be happy. Tony taught me that you can have all the money in the world. However, if you aren't fulfilled, then you are a failure. As Tony says, “Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.”
Don't strive to solely master the science of achievement. Rather, strive to master the art of fulfillment. At the end of the day, the quality of your life comes down to the quality of the emotions that you consistently experience. If you can change your emotions, you can change your life.
10. Who You Spend Time With Is Who You Become
Tony Robbins believes that one of the most important decisions that you can ever make in your life is who you decide to spend your life with. Proximity is power. In his talks, he shares a powerful story about the time when he spoke to the U.S. Marines. They were deeply moved by what he had to say to them.
After his talk, the General approached him and said, “These Marines are currently living at the highest standard possible. However, when they leave this high-vibe environment and go back to their normal lives, their standards drop. The General asked Tony why he thought this happened. Tony's response to him was, “It is because people's lives are a direct reflection of the expectations of their peer group.”
When you are a part of an empowering ecosystem of people who are living life at a high level, you automatically raise your expectations. However, if you surround yourself with people who have low standards, you will follow suit. If you want to change your life, change who you spend time with.
These are Tony's top 10 rules for success and fulfillment.
Tony Robbins is living proof that his formula for success works. You deserve the opportunity to experience massive success in this lifetime. If you commit to learning and modeling the behaviors of super-successful people like Tony Robbins, I promise that you will accelerate your success tenfold.
In the words of Tony himself, “I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach and who walk their walk.”
Which of Tony's top 10 rules for success and fulfillment will you implement into your daily routine today?
Are you ready to turn what you already know into next level success and impact? CLICK HERE to join Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi’s Knowledge Broker Blueprint!